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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. Video was taken down, Eddie Vedder's gotten anal about having videos from his shows taken down. I initially reported a story with the video though before it was pulled and that's why Bronson's friend initially contacted me, and then I got into contact with Bronson.
  2. I interviewed Bronson Arroyo from the Reds yesterday for my rock news website AlternativeNation.net. We talked a lot about Pearl Jam, Bronson was very cool. No real ego or anything, cool laid back guy with a sense of humor. In case there's anybody who happens to be into Pearl Jam on here, here's the interview. If not, please ignore and move along! Some fun stuff about Sean Casey and Theo Epstein in there. http://www.alternativenation.net/?p=29856 Would love to interview Trumbo, who is a rock enthusiast as well!
  3. He can fulfill his lifelong dream of performing fellatio on himself.
  4. Some real postgame quotes from the Fat Man: "Dane got behind on some counts and had some problems working out of some things." "Those guys had some good looks at [Jep's] fastball." "These guys are grinding it out, they're trying to grind it out and get some things going." "JB hit the ball hard but unfortunately it was a double play."
  5. Like I've said before, he's incredibly lucky to be managing in this market. In New York, Boston, or Philadelphia he'd have been fired 2-3 years ago.
  6. At this point Dipoto should activate himself and head out to the bullpen.
  7. Paul MacAnulty better be our cleanup hitter by the end of this fire sale.
  8. "Guys were a bit lost out there without Hammy. This whole A-Rod thing has hit our guys pretty hard too. While we all tip our caps to A-Rod, we are not quite ready to turn the page yet without an appreciation day. On a lighter note I will say that Tommy Field has championship caliber hair."
  9. I think we've got a good shot at a top 5 draft pick if this happens.
  10. I'm willing to admit that it will probably take us 6 games to win the World Series rather than 5.
  11. Just remember they have to live in that shithole of a city and go to that dump of a stadium and we don't.
  12. His crotch was irresistible to the Fat Man's crouch.
  13. I want to sit with EDinTUSTIN, Angel Oracle, and any other Scioscia haters with a 'FatManTown' sign.
  14. Definitely trade Downs for whatever you can get. Frieri would require a VERY good package due to him being under club control. I'd be open to it if we got a great offer.
  15. The Angels don't bring guys back. Honestly, who was the last guy who came back for a second go around here? Shit, it might have been my boy Jorge Fabregas.
  16. The funniest steroid story is the one about Mo Vaughn. He had missed that whole year with us and got traded to the Mets and he called up this guy wanting steroids. The guy told him he had to work out to see results. Mo just took them though and didn't work out, so he just got fatter and sucked.
  17. In The Mitchell Report the only information they have on Glaus juicing was in 2004 or so. It said he ordered HGH to try to get back from his injury faster. He could have juiced before and after that but that's the only actual information out there on him. Brad Fullmer was definitely juicing. That dude was nuts. Donnelly too. Speez has had drug problems but with him it seems more like hard stuff than PED's. I think if Tim Salmon and GA had been on roids you wouldn't have seen them decline in their mid 30's. If any of our other guys were on PED's though in 2002 it's fair game though because of Bonds.
  18. I'm rubbing some head and shoulders on his bobblehead right now.
  19. Move the Angels there, frame Pujols for a crime, then move back to Los Angeles of Anaheim.
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