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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. If I was Trout, I would do donuts in the outfield while cackling about how awesome I am.
  2. ZIPS also projects there's a 10 percent chance Trout could have this career: .319/.430/.577/1.077/625 HR/3,550 H/632 SB/2,250 R/1,434 XBH/170 WAR. Jesus tapdancing Christ
  3. He banned himself for like two months during the Astros series a couple weeks ago.
  4. https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=jeter%20robbed&src=typd High comedy
  5. As long as AO respects the self-ban, the sky is the limit.
  6. Nice to see K-Rod get his ish together this season.
  7. No more Trout, time for the post-coitus stage of the game.
  8. The C.J. commercial was a lot less douchey when he was a good pitcher.
  9. Trout needs a home run now to have any prayer of winning MVP
  10. It sure would suck if Garrett Richards was on this team.
  11. Pujols, Griffey Jr., Bonds, A-Rod > Jeter
  12. The best part of every Trout article is the idiotic Tiger fans in the comments.
  13. Payback for the opening series would be nice. I hate facing Iwakuma though.
  14. Trout speaks every language fluently.
  15. Stanton might hit one out of the stadium.
  16. Stay the hell away, AO. It's for the best.
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