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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. He yelled heckling at them in a sarcastic way. For some reason it cracked me up.
  2. Before the game I was waiting to meet my friends in front of the Angels Live set and Bill Macdonald walks up, in street clothes. I said hey to him, he said hey back, then he turned to Jose Mota and yelled 'YOU GUYS SUCK!' and then proceeded to ask about his free ticket. I saw him get food during the game too. Pretty funny guy.
  3. Ibanez needs to ride that horse out to pasture.
  4. Raul Ibanez finally getting sent to Leisure World?
  5. Trade Scioscia for Fidel Castro. At least we'd have an effective dictator.
  6. I remember it was a weekday day game in 2006. My stepdad was there and I was insanely jealous that I didn't get to see the brawl in person. Closest I've seen to a brawl is David Ortiz throwing a bat at an umpire.
  7. 2006 Adam Kennedy charging Padilla I believe and throwing a weak ass punch.
  8. I want to see a Sale/Price trade for the headlines.
  9. And to think I was optimistic going into this series. I jinxed them.
  10. I'll bet the A's had that magician doctor who fixed Colon fix Kazmir.
  11. Rotation is doing a lot to help the team win right now. The Trumbo trade was a gamble in regards to Skaggs, and so far it's paying off big time (glad I was wrong). They also cut out the worst guy from the rotation (Santiago) which they took way too long to do last year (Blanton). If we had a lockdown closer we'd be in 1st place.
  12. He crushed the shit outta that one, one of the furthest he's hit in awhile. No Junior slump for #27.
  13. In postgame interview, Dino said this: "You gotta tip your hat to Tyler, he pitched a hell of a game for us."
  14. All I remember from Juan is the bat sniffing and him being awesome before he injured his leg.
  15. Wasn't even Frieri, I'm use to his charades by now, but it was the hit Beltran scored on that got to me the most. When Ibanez got his hands on the ball Beltran hadn't even rounded third yet, that throw was the weakest shit I've seen since that year where Booby and Juan Rivera were both in the outfield.
  16. Skankee fans are too afraid they'll cry in public watching The Captain's Final Voyage.
  17. I'm saving this for future internet meme use.
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