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Can this trend be reversed? SJWs


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“After careful consideration, I have decided that it will be best for our campus community if we reschedule Ben Shapiro’s appearance for a later date, so that we can arrange for him to appear as part of a group of speakers with differing viewpoints on diversity,” Covino allegedly wrote.

So on other words ganging up on the lone conservative with a panel of hand picked leftist to shout over him.

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“After careful consideration, I have decided that it will be best for our campus community if we reschedule Ben Shapiro’s appearance for a later date, so that we can arrange for him to appear as part of a group of speakers with differing viewpoints on diversity,” Covino allegedly wrote.

“Such an event will better represent our university’s dedication to the free exchange of ideas and the value of considering multiple viewpoints.”


so the free exchange of ideas can only take place with the limitations we impose. got it.


"Later that day in an interview with Breitbart News — a conservative publication where Shapiro is an editor-at-large — Shapiro says that because he pays California state taxes, he’s “paying for these whiny children to be indoctrinated by radical leftists,” later referring to liberals as “jackbooted thugs.”


he may not have won over any converts with this description, but he isn't wrong.

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If there's one thing you don't want to have on a university campus, it's a voice that goes against what a lot of people think/believe.  You in know why ever want to bring a voice like this on campus for fear that it might challenge the thinking of the students. 

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VIDEO: Black Student Union Members Assault Breitbart Journalist at Ben Shapiro Protest





Apparently the fire alarm was pulled within 20 minutes. They're now trying to get the president of the CSULA to resign.

What has Ben Shapiro done to make the BLM people so angry.I


The dude enrages so many because they can't actually refute what he says.

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"If this sort of thing happened during classes at this university, the kid who pulled the fire alarm would be off this campus so fast it would make your head spin," Shapiro said. "But not you out there, the protesters, the special magical leftist children protected from the consequences of living in the real world with my taxpayer dollars. You get to shut us down for disagreeing with your thug tactics and your nasty, pathetic, evil ideology."



Several students who protested the event said they felt Covino had thrust them into a tense confrontation with supporters of Shapiro and then showed a lack of support afterwards.


yea the people attending the speach were the ones causing confrontation lol

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“The space will give white people a chance to forgive one another and to support one another and to learn how to challenge one another,”she said.

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Entitled millennials are a headache for many business owners and execs. 


I have that as the new level of assists coming through and so many of them are shocked at the expectations of work product and they are to follow the system in place and not bring their own vision or flair. We fire flair. We fire people that take shortcuts, bypassing needed procedures so they can say they finished and go back to their social media. Many have that confused look on their face when confronted with the long term effects of their negligence as if they are not responsible in any way because they say it's too hard to do it the right way.

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Lots of things don't fit my worldview.  Again, for a guy who is complaining that people make assumptions, you make a lot of them.  I'm fine with folks, entities, that don't fit my worldview.


What is funny is the use of a clearly biased resource to try to make some kind of factual argument.  You don't see me posting Fox News op eds, and if I did I would expect blow back from it.

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What assumption did I make? You LOLed the Huffington Post, as if everything printed by them is a joke, which furthers my assumption that you have a relatively narrow filter of what views you will entertain, what you deem worthy of consideration.


As for "biased resources," can you please point me to one that isn't biased? And regardless of whether HP is biased, are you questioning whether or not white supremacists are rallying for Trump? Do you think the HP is lying about it or that they aren't actually white supremacists?


You continually look for something wrong in everything I say on this forum.

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