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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. John Lackey and Mike Napoli just won a World Series for the Red Sox, and we're trying to find Mets players to trade for. WHAT IS THIS NIGHTMARE?!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?
  2. I hope Napoli sends a picture of himself flipping off the camera wearing his World Series ring to Scioscia.
  3. The last squirt onto the turd sandwich that was the 2013 baseball season.
  4. I need to whip out a reverse jinx. Congrats to the 2013 World Champion Red Sox. Way to go.
  5. Santana would probably have been our best pitcher last season, but 5/75 for a guy that inconsistent is laughable.
  6. I thought for sure Napoli was going to park one. Nice going Cards.
  7. I'm sure Lackey is going to be super professional to Breslow about this...
  8. That would be so amazing if Lackey takes the loss from the bench.
  9. If I ever have the misfortune of visiting Fenway, I'm taking a two hour dump and not flushing.
  10. David Ortiz is still relevant at this point in his career? He most work out and eat really healthy. No other explanation for this prolonged period of success.
  11. At least if the Red Sox win the World Series, it will be proof that there's no God and we can watch more football on Sundays.
  12. And Mike Trout made the Super Bowl. Deal with it, haters.
  13. Joe Blanton never starts another game for the Angels
  14. We can clone six Mariano Riveras and still lose every time Blanton starts. Fix the rotation first.
  15. I'm rooting for the Cardinals to beat the Red Sox, but the attitude that we won't appreciate Albert as much because we're somehow worse fans is pretty insulting. I'm not accusing all Cardinal fans, obviously. I just read several comments like that when Albert signed here.
  16. The Angels had no intention of bringing him back.
  17. Go Cardinals. I hate the Red Sox an unhealthy amount.
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