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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. sort of surprised that either MLB or perhaps the MLBPA didn't allow that {Tal's) Hill in the first place. seems like an injury waiting to happen for an CF'er / OF'er.
  2. who got shipped out? Grant Green? still think Grant Green should be up with the club.........
  3. Belmont Stakes -- what time is the darned race. NBC coverage started at 2 PM and even before that on Cable. when's the darned race -- 3:30 ? I want to tune in for the two minutes it takes to see the race and not all the nonsense pre-race stuff.
  4. yep. saw the article in the LA Times as well with some of the same quotes. Different strategies for Dodgers F/O and Halos -- Dodgers put limit on season tickets (30,000) and aggressively sell them to corporate sponsors AND to ticket broker outfits which assure that most ALL tickets are sold. Angels do not sell their season tickets to ticket brokers and re-dissemination by them and that had some impact on the attendance drop. I think a major reason for the Angels attendance drop (and not just on the field performance - after all they won 98 games last season and had the best regular season record in MLB) has to do with the change in policy on making fan re-sale of season tickets less fan friendly...........the Angels have Ticketmaster on some exclusive deal for re-sale and have limited the fans' ability to re-sell tickets. One, by not allowing instant bar graph code ticket availability for ticket broker vendors OTHER than Ticketmaster AND by delaying ticket delivery to fans until shortly before the event. This makes the whole re-sale process less user-friendly and more of a hassle. I used to buy a mini-season ticket package (with the variations of the packages over the years -- I really did not like last year's (or was it the year before?) version of it where you had to pick among about 12 packages of PRE-SELECTED (by the Halos) games........I bought type package ONCE and never again. I liked the 'pick your own' 20 games package -- and, of course, the pre-'VALUE' games pricing policies of weekend games and Yankees, Red Sox and Dodger games all being more expensive. back when there was little to no restriction on re-sale policies --- you could buy a mini-season (or even half to full season package) and pretty much pay for a good portion or all of it by re-selling the Boston, Yankees and Dodger games on Stub Hub -- once they cracked down on that -- some folks (like me) simply stopped buying tickets........... if that's what the Halos want, fine..........I now go to Stub Hub if I want to go to a game and, as a result, I buy fewer tickets and attend fewer games. Another factor is this -- in looking at the Angels' schedule this year -- it seemed like they played Houston (who it now turns out is leading the league -- but who knew?) about three of the weekends during the initial months of the season and other match ups were not much better -- I scoured the schedule trying to pick out the game or two or series I wanted to attend and couldn't find any. As a result -- it appears that for the first time in about two decades -- I will not be attending even ONE game in Anaheim this year. I will be seeing Washington v. SF and St. Louis vs. SF up at AT&T instead (with great seats that I was able to obtain in a convenient user-friendly way from vendor/ brokers).
  5. terrible incident. later reports indicated she was not doing well and sustained life- threatening injuries. jagged edge of a broken bat -- tough to prevent -- but YES, expect netting all over the place now. the story link mentioned an incident several years back when a kid was killed by a flying puck into the stands during an NHL game -- I always thought that was scary -- NHL has heightened the glass these days but a flying puck is literally a line drive to the head with a flying disc that picks up speed......OUCH -- a fan has no chance there. this jagged bat edge must have hit the fan just right (or wrong, as the case may be). Sad situation.
  6. yeah, we got Perez in that Conger deal -- that would have been a pretty deal for us straight up.......but we got Tropeano as well. forgot that we got Perez in that trade...... if they're making deals like that, perhaps we can get Altuve from them...........
  7. I'm just glad Iannetta has turned it around -- he not only was off to a slow start in April but looked absolutely lost at the plate and his troubles at the plate affected his defense behind the plate. If he didn't get that straightened out he was headed off the roster and out of baseball......so, for his sake, I'm pleased to see he's back on track to be somewhat close to former self........which was about average D and bit above average offense (partly based on his Coors years which, well, it's a mile high). Perez is a great addition for us - where was he in ST? I think he's been a great pick up for the Halos.
