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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. I swear if Frieri grooves a low fastball here......
  2. The double play curse even haunts Howie on line drives to right field.
  3. Red Sox Red Sox Red Sox Yankees Red Sox Dodgers A's/Rangers Tigers Red Sox
  4. This board is going to be hilarious when Ibanez pulls a pinch hit home run out of his ass in the playoffs.
  5. Milwaukee tailgates freaking everything.It's awesome.
  6. Whatever nerds! I'll take Miggy's home runs and horrible defense over your dorky calculator spreadsheet stuff!
  7. Why the hell should I hate some random NL West team more than the Red Sox or Yankees?
  8. It's pretty infuriating to think how awesome this team would be if they were even sorta mediocre with RISP.
  9. Trout and Richards. Albert ruined his chances with his post-500 poop sandwich.
  10. Saw the Red Sox lose at Fenway...crossing that off my bucket list!
  11. AJ Pierzynski is up now. If I burst into flames please tell my family I love them.
  12. Scott Brooks is either the Mike Scioscia of basketball, or Mike Scioscia is the Scott Brooks of baseball.
  13. Bookmarking this thread for the next winning streak.
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