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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. Why else would you bring up the fact that he never tested positive?
  2. We should just forfeit every game to the Yankees this season in honor of the greatest person to ever lace up a pair of cleats.
  3. He really likes to follow people on Twitter, so he has that going for him.
  4. I really hope this article doesn't become the funniest thing on the internet in 5 years.
  5. Good, I hear he's a real meanie on Twitter or something.
  6. Everyone that puts on a Laker jersey catches Greg Oden disease, stay far away Trout.
  7. Scioscia: Mathis Mathis Mathis Mathis Mathis
  8. He was pretty crappy for his last 2+ years here, but that double that crashed off the Green Monster was still so awesome.
  9. I knew it was over when JT Snow caught that ball after falling on his ass.
  10. If you aren't interested in shelling out a bunch of money for MLB.tv, the smartphone app is pretty solid at 20 bucks a year. You can listen to every game with multiple radio feeds, no blackouts, and video highlights.
  11. Obviously Trout isn't going anywhere, but I would imagine Bogearts would have to be involved, as well as Pedroia (I hate the guy, but he's on a very reasonable contract), and 1-2 very good pitching prospects. Seriously though, eff the Sox.
  12. A couple of those articles are actually reasonable. It's the Red Sox and Yankee fans who think Trout is somehow their birthright that piss me off.
  13. I think they would consider Posey/Bumgarner for a second but ultimately say no.
  14. I remember hearing about the Blanton signing while studying for finals last year. I wasn't sure if it was real or some terrible sleep deprivation/caffeine overdose haze I was in.
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