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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. If this were 2008, I would make a "yo dawg I heard you like stars" joke about the Astros' hats today. But I won't.
  2. Why bother trading for pitching when any schmuck who puts an A's uniform on can get you a sub-3.00 ERA for 10 cents an hour? I'm not bitter or anything.
  3. Per Ken Rosenthal https://twitter.com/ken_rosenthal/status/485226175556771840
  4. Remember when Adam Kennedy hit like .320 in 2002 and split time with Benji Gil? That was rad.
  5. Nice to see they brought out the clogged toilet offense for tonight's game.
  6. I didn't mind the decision to send McDonald. Runner at 1st with 2 outs is not a favorable position, even with a hitter like Trout. If it were to hit the fan in the bottom of the 8th, Trout would be leading off the top of the 9th.
  7. When in doubt, you always go with the guy with the infinity ERA.
  8. So do they keep the halo lit if they lose tonight?
  9. Worst trade asset in baseball other than A-Rod and maybe Fielder.
  10. At least Oakland is getting their daily win today.
  11. But he took the loss, what a bum. Miggy for MVP! Wins and RBI are the best!
  12. Green can probably do the same thing at a way lower salary. Trade Kendrick if anyone offers a competent pitcher for him.
  13. Just awful. Go &@$! yourself Howie. Pujols can join too.
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