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Everything posted by m0nkey

  1. Nope, sorry. Don't remember anything listed in this thread
  2. If the lakers win out, they're in. They can probably lose one out of the remaining four, because I don't see that excellent Utah team going 3-0
  3. LTH still posts as LTH. I thought ballparknachos was nother, until he finally made an appearance.
  4. Did the indians already put myers in the bullpen?
  5. I like how the color guy for the rangers tries defending the call
  6. you used knotts to support your argument
  7. I use "LOL" if I think something is legitimately funny. I also use it if I'm debating/arguing something and the other side brings up something stupid. Haha is a polite laugh
  8. I kind of want to see weaver get rocked and see which joker here says "it was to be expected, other aces got beat up too."
  9. BJ hit his first of the year to tie the game, and Justin hit his second of the game, #5 of the year, to walk them off. Pretty cool
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