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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. So What -- Frank McCourt?? Really? Now that's a low blow.......McCourt was a debacle from Day One that, quite frankly, Bud Selig paved the way to happen and then Bud Selig never really owned up to it -- although it did get fixed under his watch by forcing McCourt out (with McCourt selecting the sale terms and the buyer).
  2. GEEZ -- some pretty negative things being said about Arte.........I don't share those -- yes, I was and still am an ARTE fan. I thought Plaschke's column in the LA TImes (was it Thursday morning?) was really unfair to Arte -- but then sports columnists are there to state their opinion and stir up interest and discussion. As for Arte and his battles with the City of Anaheim -- I think some folks need a refresher course in what actually happened -- Arte and the Angels presented a timely proposal to the city council about a lease extension which would have given (investor) Arte an opportunity to develop the "Golden Triangle' area with a mix of commercial and residential development and in return given some concessions to the Angels franchise.......(Keep in mind at least three main points here: 1.) the city of Anaheim has tried UNSUCCESSFULLY for years to develop the Golden Triangle area; 2.) As of about two years ago, redevelopment financing is not longer available to the city of Anaheim (and other public entities throughout the state) which was the primary vehicle for public-private partnerships on redevelopment projects and 3.) perhaps the most important point here of all -- the City of Anaheim City Council ACCEPTED Arte and the Angels' proposal -- and approved it in an official public vote of the Council -- accepting the proposal on behalf of the City. then the mayor didn't like it because of an appraisal the Halos got from their retained expert which included a lot of questionable scenarios (as opposed to reality and the history of the site) including a purported 'bail out' by Disney corp to turn the entire stadium area into an extra (over flow) parking lot for the theme park and downtown Disney with split parking (city/ Disney) fees and presumably Disney ownership of the property allowing for property tax revenue........all low maintenance stuff for the city. Tempting but not reality and really not the multiplier effect of revenue generation once would like to see in a downtown commercial area....... Arte has made mistakes (I don't consider the Pujols contract one of them -- it showed the Angels were willing to spend to win and Pujols has performed even prior to this year and this year its as if he's back in St. Louis !) one of the bigger ones was the whole Hamilton debacle from start (signing) to finish (dumping him).......Arte owns that mistake and has owned up to it -- I'd still like the get the real scoop on how the DiPoto-Scioscia led Hamilton to 1.) being on the 2014 post-season roster to begin with and 2.) inserted into the starting line up; and then 3.) kept in the starting line up after his his 2 to 3 ABs in the series where it was apparent he wasn't anywhere near ready to play, let alone in a playoff series............
  3. Scioscia leaving now would only make things worse. DiPoto is gone -- the DiPoto-Scioscia 'relationship' good, bad, indifferent (all of the above at times, perhaps never really that 'good') is OVER. If Scioscia is going to stay through to the end of his contract, then a solution needs to be found. Halos will likely never get an experienced GM with Scioscia as manager -- we all said so much for the past five -six plus years (ever since Stoneman left). Stoneman is a good interim fix but he's interim and had no intention of being anything otherwise. folks here had all sort of negative stuff/ comments to say when I mentioned making Scioscia GM (kick him upstairs) through the end of his contract and bring in a manager he could work with (my top choice would be Bud Black, hands down)..........then when Scioscia's contract is up, make him special assistant to the owner (sort of like Lasorda's role with the Dodgers) and bring in a real GM. I thought Plaschke's column on Thursday blasting Arte was really unfair........ but that's what sports columnists get to do -- state their opinion -- more power to them but we don't have to agree and I don't (with that column).
  4. although, I do think a lot of this will blow over..... those predicting doom for the team and franchise should remember another LA situation not too long ago that was far worse than anything here. The McCourts drama running the storied Dodgers franchise into the ground -- MLB forces a sale (with McCourt dictating the choice of buyer and sales terms) and after new ownership takes over in a relatively short period of time the franchise is more than back from the brink. so, if that whole situation could go from nearly hopeless to back to being a top contender in about two years -- the turn around (moving on) for the Halos in this situation should be less than a week.