  8. Sconiers probably won't be able to win the job over Don Michner and/or Dick Stuart.......
  9. signing him to that long term contract was a huge mistake and everyone here said so at the time. I mean, when the Halos signed Hamilton, correct me if I am wrong about this, but there weren't a lot of teams lining up to compete for his services and particularly for a long term deal given Hamilton's well documented 'issues' this Hamilton to Texas deal -- well, could have been a mistake but what else could Arte do? He didn't want the guy back on the field for the Halos and did not want to face the certain legal action that Hamilton, backed by the MLBPA, were going to bring against the Halos if the Angels sought to either just sit him without playing, leave him off the roster and/or seek to void the contract.......all moves Arte was contemplating......trading him to get him off the roster to the only place where Hamilton can probably play and produce was the next (not so much best) option. this Hamilton to Texas situation reminds of when we did NOT re-sign Vlad (when, perhaps we should have)-- not so much because we needed him on the roster (by all accounts, the decision not to re-sign him at that point made sense from a Halos line up situation) BUT to KEEP HIM OFF THE Texas Rangers........Vlad went there and had a monster first half of the season for them, a ballpark he always hit very well in -- of course, his stats plummeted the second half of the season that year but he sure put up some great first half stats and hurt the Halos that year. Hamilton is same thing -- like Vlad, Texas is perhaps the one place where Hamilton can be comfortable, produce and put up some decent stats.......but his demons will always be lurking.
  10. what is with the Tigers ? After vying for first place with KC for most of April into May, they seem to have run into a 'June swoon' a bit early. or is it that the AL Central isn't very strong?? Minnesota is playing lights out right now. oh well, it might be some Halos luck -- we ran into the Tigers at a point when they are playing poorly and our rotation is starting to gel.
  11. Aw, Ducks fans -- hold those heads up high -- this series WAS THE STANLEY CUP FINALS -- just like last year's Kings-Blackhawks series. The Ducks took the best team in the NHL to seven games and had chances to win this series..........that's pretty remarkable. The Ducks played so well at times during this series, it was disappointing when they didn't match that level in each game. gotta agree with some of the other posts here -- Chicago and their line up of vets like Kane, Toews, Hossa etc. was just too much, Ducks came out flat in Game 7 and lost the game in the first period (I still think that FOURTH Chicago goal should have been waved off). Kesler is a keeper and played hard at all times.........I thought Anderson out -played Crawford for much of the series. Overall a disappointment for Ducks' fans today - but congrats on a great season Last year when my team, the LA KINGS, went through the post-series handshake line with the Chicago Blackhawks -- I truly thought the better team (Chicago) had lost the series.....that's playoff hockey -- comes down to a bounce of the puck this way or that -- or the one game where a team comes out flat.........it happens. Looking forward to the DUCKS and the KINGS making the playoffs next year -- KINGS have more work/ re-building to do to make that happen than the DUCKS IMO.
  12. Napoli played some first base for us. there was even some talk of trying him at third base but I don't think he played there for us. back then he may have even played some OF for the Halos -- not much. at the end of his time he, he certainly wasn't catching much.
  13. two guys who have really had their once promising MLB careers fizzle. I mean Grady Sizemore was once touted the way Trout has been but Trout has been and is the real deal consistently exceeding expectations. Not sure what happened to Sizemore but injuries have taken a toll -- and then there's that other speculation. I think Arte is going to be very hesitant to sign any reclamation projects after the Hamilton experience. De Anza - now there was guy who really put up some good numbers and looked like he was headed for a pretty good MLB career...........what happened here? I'd take a flyer on him but strictly as a 4-A player, perhaps, at this point.
  14. geez, we're still debating stuff from about four seasons -plus back now?? that's a sad commentary in and of itself. that being said, Michifan's post above pretty much covers the bases on this topic. Not sure what the issue was (and, apparently still is from afar) with Sosh and Naps -- but that got Napoli shipped out more than anything. I said back then and again now -- I thought a player with Naps' skills was a very valuable guy to have on an AL roster...he can play 1B, DH and be a third string catcher if needed. Has Naps caught much the past three seasons? I don't think so. He was a terrible defensive catcher but can hit and play 1B and a good guy to have on the roster for those (limited) times when you need a third catcher. As for Mathis -- after the whole controversy flared up in a constant (and, apparently never ending -- even though the players have since moved on - several times) way, I started to observe and watch Mathis behind the plate more closely -- and my conclusion was the same as Michifan above -- there were some aspects of the catching game where Mathis was consistently weak. I could not understand why anyone would think he was a great defensive catcher -- I mean he certainly wasn't Yadier Molina.
