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Everything posted by AngelStew43

  1. Kershaw, Fernandez, King Felix. Cant go wrong with any of them. A position player besides Trout, I like Andrew McCutchen.
  2. Young over Ibanez. Please, no more 41 year old DH's.
  3. I think he's a Yankee. I hope our park and pitching environment can sway him, though. The loss of Cano and the overall age of the Yankees may work against them.
  4. I am going to miss the mammoth HR's Trumbo hits, but not the K's. I think we will be markedly better with Freese and Calhoun replacing Trumbo and Callaspo. i expect the Angels will get more HR's from the Freese/Calhoun pairing than Trumbo/Callaspo would have produced. Also, more doubles, and those are generally run producing hits.
  5. Before we traded for Freese, I thought Davidson would have been a good fit for us. Hits for average, good OBP, plays a premium position. Local guy, too. From Yucaipa.
  6. Those guys are too old, in my opinion. Too many chances to get injured. And I wouldn't touch Ibanez, because of his age alone. What about Casey Kotchman on a low risk, high reward deal? He could man 1B, and turn Albert into a DH.
  7. If he hits .280-.300 in SLC this year, we may have something. His swing is short and quick, which translates to success at any level.
  8. I'd rather we signed another C and used Conger as a DH. Ibanez is 41, and he's done. Cron would put up better numbers, by far.
  9. I'd pass on Garza and save that $$$$ to pay Trout. Weaver CJ Richards Skaggs Santiago We are still paying Blanton, and if we need another, we can use Shoemaker or Maronde.
  10. I like Santiago, especially the K/9 numbers. His overall numbers will be better in our park, which should help his win percentage . Skaggs, I hated giving him and Corbin for Haren in that deal. Happy to get him back. I am feeling that we don't need to pursue another FA starter, unless it is Tanaka. We could easily slot Shoemaker or Maronde in that role, or look to pick up someone at the end of spring training. And I am still hoping for Chad Billingsley, as the Dodgers don't seem to have a spot for him.
  11. I think we look a bit better rotation wise . How about keeping Matt Shoemaker in the Jerome Williams role? Shoemaker looked good in the couple of times he was out there.
  12. Some GM's out there understand that there were only 16 guys that made it to 30/100. Trumbo is one of them. Hence, his value is better than most stat heads can see.
  13. According to MLBTR, Cahill and Skaggs are being mentioned. I like Matt Davidson on the AZ side, blocked by Goldschmidt. Wonder if we could expand it to include him? Davidson has some pop, too. Not in Trumbo's class, but he's got power.
  14. Just my opinion, but I think we have relievers to trade. 1. Friere 2. Burnett 3. Smith 4. Salas 5. Jepsen 6. Kohn 7. De La Rosa Add a couple of the non roster gurs like Rapada, and I could easily see two or three pieces moved from the pen.
  15. I hope Shuck is traded while he still has some value. Perhaps we could package him with Kendrick and get some SP options in here.
  16. Saw enough of Green in the last month of the season to know he isn't the answer at 2B. Lindsey, ok.
  17. Last year was a good experience for Richards. I expect him to be better this season. Possibly a lot better.
  18. Seems the Dodgers dont have room for Billingsley in their rotation. Wonder what they would want for him?
  19. Don't you mean Weaver, Wilson, Richards, Black hole of utter dispair, Black hole of utter dispair?
  20. Cron is still blocked on this roster unless we deal Hamilton and Trumbo. A Howie/Cron package could net a number 2, if there are any available.
  21. I think we're all in on Tanaka. I really don't like the all of the eggs in one basket approach. If we come up short on Tanaka, one viable option, Hughes, is already off the board.
  22. I would trade Howie for a top flight starter. A number 2, to slot behind Weaver. I would also make a low ball offer to Mark Ellis to come in as Howie's replacement. One year only, or one and an option just long enough to keep the spot warm for Lindsey.
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