  5. I think Stoneman is the best choice for now.......... seems like the future (2016) could see Mike Scioscia being kicked upstairs to be GM and Bud Black back in Anaheim to manage the Halos. I think that would be great, As for the GM replacement after Stoneman's interim gig?? What true, qualified baseball exec would want the Angels GM job with Mike Scioscia as manager? This is the same question many of us on this board were asking when Reagins ( a very weak GM) was hired and then DiPoto -- Mike Scioscia is the de facto GM of this club and the guy with the title GM better realize that. That's how the Halos wound up with a fairly inexperienced exec like Reagins in the GM spot and then DiPoto thought he could weather the strong manager situation here but ultimately couldn't. Make it official -- name Mike Scioscia GM for 2016 and get Bud Black back in the Halos dugout.
  6. DiPoto's record here I'd say was overall positive. some good moves/trades and some that clearly didn't work out. I think one of the biggest flops -- Josh Hamilton -- is owned by Arte more than DiPoto. DiPoto was good to Angelswin.com and spoke at the Fanfest several times -- so I wish nothing but the best for the guy as he moves forward. the Scioscia-DiPoto mix -- which was shakey from the start ended up imploding -- oh well. as for folks within the organization 'not liking DiPoto' from that questionable source, well, most folks at the top ruffle feathers -- if they don't -- they're not doing their job.
  7. DiPoto had some good moves / trades and some that didn't work out. overall - a positive record. but the Scioscia-DiPoto mix just didn't work. oh well. move on. DiPoto always treated Angelswin.com well and spoke at the Fanfest.......so I hope nothing but the best for the guy as he moves forward.
  8. pitching, defense and speed. note that a Bourjos HR made the difference in a game last week. having the best catcher in baseball (take that my SF Giants friends) helps. Well, the best DEFENSIVE catcher. the other night on MLB, they switched to AT&T Park with Posey up, bases loaded, Giants leading Nats 1-0. first pitch -- grand slam -- I think Posey locked up the ASG starting nod right there. of course, the Cardinals still have a chance to hack into the MLB voting system and change some results..........
  9. Who-ever said, I've been a Halos fan since Rigney and this situation isn't anywhere near the worst we've seen. How true. Perhaps we can hire Terry Collins back -- remember that debacle......the clubhouse was in mutiny. Then there was the time that Chico Ruiz pulled a gun on Alex Johnson in the clubhouse....... This one kind of runs along with the Terry Collins era -- but Mo Vaughn was just a 'great' clubhouse guy....he created an anti-manager faction with the whole roster seemingly choosing sides. so, it's been worse. Let's see -- DiPoto is pretty young can be around a long time but still relatively new here. Scoscia has Pujols on his side, Scioscia has three more years on his contract and Pujols has about what? six years? So I'd say if push comes to shove and Scioscia wants to stay -- Di Poto is the one that goes. Who thinks that if Bud Black expressed a desire to come back to Anaheim that Arte and probably Scioscia would be all over it........ Sosh may even decide to depart to Philly to make that happen AFTER DiPoto is gone.
  10. AM 830 can be difficult to pick up -- in Anaheim !!! You're better off listening to the Padres game and trying to get an MLB score update from Ted Leitner...........
  11. If either one of these guys, Morin or Rasmus could make it back and be effective -- it would really fill that hole in the pen of the middle inning bridge guys. our rotation this year has exceeded expectations and now that mid-season is upon us -- it seems some of the rotation guys will tire and revert to pre-season expectations (overall) -- so the middle inning pen guys here could be crucial. Morin pitched well for us last season......would be great to see him back on the mound and in fine form. Rasmus was a bit more spotty -- but had some good outings.
  12. yeah, Cardinals wouldn't make this deal because they hacked into the Rays' scouting notes and know the doubts that some of the Rays' scouts have about this guy's durability........
  13. I wouldn't call his minor league stats 'crappy' -- some of the ratio's OK - ERA a bit high. W-L about .500. not great, but not 'crappy' either
  14. yeah --- that's what I thought -- we got the FONZ!! betchya that's his clubhouse given nickname.............
  15. Winkler seems like a guy who could be a solid middle pen guy. K-BB career stats 2-1 K-IP stats 1-1. seems like a candidate to be the bridge guy --inning 6,7 guy.
