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Everything posted by Adam

  1. And his drive on #10 (I think) on Sunday at the US Open
  2. We don't like Furyk because he's a big pussy, especially on Sundays
  3. The lack of TV coverage is 100% on the Masters committee. They're a bunch of racist dicks.
  4. It really should be. I think, if Tiger keeps the ball out of the trees he could potentially run away with it. I would love to see a battle on Sunday with 2-3 big names. Rory and Tiger, Phil and Tiger, Oostie and Piercy
  5. A trip to the cages is a solid workout.
  6. Don is going to be a whore. I bet he invents AIDS this season
  7. I wish they played this tournament at a different point in the year and attracted more names. It is a pretty sweet track
  8. Glen is correct. Most people are void of any real principles.
  9. If I hear one more old person say "Let gay people marry. Why should they be any happier than the rest of us?" I will shoot Victor's Mom in the tatas.
  10. From last year to this year, his short game and wedges are sooooooooooo much better. You have to think he's good for at least 1
  11. I'm really starting to think the Wells deal was a bad one
  12. Thanks for the bogey on 18 Toyigah
  13. I won the Mile Square Facebook Pick-A-Pro Contest. Had Tiger (-13). Free Golf for me.
  14. I don't see any more "movements" in America. We are a reactionary culture now. The right got too (and is) gnar. We moved left. The left is destroying small business (at least that is the perception). We will move back right as business suffers.
  15. A concern... Tough to commit to a specific standing time each week based on all of our schedules.
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