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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. Also another story my Dad said he saw Mike Trout sign a ball and hand it to one of the team workers (a ball boy I'd assume) to give it to a kid.
  2. I was at the game. Had section 205 tickets for 20 bucks but a few innings in noticed some empty 105 seats and sat there for the rest of the game. Definitely the best game I've been to in awhile, I love slugfests. I thought it was over a few innings in but they fought and clawed their way back. When Trumbo hit that home run I just knew the momentum was on our side. Pujols made them pay for intentionally walking Trout. Moving Hamilton near the bottom of the order was a key to the success of our big rallies as well. Bullpen was lights out, especially De La Rosa. It's quite funny because I was at last night's game too. It was a victory which was great to see, but quite a dichotomy going from a 1-0 win on a wild pitch to a 10-9 slugfest (where we did win on a bases loaded walk though ironically). These were my first two games in a month as well (people didn't want to go with no StubHub and shit team), picked the right ones to go to! Also got a ball during the 5th inning and gave it to a little girl, hope she holds onto that for life! While I'm still very pessimistic regarding our playoff chances, it's nice to see the team win and I hope they can build on this.
  3. "K-Mo is still part of the Angels family, so I consider tonight a victory for our guys."
  4. Dr. Scioscia needs to diagnose him with the Scott Kazmir 'back strain.'
  5. Hamilton and Iannetta's spots are interchangable FYI, so Sosh can have fun tinkering there.
  6. My lineup: Bourjos Kendrick Trout Trumbo Pujols Callaspo Aybar Hamilton Iannetta
  7. He's making GA look like Erstad on the GRIT-o-meter.
  8. He's in shock that Blanton didn't get shelled.
  9. Samoa Joe Blanton just earned himself another month in the rotation.
  10. I noticed in the last few days they're making it so you can buy tickets closer to game time, and prices have been dropping as well, so it looks like I can finally go to games again. I bought tickets for section 205 at 18 bucks per ticket for Thursday's CJ Wilson bobblehead night game.
  11. I literally walked in the door of my house, turned on the TV, and the first thing I saw was Bourjos making that play. Awesome.
  12. Gubi's turning into Hudler, he was just explaining a pitching technique that 'high school pitchers' should watch out for. Only difference with Hud was he was giving pointers to little leaguers rather than high school players.
  13. That's what makes it real weird. We battled Rivera and the Yankees in the playoffs just 3 and a half years ago.
  14. I remember getting a Ripken certificate at his last Angel Stadium game in 2001. We lost 1-0 that game, I recall Tim Salmon getting thrown out at home trying to tag up. It just feels weird that it's for a Yankee. I respect Rivera and all of his accomplishments, but still.
  15. Wish Richards had been thrown into the Greinke trade.
  16. Sucks, was looking forward to watching the game today.
  17. I became a fan in 1999 but was just getting into it so I can't recall the whole vibe of the season, I remember Collins getting fired and the team sucking but not much else. But this really could be the worst season since I've been a fan. 2000 was fun just because of how insane the offense was, despite the pitching being shit. 2001 was bad, but back then I had no expectations of the team being good since they'd been mediocre to bad since I'd been a fan, it was all I knew. 2003 was bad but we had several key guys on the DL so there seemed to be a valid excuse. 2006 was like 2012, the slow start cost us but it was a good team in the 2nd half. 2010 was probably the worst especially since it was the season following 3 straight Division titles, I just remember August and September that year being painful to watch. But this year is just bad, I've never been this bored watching an Angels team in my 14 years as a fan. The fact that there are so many high paid stars underperforming makes it even worse, at least in the past there was kind of an underdog/lovable loser type vibe. Hard to feel that for a guy making 25 million dollars per year.
  18. Some quotes from the Fat Man's real postgame comments: "Give those guys on the other side credit, they got some key hits." "There were some good at bats and some tough at bats." "We had some scoring opportunities kind of fizzle." "Offensively we did enough today to win a game."
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