  16. yeah -- that's what we need -- another large contract DH-1B type of guy........... Howard was ONCE a very good player and could really hit -- those days seem gone and it happened fast. the shelf lives of players these days seems quite short.
  17. yeah -- this latest revelation probably dooms Pete Rose's chances at reinstatement...... what I don't like is that this latest revelation -- which someone has probably been holding on to for years -- was timed to torpedo any chance that Rose would be reinstated and, perhaps, even as soon as this year's All Star Game which is being played where??? Cincinnati..........
  18. yeah, let's not change anything -- after making some off season moves, we're at .500 in a weak division about 5 games back...... let's keep this going............ but you're right -- Black is going to enjoy the PAID time off and then look around and see what's available at the end of the year. I think the Angels should snap him up while they can -- not sure what went wrong for him in SD for him, his first (or second) season there, the Padres pumped a lot of money to get players and the Padres bolted out the game and led the NL West for much the season only to fold big time starting in July -- and then this year, the Padres made a lot of off-season noise and the Padres just didn't seem to be able to launch from day one.......... but I still like Bud Black and think that he helps make Scioscia a better manager.
  19. Bud Black is out as SD Padres manager as of earlier this week -- by Monday he will have a week off. Can we get him back behind the bench either as pitching coach or bench coach this week?
  20. why is the dateline on this article PHOENIX? I know Arte operates out of Phoenix but why is a Halos announcement about team operations being reported out of Phoenix? just seems strange to me. Don't know what to think about this -- thought the comment would cause some problems for the team and the guy when they were first reported........ sales folks are in the PR business -- perhaps this guy was 'just being honest' as is suggested in some prior posts but as a ticket sales guy for the Halos, who presumably understands PR, promotions and advertising -- he should have known better........
  21. Angels do not have that good of a team this year (although the starting pitching has done well) but I can point to about three games so far that have been LOST by the Angels and not WON by the other team -- that's on the manager. It's said a manager's decisions affect the outcome (usually negatively) about seven to ten games a year.........
  22. Halos are a .50 to sub .500 team -- what is amazing to me is that the starting rotation -- which was supposed to be a real question mark at the start of the season -- has done well and rotation's numbers for this year are among MLB's best. And our set up guy and our closer have done fairly well (a few blown saves but that happens) pretty well, too. so that leaves the position players and the line up. We have some weak spots to be sure -- but one would think this line up could be juggled a bit to have a better result. and then there's the base-running -- sad to say but the Halos seem to lead the league in guys thrown out at home and at third ever since DiSar took over the third base coaching duties. So, YES, it the management of the team that's doing something wrong here -- don't know what the fix would be. I like Scoiscia but have never been a fan of his strict game plan approach that puts guys in certain roles and then that's it all season, all games, all opponents, all situations. I would have Smith in for a two inning SAVE once in a while rather than bringing in Street EVERY TIME....I would mix things up. I also would likely send Featherston back to Colorado and keep Grant Green on the roster. Why do we spend a roster spot on Featherston to play in 75 games and get less than 150 ABs this season when it's likely he won't even be on the roster next year?
  23. I am not against these guys -- Scioscia and DiPoto -- in fact, I like them and don't want to see these guys fired/ gone. But the facts are these -- the Halos came into this season with last year's 98 wins with great expectations. and it appears that they are nothing more than a .500 to a sub .500 team for 2015 unless things get turned around real quick. the amazing thing is this, the starting rotation has actually been pretty good, in fact, according to the stats, is in the top tier in terms of number of quality starts by starters. now, the past weekend series vs. NY was not a great one for our rotation -- but the point being, a potential real concern at the start of the season was our rotation and the rotation has performed well and above expectations.........the pen has been spotty but overall Street and Smith our closer and set up guy have done well with a few blown saves etc. but that happens. so it's the line up and the roster mix.........bottom line, if the Halos are a .500 to sub .500 team that misses the playoffs this season -- Scioscia and DiPoto may be given walking papers. Halos need to turn this around........they have a decent rotation and some decent pen guys --- a Billy Beane like approach to mid-season trades could make a difference.
  24. ah, it's fan participation -- if KC fans want to stuff the ballot box -- more power to 'em.......... Angels fan participation way down. Trout should be top over-all vote getter..........oh well.
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