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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. 'Captain's final voyage' is the MLB.com headline, barf.
  2. I think Arte should give me money so it'd be my money.
  3. My late stepdad would have thrown up just from hearing that headline.
  4. Like I said in another thread, they're definitely not a contender. I don't see how this team is any better than the last 2 teams that made the playoffs. Texas and Oakland are just far better. I hope they can pull a Wild Card spot out of their ass though.
  5. He's made the playoffs 6 times, and missed it 8 times. The Fat Man will continue being as complacent as his boss and the fanbase are.
  6. This team is not a contender. If the 2012 team couldn't make the playoffs, how the **** is this team going to? Oakland and Texas are better, it's that simple. It's been that way for a few years now. This team is a top level starter and 2 established relivers away from even being in the playoff discussion. Richards, Skaggs, and Santiago are question marks, and the only established lockdown bullpen guy is Joe Smith. I think our young starters could work out long term, but in a division this competitive our moves pitching wise this offseason just weren't enough. They either should have gone for it and signed Garza/Balfour (who didn't even get ridiculous money) or gone into semi rebuild mode for a couple years.
  7. "Butchy tells me that Blanty's been watching For Love Of The Game every day this offseason, so the balls should be coming out of his hand pretty good during spring training. I know mine always do when I watch Kevin Costner films."
  8. He's taking his vitamins and saying his prayers (with Bartolo Colon) brother!
  9. -He wants pitching (Tanaka was mentioned I think) -He's buddies with Dipoto no problems -A whole lot of nothing
  10. I love the Angels but I'm less excited for 2014 than I was for the last couple years based on the 2012 and 2013 teams not really living up to my expectations. I think it also has to do with my stepdad passing away a couple months ago, it won't be the same not being able to shoot the breeze with him about the Halos.
  11. I have a vision of Don Baylor throwing shit around the dugout as Scioscia stays in his favorite spot and looks on lethargically.
  12. I would run through the whole 2002 starting lineup's stances. My favorite was Glaus' though.
  13. 1999 when my Dad was working with Tim Salmon's brother was my first exposure to them. First game in 2000. I used to get made fun of at school for wearing my Angels jacket everyday before their 2002 run. I'm 22.
  14. Congrats to our favorite nibbler! Head and shoulders= the key to a successful marriage.
  15. It doesn't matter what the fans here think of the trade, after years of loser teams trading a hometown guy who hits a shit load of home runs is not going to get a good PR.
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