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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. He's just scuffling a bit, not used to pitching without the marine layer.
  2. If you perform at Jeter's last Angel Stadium game you'll need to perform "My Hero" by Foo Fighters.
  3. I'm day to day, but I may be unable to post my thoughts on the Fat Man's managing for a week.
  4. Harold will cry on air if his buddy Jeter is in the World Series. He admitted on MLB Network that he'll probably cry during Jeter's last game.
  5. A stipulation of the trade by you know who would be that he would now have to go by Buddy Norris.
  6. I think Scioscia will manage the team until he dies at the age of 90, and then after that a Scioscia Magic 8 Ball will take over: Contact Play, Suicide Squeeze, Play The Vet, Play Mathis/Scioscia Descendent, Pull Pitcher Before Necessary, and Turn The Page.
  7. He's not holy, but he's definitely a cow.
  8. I don't think anbody would ever cost themselves more than a year of pay. Maybe Albert spares us of his age 42 season, but that's it.
  9. I think we may need to stay away from pitchers whose last name begins with 'M' who are on the comeback trail.
  10. Just sign him, nobody will know the difference.
  11. Balboa Island's a good candidate as well, the crowd would be a bunch of old guys in Tommy Bahamas shirts. Albert could take his marine layer excuse to new extremes.
  12. Remember when Scioscia and Hunter gave Jeter the painting of the people in the bar looking at a painting of Jeter? I think for Jeter's final season they should give him a painting of them giving him the previous painting where the guys are looking at a painting of Jeter.
  13. I'm cool with anything in the Orange County area, as long as they don't go to LA, though I'd prefer they stay in Anaheim.
  14. RIP Jim, just saw some nice stories about him on MLB Network. Mitch Williams, who is usually pretty dry, got pretty emotional talking about him. He said when Jim managed him he was like a 2nd father to him.
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