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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Ducks about to win game 4 --- up 3-1 in the series. Ducks 4, Flames 2.
  2. Perez has really stepped up from minor leagues to handling veteran MLB pitchers. impressive. Scioscia says he is impressed with the way Perez has been handling the pitchers.
  3. Weaver is now consistently inconsistent........he can pitch a very good quality start game (like he has going tonight) and then come back in the next outing and get shelled. and unlike some of our starters of recent years (remember Santana?) I don't think it's a home and away thing.......it's just being consistently inconsistent. and despite the posts, comments etc. I still think the home town 'discount' long term contract the Halos signed Weaver to was a very good move. on his worst days, Weaver is still a serviceable number 4 starter -- on his now (present day) best day, he's not quite the ace he once was but a solid number 2 rotation guy and every once in a while pitches a real gem.
  4. meanwhile - in Calgary -- Flames 2, Ducks 2 -- end of second period, why do I think the Ducks letting Game 3 slip away the other night is going to come back to haunt them? they pretty much had this series won and were about to go up 3-0 when they lost the lead late in the third and lost Game Three in OT. have a bad feeling...........
  5. typical closer -- they tend to melt down to zero effectiveness at some point in their career. and they tend to lose it fast........ Halos need to move to a closer by committee system and give Joe Smith a chance to close out some games.
  6. bad loss to open the series is right. this was a terrible loss.........OUCH.
  7. mediocre would be an over-statement of this team.......oh well. we have some great food and kids entertainment at the Big A -- come on out and have your kid bat against Jared Weaver in the batting cage simulation beyond CF, buy tickets now and get post-season guaranteed seats to the RV and Boat Show starting October 1.
  8. the Halos are announcing the Street extension tomorrow (3 years at $30 million) and then trading him to Texas and as part of the deal paying 80 percent of his contract.
  9. AngelArcher -- that's not hindsight -- that's common sense. good question and some of us were thinking that when he got on base.......
  10. ugly stuff --- can we have a walk off three nights in a row? folks -- I sense a pretty long season for our Halos.
  11. Perez might see quite a bit of playing time. Iannetta really needs time to clear his head -- something's going wrong there.
  12. nando714 -- GEEZ --- you're probably right about that and if that's the case --- it's a real sad commentary on where Scioscia and this team are right now. for a manager to throw a player under the bus like that.......that's terrible, if that's really the case. c'mon, man up and take responsibility --- 'we were trying to get something done there, my call, not the best one, didn't work out obviously, but my call, for better and obviously it was for worse" but don't dump it on the player.........that's just terrible.
  13. good night folks -- this one isn't going to go down easy ---- feels like that late season Kings loss to Edmonton........
  14. this is a game that if some how this team makes a stretch run and then falls a game or two short -- this is one of those games you look back on and say -- we could have won it. you know, they say a manager's decision making really determines only about 7 to maybe 10 games a season .........this was one of those games.......management (lack of) lost this game for the Halos.
  15. call on Cowgill was on his own??? you're giving a (what's Cowgill) a third year part time guy that decision making authority?? HUH? Who's managing this team???? the players?
  16. what's our team batting average these days? .205?
  17. Sosh on now.........c'mon hit him with -- was that YOUR decision to send Cowgill?
  18. hey, guys - we got through April even at .500 -- what were we ? 11-11 or something like that. now we're winless in May so far I hate to say it guys, but I sense a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGG season. and what's funny, is I looked at the Halos schedule during the pre-season -- and didn't see any match ups I liked -- I usually go up to 10 games a year, have fallen off to about 4 to 5 the last few seasons -- but this year it looked like we played Houston every other weekend -- so I thought, well , I'll pass (I had another event and sold the tickets I had for the early weekend series vs. KC) and only bought the one KC Saturday game......oh well........maybe the Houston games are going to be interesting after all........I guess I'll watch them on TV -- more than most Dodger fans can do.
  19. yeah, on the Rodney on the ropes deal -- when Cowgill got tossed out, I was just about to post -- hey, guys, this is the Rodney tight-rope we're all (too) very familiar with..... that walk to Joyce where the close ball/strike calls went against Rodney rattled him -- so he's rattled and about to pitch to Cron -- who, when he gets a hold of one, can crank it. so what do we do???? make a move that lets a rattled Rodney -- a guy who WE KNOW GETS RATTLED AND WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HE's RATTLED AND IT LOOKS LIKE HE's RATTLED -- so what do we do??? We let him off the hook.........AMAZING.
  20. Not as bad as the Wong deal from that W/S......... well, at least the Wong deal was a stupid inadvertent mistake. What just happened here was a CALCULATED STUPID MOVE........ as for Wong -- he recovered from that debacle to become a pretty decent 2B and fairly good bat for the first place Cardinals.
  21. at least in that Giants sweep our runner got hit by the batted ball...........I can't explain this one -- SELF INFLICTED STUPIDITY.
  22. I guess the Halos had a lot of confidence in Cron at the plate........
  23. remember when the St. Louis Cardinals 2B Wong got picked off in the World Series about two years ago after being put in as a PR. this was almost as bad as that.
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