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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. I guess we'll see Angel Oracle at some point in 2016
  2. We're just messing around. I'm not about to judge another person for what they believe.
  3. Notre Dame was about to blow their chance at a title to an unranked UCLA team in South Bend. I don't think he's some ice cold warrior, but he's used to playing on a big stage for a polarizing team. That said, I hope he bombs in Oakland.
  4. Because having Samardzija leave after 2015 for nothing was really going to help their rebuild.
  5. God never even OPS+'ed over 100 in a season.
  6. Any UCLA fan can tell you how he deals with pressure.
  7. Angels and A's walking off, it's the early 2000s all over again.
  8. First career game at short?!? Dude looks like Omar Visquel out there.
  9. The Astros are showing flashes after years of stockpiling young guys. The AL West isn't going to be fun this decade.
  10. Getting a top 10 prospect for half a season of Hammel and 1.5 seasons from Samardzija is pretty nice.
  11. The saddest part of every morning for Scioscia is when he realizes Mathis plays for Miami now.
  12. Corporan has a shorter temper than the average AW poster.
  13. The Phillies got totally bent over in that Pence trade...sheesh
  14. Rooting for Theo Epstein to win a trade just feels disgusting.
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