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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I appreciate that he is a quick out and doesn't subject us to long at-bats resulting in poorly hit fly balls or flailing Ks
  2. I think I fixed it yesterday. My grip has steadily become weaker and weaker. I tweaked my right hand position and pressure a bit. Seems to have solved the problem...for now. Man, I putted well last Wednesday. 80 yards and in is where I generally have the most trouble.
  3. What a battle between he and Points. Birdie for Birdie the whole back 9. Awesome final round
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about the other players, especially since we're talking about the NBA. Considering that basketball players are well-rounded persons, financially and socially responsible adults with college educations, I expect nothing but support on and off the hardwood.
  5. I honestly cannot think if anything in my life that isn't good aside from my iron play and short game.
  6. I hope Shuck hits a pinch hit homer today so he can get this thread after the game
  7. Just Stop it, Obama. Just STOP IT!
  8. Holy handsome, Harang is a good looking man.
  9. I enjoy watching the Web.com/Nationwide Tour, especially late in the year when dudes are trying to qualify for the PGA Tour.
  10. I don't watch the Euro tour too much. The crowds are weak. They don't have a ton of production value going on. The weather usually sucks, and half the players are French
  11. Going to see Django this weekend. I think Tarantino is the cat's meow. Jackie Brown Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction Inglorious Basterds Kill Bill (I & II) Death Proof
  12. Roth was better than fine. He was dominant. Carpenter was getting squeezed hard. That K on Elvis was filthy.
  13. I hope Enright's promotion doesn't mean less of Roth and Carpenter. I liked what I saw from those two hurlers last night.
  14. His name is Larry, but Bruce called him Mike and Lar Bear
  15. Bruce and I played Golf yesterday with a dude who says the Boston bombing was a set-up by the US Gov't. And, the economy will tank in 6 months. Carry on.
  16. I think MatsuiLand/ToriiTown/Hamiltown should change its name to the Porta Potty
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