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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. This discussion is cool and all, but we both lost to freaking Oakland last year.
  2. Letting Chone Figgins walk was unpopular but was ultimately a great decision. But yeah...not much else I can think of.
  3. Good god I forgot about that press conference with Blanton, Hanson, Madson, and Burnett.
  4. I've had a baseball crush on Ben Zobrist for a while.
  5. I'd say a team doing that well with RISP is unsustainable, but this is Cardinal Devil Magic we're talking about.
  6. Can we please borrow the Phoenix Suns' medical staff during Spring Training?
  7. The '09 offense was bananas. What a great summer that was.
  8. To be fair, the Brewers played like complete crap defensively. But yeah he looked bad.
  9. I'd rather just set up a tee at home plate.
  10. I might get diarrhea if Blanton makes the opening day roster.
  11. In better news, Santiago looks pretty swell.
  12. Jonah Keri and Zach Lowe (Grantland's NBA guy) are writing machines. Simmons is running a sweatshop somewhere in LA.
  13. I wonder if he'd sign a 1 year deal with somebody in June and hit the reset button on his free agency next year. I know Orlando Cabrera signed a deal a few years ago that prohibited his team from offering him arbitration. Is it legal under the current CBA to have a clause like that regarding Qualifying Offers?
  14. They won't allow photos of it to be taken, other teams might steal Scioscia's awesome idea.
  15. I've always liked the guy, and in no way would I ever root for somebody to get hurt. He just couldn't stay on the field for us at all since 2011.
  16. The Rangers have just as many 0-162 seasons as titles.
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