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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. That's weird. A lot of people on this board think he's the white Willie Mays.
  2. I don't feel like we've discussed Albert Pujols' washed-upness enough on this board, thanks for the revolutionary topic.
  3. The name change debacle was easier to ignore when the team was actually good. I know it's beating a dead horse at this point, but it really does give the Angels a permanent little brother complex.
  4. This seems like a win-win. The Angels are likely getting his most productive years in this scenario, while Trout is set for life financially. He can pocket his 140 million and still demand the largest contract in MLB history when he's 29.
  5. I just picture Scioscia laughing maniacally over the bunting cage like a Bond villain.
  6. I'm more concerned that Pujols supposedly isn't ready to play first base every day.
  7. May as well keep Pena all year if we're that desperate for a first baseman.
  8. You could write Kate Upton's phone number on BleacherReport and I wouldn't flip through 100 slides to get to it.
  9. We need to save some land for the Jeter statue.
  10. This is the same line of thinking that makes idiots blame Aaron Rodgers for not stopping Kaepernick.
  11. Quinlan's Minion creates at least 5 more amazing threads before he either gets banned or his mom takes away his computer.
  12. One step closer to Joe Blanton's triumphant return.
  13. Prediction: Joe Blanton makes the rotation and I check myself into an insane asylum
  14. 2012 was his rookie year. Whether or not we consider it a "full season" doesn't matter.
  15. It sure would suck if some dude shook his hand during Spring Training
  16. I thought all the calculations were done in December, unless teams get a break on extensions signed during the season. Either way, they can pay the tax for a year and avoid being a repeater in 2015 when the Wells/Blanton turd sandwich is off the books.
  17. Since the luxury tax calculations use the average annual value, they would likely have to break into the tax to do this. Screw it, Mike Trout is awesome.
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