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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. With RISP Seattle: 8-19 Angels: 1-13
  2. Trout, Pujols, Hamilton go 1-2-3. Nothing leaves the infield. I just don't understand.
  3. Sometimes you make a great pitch and just get beat by a great player. This was not one of those times.
  4. Could really use a shutdown inning here... #throwstrikes #please #imserious
  5. Do the Angels have a hit with RISP yet this season? Edit: I just checked. Nope. They're 0 for 8.
  6. "One of these is the Angels' pitching staff, the other is a turd in a microwave."
  7. Trout's agent must be furiously looking through that contract to find a way to get it voided.
  8. Howie should just bunt every time there's a runner on first with less than two outs. Every time he hits into a double play, part of my soul dies.
  9. If Morales is still available in June, I'd love to have him back.
  10. He's only had 5 years to figure it out, give him time.
  11. Well at least the Angels won't tease us with an Opening Day win this year, they'll just suck from day 1.
  12. Home plate claims another. Do we need to get the Native American ghosts out again?
  13. The fact that some people still evaluate starters based on W/L record is either really funny or really sad.
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