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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. I know people rave about the 2008 team because of 100 wins but that 2009 team just had more character, the way they just whooped the Red Sox after all those years was great.
  2. It was kind of like 2002, just a great lineup and team with a lot of heart especially after the Adenhart tragedy. It was probably the 2nd best Angels team ever, I really thought they'd win the Series that year and I was heartbroken when the Yankees beat them.
  3. "Most of Trumbo's time in Anaheim spent at either 1st or 3rd base." -Matt Vasgergian
  4. Weird double that looked like home run, I think Trumbo misjudged it.
  5. There's nothing better Richo. Make sure to root Trumbo on against the Doyyers!
  6. Found a stream searching on Twitter, LAME that they won't let it air on MLB Network here though.
  7. Is this blacked out for us on MLB Network, even without Dodgers channel?
  8. I think I'm going to be the only person in America watching any of this game, lol.
  9. Scary, glad he's okay. It's sad because it's the kind of thing you can't really prevent.
  10. Shuck's one of those guys who defies sabermetrics. He's fun to watch, definitely should make the team as a bench guy.
  11. Surprising to see young pitchers getting TJ surgery. In recent memory possibly Corbin, and Stephen Strasburg. Nick Adenhart had his very young too (RIP).
  12. To me it depends on how the team plays. Everybody's optimistic in the spring because it's a new season, and if the team plays well it'll continue and if they don't it'll dissipate. The usually positive crowd was saying worse stuff about Scioscia than me near the end of last season, lol.
  13. I agree when it comes to careers in general/playing baseball, you have to be positive and visualize success. I don't think us common folk behind the keyboards are going to help our beloved Halos win though. They'll have to do that on their own.
  14. Chuck, it's different expectations now. When I was a kid and first got into the Angels, I was shocked we even made the playoffs in 2002. I'm sure the tone of this forum would be different if it existed in the 90's-2002 when it comes to losing seasons. But even as Arte says in the press, he expects this team to make the playoffs every year. I root for the Angels and hope for the best every year and will watch no matter what, but missing the playoffs 4 years straight with this payroll is unacceptable and with the high prices we pay to go to each game and pay for parking, you're going to see people discuss their issues with the team and the product that we're invested in financially and emotionally. Listen to WFAN in New York or go on a Red Sox/Yankees fan site during a season where they miss the playoffs (I have, for the shits and giggles), I hold the Angels as in the same league as teams like that not midlevel organazations. When the team is losing and missing the playoffs, we try to have as much fun as we can on here with sarcasm/roleplaying since there isn't too much to get excited about on the field. It's just a game afterall. I've tried to tone down some of the more personal stuff and keep it between the lines over the last year or so, but you're not going to get too much ra-ra for a team that hasn't made the playoffs in this decade. I've been watching the spring training games and can't wait for the regular season to start. I'll be rooting for my Halos to get back to the postseason, but my expectations are very reserved. Hopefully they win though this year and we have good stuff to talk about. Also when it comes to the site, I've always supported it and the progress it makes. I'd love to go to one of the events and even wanted to last year but I had a conflict that day.
  15. Good for Scioscia for losing the weight and I hope for the best for his health and his family, but he's been a terrible manager for a few years now. Still disappointed at the lack of accountability in what is supposed to be a market on the level of Boston and New York.
  16. Blanton's going for his second consecutive Cactus League Cy Young Award.
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