  15. well, I know there's a lot of talk about the Pujols contract and his performance/ numbers since joining the Halos. Well, here's my take: 1.) Cards obviously wouldn't want him back with his huge remaining contract. 2.) the Pujols signing when made, unlike some others (let me count the ways -- Gary Matthews Jr.; Vernon Wells, Josh Hamilton) was not universally panned DAY ONE. Some folks thought TEN YEARS was too much to be sure and that the downside of the deal could start as soon as year five or six........but overall -- Halos fans were elated with the signing of Pujols. I know that I was. 3.) he got off to a slow start in the AL -- but has done fairly well since and --folks -- he has 10 HRs this season and is playing much better than last year.......he's having a good season. 4) unlike those other signings mentioned in number 2 above -- all of which were universally panned by Haloswin,com board members on DAY ONE (so no Monday morning quarterbacking from regs here -- I mean our regs disagree -- sometimes vehemently -- but they all AGREED on GMJ, Wells and Hamilton signings DAY ONE -- terrible move).........on the Pujols signing -- I'd do it again. 5.) So give future HOF'er Albert Pujols (who is having a good season so far in 2015) a break and give Arte a break -- it was a huge deal for us and still even understanding the downside at the second half of his (too long) deal........ 6.) Given the same information at the time Pujols was signed and the same situation -- I do that again. 7.) Pujols then, clearly, is not why our Halos are at .500 or less at the ASG break......... 8.) Pujols signing was not a mistake (number of years, maybe, but then we don't get him)...........
  16. tdawg87 -- I guess we just disagree.......oh well. I have been distracted by the Cup playoffs which seem a lot more exciting to me than the Angels of late.
  17. WTF??? tying run thrown out at second with top of line up due up? c'mon. we gotta lead the league in stupid baserunning outs.
  18. OK -- let me correct that - starting pitching weak at times and certainly inconsistent. Weaver has pitched well of late and really can't complain about Shoemaker -- and now Richards is back. Wilson has pitched better than expected this year but you still never know which Wilson you're going to get out there on any given day. Santiago's had some decent start but we could do better in the 5 spot. Bullpen (Street and Smith) have been good but when over-worked leads to a performance like Smith had last night. Overall -- our best chance is that we're in the AL West which, to me, looks pretty weak. I look at our line up and this team - and I see .500 ball give or take two games either way. (We need Trout to pitch, hit, run and field all nine positions.........and he could probably do it........) Meanwhile - who's your MVP for the series? Kesler or Patrick Kane??? Now there's a couple of winning teams there.
  19. I thought Grant Green should have gotten the roster spot out of ST......... Cron? sure liked his swing when he first came up and started hitting line drives -- but then he met the MLB off-speed pitches and it sent him back to the minors. Cron is a one dimensional player -- can't field much at 1B and you really can't put him in the OF -- he's a high reward (lots of power) and high risk (lots of strikeouts) guy. He may be back up in September or if someone gets hurt -- but, really, Cron is a guy who could be sent out never to be seen in a Halos uni again.
  20. Naps takes the Halos games very personally -- I'm sure he shoots a glance towards Scioscia when he rounds third base on the home run trots.
  21. perhaps. looks like the 2015 Halos are a sub .500 to .500 team competing in what's turning out to be a fairly weak AL West. they could turn things around but my take so far is that the Halos just aren't that good except for the fact they have the best player in baseball.......... otherwise, starting pitching weak, offense has been week, infield defense weak, bullpen has been a strength but spotty...... overall -- a .500 club give or take two games either way. MEANWHILE -- in more exciting action -- GAME 7s coming up in New York (MSG) and Anaheim (Honda Center).
  22. losing a pet is so hard. the only problem with great companion pets is that they leave us at about the 15 year mark and it's so tough. putting down a pet is just the worst experience - although for true animals lovers knowing when to make that tough decision is also an act of kindness so that it's not the owner just keeping the ailing pet alive for them and not for the pet's well being -- but true animal lovers make that real tough call at the right time.......... sorry for the loss -- travel, do some things that perhaps you were not able to do and give it a few months.......then go down to the shelter and save another dog -- a fortunate dog who would be a very lucky dog to be part of your family..........
  23. wide open hockey with less than ten minutes left in OT. nice penalty kill by the Blackhawks. Anderson comes up huge with a key save........ this is just great playoff hockey.
  24. other than the obscene amount of money we're still paying him, why are we still talking about Hamilton? let's move on......... just ignore his comments......
  25. Pujols is actually hitting better this season...... he'll be around for a while. his 10 year deal has about six years left on it.......
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