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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. I was at the game today, that mother Shucker is getting kind of popular.
  2. To remind Scioscia that he's allowed to bring him in before the 9th?
  3. The Angels getting their ass kicked hasn't made me angry in weeks. It's par for the course.
  4. I have a final tomorrow, it's a sign from God than I need to study. My apologies.
  5. Just activate him, with the way our bullpen is doing if he gets shelled a few times it really doesn't matter.
  6. He can have fun losing money then with his shitty teams.
  7. That's the stupidest Angels related play I've seen since Mathis threw the ball to first base when the guy was stealing.
  8. Is he the fan who ran on the field? I've seriously never heard of him until tonight.
  9. "It was too damn hot today, I guess Al Gore was right about that global warming thing. Just got to tip your cap to mother nature and turn the page."
  10. Pitching for the San Diego Surf Dawgs.
  11. lol I remember Hill being the Angels ace in some baseball video game I played in 2000 or 2001.
  12. He's seriously the worst starting pitcher I've seen on the Angels post 2000. I remember Jeff Weaver, Pat Rapp, Kevin Appier, and Aaron Sele at least winning some games even at their shittiest.
  13. If he gives the team estrogen at least we'll have some tits to look at while watching the games.
  14. I didn't think there was a chance of this even a couple of weeks ago, but I think there's a chance that not only will Scioscia get fired this year, but Dipoto as well.
  15. Hope he's waiting for Mike in his office after the game.
  16. You can totally suck at something, and still fulfill your dreams.
  17. He'll probably no hit us whenever we do end up facing him.
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