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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. I play Xbox with every player on the Angels. They're ready to drop the hammer big time in May.
  2. Is it too early to start calling him Hillenbrand 2.0? Alfonso 3.0?
  3. The last time we waited for a Pujols milestone, it took a month. Just get it over with!
  4. Why would they pitch to Iannetta with Skaggs on deck? Thanks Nats.
  5. I have been watching a lot of OKC Thunder basketball the last few years just because we're never getting a team in Orange County and I love Kevin Durant. It's always jarring seeing how differently those teams have reacted to adversity. Say what you will about Russell Westbrook, but that dude would rather light himself on fire than lose a basketball game. I hoped the Angels would at some point get that attitude back, hopefully tonight was the first step.
  6. It's frustrating that they had a chance to win all three games and only took one, but at least they're showing some resilience. Last year's team would have been swept for sure.
  7. Please go all 9 tonight Skaggs, further exposure to this bullpen might give me the plague.
  8. At least Sean Burnett is on his way bac-oh he just had a setback as I was typing this sentence.
  9. How is it humanly possible for three MLB teams to be worse than the Angels with RISP?
  10. Does this mean we aren't picking up his 2015 option?
  11. Please tell me the Salty Nuts guy is still there.
  12. Being an Angel fun summarized in one gif
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