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Everything posted by m0nkey

  1. Not related but some clown at my school had castor beans in their room.
  2. If you can't do calculus, that's fine. But everyone should be able to do simple math without a calculator. I was in the library yesterday and there was this girl who was trying to figure out what times 9 equals 63. She guessed 9 at first, then 8. And I go to the same school as her
  3. The real question is, how is the boblehead?
  4. Damn, I guess this really is pujols' first signature moment with the team. Only took a year, Al. Though he did have those two homeruns in texas August 1 last year. I forgot how that game turned out
  5. Less than 30 innings of pro ball. Can't be worse than the clowns already up here
  6. That said, is there any way the lakers amnesty him and get under whatever the cap is?
  7. Still hate the lakers, but it definitely sucks to see an all time great go down near the end of his career. Kobe's been the big reason why the lakers are where they are this year after the train wreck of a beginning.
  8. I didn't get points for predicting more stinkage? trout 2-4 1k
  9. It happened to Mark Sweeney and the dodgers a few years ago
  10. I hate the dogs. They're right up there with the rangers. Just wish it happened to another one of their pitchers. Us awkward people have to stick together
  11. This happened back at home/my parents home, not at school. The lesson of the story is buy a gun anf always have it on you in case something like this were to happen with you there
  12. Damn, why couldn't it happen to another dodger? Don't hate the greinks. Bean the dude and lower your shoulder into him. That's how you do it. Without the broken clavicle, of course
  13. Some dickheads took a few g's worth in watches and 3 laptops. Nobody was home so at least no one got hurt. That is all
  14. The reall issue is why are ypu following trevor bell on Twitter
  15. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas. Or something like that
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