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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. The head and shoulders is fading, time to head back to the shower boys...
  2. CJ and Hank must have rubbed some head and shoulders on each other because now they're 100% handsome, and 100% winning.
  3. I met Moreno in 2009 and told him not to trade Napoli, swear to God. If he'd listened to me we'd have at least avoided some of the problems in recent years.
  4. For once I agree with Lifetime. Never thought I'd see the day.
  5. Great job Joe you make this team very good.
  6. Has Shuckamania officially come to an end?
  7. Mother Shucker sure shucked that one up.
  8. I'm glad I went to Wednesday and Thursday's games and skipped this series.
  9. They're getting their money's worth with him before he gets blackballed from the game when that list of guys gets suspended.
  10. 2001 they were absolutely terrible in September. I remember it felt like they lost every damn game. Mike was a good manager when he was younger but he's gotten older and too comfortable, arrogant, and stubborn. He also lost key coaches, who played a huge part in the team's 2000's success management wise. His bullpen management and management of the running game has gotten worse too, and those used to be two of his strengths.
  11. From postgame interview. On Weaver: "I don't think his command was as crisp as we've seen it." On Cole: "He was pounding the zone with good stuff."
  12. Scioscia's gone after this year. Dipoto will likely get another year but if they fail again next year he's gone. He could even get fired at the end of this year as well, definitely a possibility. Dumb of him to not fire Scioscia sooner to at least try to save his own ass.
  13. They could book Scott Weiland right now for peanuts. Since Stone Temple Pilots fired him earlier this year he's basically been playing anywhere that will offer him any decent money. Sobriety during the performance is not guaranteed though.
  14. Obviously we're stuck with Pujols and Hamilton. You don't trade Weaver, Trumbo, or Trout. Those are the only absolute untouchables to me. I know Trumbo might seem like an enticing piece but he will still be in his prime if the team is better in a couple of years, you keep him around for the future. He's only going to get better, if we traded him he'd probably make us pay like Napoli. He's also a hometown guy who will likely take a hometown discount in the future. Weaver will turn it around (hopefully, see I can be optimistic) and is the anchor of the staff, and Trout is Trout. But I'd definitely trade Kendrick and Vargas. Those guys will net you back a lot and wouldn't cripple the team's chances of contending in the next few years like a Trumbo trade could. It would be smart to sell high on Kendrick, he's been a solid player for us for the last 7 and a half years but who knows if he'll hit .300 again next year, trade him while his value his high. Vargas has been solid and this is his walk year, I could see a contender giving us a solid prospect or two. Bourjos I'd consider as well. I love Petey but he's having a good year right now, and if we sell high we'd get a solid return. You only trade Bourjos though if you have a real fire sale. If they're just looking to stock up the farm system a bit you stick to Vargas, Kendrick, and a couple other guys. Frieri is another guy who like Bourjos would be tough to trade but you'd get a good haul. Anybody else in the bullpen I'd trade with no hesitation, we should really be starting Williams right now so we could get something good back for him. Him being in the pen hurts his trade value. We definitely have a lot of good pieces to offer though. Unfortunately these guys just can't seem to win consistently together (in large part due to the guys we can't trade unfortunately). Another idea is CJ Wilson. He's looked better lately and if somebody would take on the contract and give us a couple of prospects, you definitely deal him if he'd accept the city. Also if Hamilton has a hot 2nd half, try hard to trade him in the offseason. That's a pipe dream though, lol. Aybar is having a down year so I'd hold on to him, you don't sell low on a guy like Aybar.
  15. No way. Trading Kendrick is different, we'd be selling high on a guy who actually is owed some money. Trumbo is only getting better, is a hometown guy, and should be a centerpiece of this team for a long time.
  16. Dammit! You know I try to go on AngelsWin during games but the internet connection is such shit, so it's hard to let people know where I am on here. I generally wear my Weaver or Salmon jersey to games, and I'm blonde/21. So if anybody ever sees me, say hey!
  17. I'm hoping that Sunday's game ending strikeout was Albert's big wake up call/hitting rock bottom. He's been solid in the Seattle series.
  18. I told my Dad when he had the 3-0 count that as long as he didn't swing we'd win the game.
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