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Posts posted by Jobu

  1. On 11/16/2017 at 5:40 AM, nate said:

    I didn't buy the first Battlefront and won't be buying the second one for the same reason.  Even the first one cost you $200 in order to play all the DLC that was available within the first couple months.

    My GTX 970 died so I bought a new 1080 that came with a free copy of Destiny 2.  Looking forward to trying it out.




  2. 2 hours ago, Blarg said:

    I'm saying exploiting the moment 15 years later is dissengenuous. If the the women that went to his room after hours and we're not traumatized enough to file some complaint then, their actions now are exploitative and vicious. 

    Well reiterating the point that they did talk about it at the time and felt silenced, using the word "exploiting" makes it sound like there's something in it for them. I don't really see any evidence of that, and it's just as easy to speculate that they finally felt it wouldn't be career suicide to say negative things about an industry titan.

  3. I read it. It seems like you think that people shouldn't say true things that every party involved confirms happened.

    You also claim one party is facing repercussions (cut off income, destroyed career, destroyed family) that don't seem to be supported by anything. He lost some future work; it's been less than a week, no one knows about the rest of his career; I'm pretty sure none of us know his family.

    You also claim that none of these women said anything at the time. 


    But Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov said that when they told others about the incident in the Colorado hotel room, they heard that Louis C.K.’s manager was upset that they were talking about it openly. The women feared career repercussions.

    Overall, you seem to be conflating the women who told their stories and those that Louis CK has business dealings with who have decided they don't want to work with a creep. 

    So, again, what exactly is your issue with that?

  4. 2 hours ago, Blarg said:

    He was included in the #metoo thread. Yes, no charges have been filed and there is a good chance the statutes of limitations expired on the two groupies that went to the hotel after the show. That incident makes him creepy, not a criminal. The other incidents... Meh, still creepy but...

    The real shitty part of this is these women can destroy his career, cut off his income, wreck his family a decade later because they want to be part of a collective group witch hunt with absolutely no responsibility for what they are doing.

    At some point your life stories are only that if you didn't take action at the time. Punishing someone tremendously by destroying their career and family 10-25 years later by sounding off should actually cause an equal response. 

    And the industry needs to grow a pair and not overreact to an incident vs a crime.

    Louis admitted it was all true. What exactly is your issue?

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