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Season Over

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Everything posted by Season Over

  1. I swear this happens at least once a year at the Trop....
  2. David Freese defends about as effectively as James Harden.
  3. So far the 1st inning has more going on than the 13 from yesterday.
  4. Fine, throw Blanton in there too. Forgot how backloaded those contracts were, holy crap.
  5. We're actually paying 70 million for that production when you include the checks we send Vernon Wells to sit on his ass.
  6. I hope Bud Norris has to watch a 30 second ad before every YouTube video he watches for the rest of his life.
  7. 1-4 against Baltimore this week, pathetic.
  8. The Orioles own a larger portion of the Angels than Arte does.
  9. 4 walks have all come in to score. Thanks for showing up tonight, Jered.
  10. Oakland will just find people twice as annoying to replace them for half the money.
  11. Josh Hamilton has negative trade value at this point. No way in hell the Angels would get anything of value for him.
  12. Some of the at-bats tonight were beyond pathetic.
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