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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. The offense has choked big time, but Yost has completely outcoached Scioscia, especially tonight. I don't blame Scioscia for playing Hamilton in Game 1, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. You need to put the lineup out there that gives you the best chance to win, you can't play a guy just because he has a bloated contract and you're hoping you might get some payoff.
  2. It may have cost us this game, and series. Absolutely ridiculous, not only has he played like dog shit all season but he hadn't even played in a month. You all know how I feel about Scioscia, but I wasn't ready to blame him for Game 1. But Scioscia definitely deserves a fair share of the blame for tonight.
  3. Sosh has always had a hard on for veterans well past their prime, but this time it's even more ridiculous since he hasn't played in a month, AND it's the playoffs.
  4. That swing where he hit Perez's head was reckless. #BanHackilton
  5. I think the bigger problem is that we weren't able to do sacrifice bunts with guys already on second tonight, and that's because our running game is pretty much dead. If we could have stolen a base early in a count, and then bunted the runner over to third, we could have maybe won tonight. I don't think that's a make or break though, these guys need to get clutch hits t win games, but I do think we could increase our SB's especially when the offense clearly isn't doing jack shit.
  6. I saw a guy walking around the 500's with a 'Welcome Back Rex Hudler: The Return of the Wonderdog' sign. He had wings on. I seriously laughed for 2 minutes straight. Here's a blurry pic.
  7. I feel like a moron too. Maybe I was being an optimist, but I really thought he'd come through with the winning hit (or go ahead earlier) and erase all of the BS of the last 2 years and give us a moment to remember. Boy was I wrong. Fans were pissed at him through the whole game, I watched standing behind the 200's and als in the 500's, several fans were booing him and talking endless shit about him. Made my cracks about him look like child's play.
  8. I think Scioscia made a few stupid decisions, but this loss is on the offense. The big boys choked big time tonight. I was at the game and it was painful to watch, we could have won it like 5 times. "Build Me A Buttercup" sums it up pretty well. Now if Scioscia continues to play Hamilton after tonight then I will blame him. Hamilton's last at bat was honestly one of the worst at bats I've ever seen as an Angels fan, right up there with Mathis.
  9. Nevermind finally got the tickets to show up, was a pain in the butt though.
  10. Fun fact: Vernon Wells if my Facebook friend, and he read sarcastic words of encouragement I sent him.
  11. We should trade for Cespedes this offseason for the lulz.
  12. I never even went for Game 1, since I checked the schedule and saw Game 2 will be the Saturday game.
  13. I got 2 tickets section 231 for Game 2 (the Saturday game), 62 bucks a ticket.
  14. Hate to say it but I hope things work out tomorrow so that we see Seattle vs. Oakland on Monday. If either one of them play us in the ALDS their pitching staffs will be toast, hopefully. The only problem with Seattle is momentum, but they can't beat us. We had tonight's game in the can if we didn't put in our scrubs.
  15. We should seriously throw the game to Seattle tomorrow, pray Holland pitches and shuts down Oakland, and that somehow we end up facing Seattle in the ALDS, because they're terrible. They only won tonight because we put in our scrubs.
  16. hahaha that was intentional by Green. I'm telling you, he threw this game.
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