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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. Hamilton has been poop since coming off the DL.
  2. I sincerely hope you don't pose for any pictures with him.
  3. Remember when Weaver/Kershaw was a debate? At least Trout >>>>>>> Puig
  4. It was Game 6 last year. NITPICKED!!!!
  5. Yep. I'm already bracing myself for the Eric Sogard walkoff in Game 5.
  6. Oakland is trying really hard to make this year's first round exit memorable.
  7. It's the least Farrell can do after he came up short in the Preakness.
  8. Richards' peripherals are all better this season. But I guess it's irrelevant, I forgot Lester was their lone representative at first.
  9. At least Sale is deserving. Lester and Uehara making it over Richards is just hilarious though.
  10. Giants finally get a 2 out rally going and the pitcher spot comes up. Maybe Frieri was right.
  11. The way Oakland turns other teams' crap pitchers into gems is just infuriating. Was Kazmir just high the whole time he was here?
  12. Inb4 another AL pitcher gets injured and Farrell puts John Lackey on the team.
  13. I actually checked to see if I made that typo. Well played.
  14. They couldn't realistically ask for anything valuable since it's a salary dump at this point. No thanks unless they pay for most of the contract.
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