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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. how many old timer type S. Cal sports fans do we have around these parts? when I read about the stunt that the Nats' front office pulled on Bud Black, I thought JACK KENT COOKE had been reincarnated and is now owner/operator of the Nats. JACK KENT COOKE was a notorious cheap-skate (worth millions, saved a penny every where he could). He owned the LA Lakers and later the Washington Redskins. He also was part of the ownership group of the LA Kings -- Bob Miller's autobiography has a hilarious story of when CHICK HEARN was enlisted to hire Bob Miller to be the LA KINGS play by play guy.
  2. can we reverse the Nagy hiring and get Bud Black back as our pitching coach?? the Dodgers, if they had any brains, would immediately contact Bud Black. when I first heard this -- a friend told me and it was like -- but they've already hired Bud Black -- what happened? I thought that perhaps the Dodgers did contact him and said -- hey, hold up on that Nats' deal and Bud Black, a West Coast guy, said OK. but that did not happen. what did happen, I think is this -- Bud Black, I think, is still receiving Padres money under his contract -- so he needed a certain contract number and certain guaranteed number of years to make this East Coast move worth it to him.......when the Nats started low-balling him on the contract deal , he just said NOPE -- not worth it -- for that I'm working for a few peanuts extra, I'd rather stay home and collect San Diego Padres money.
  3. I agree -- sign him now? Is he all that as a pitching coach? maybe but probably not. Is he an upgrade over what we've had in the now departed Butcher over the four/ five seasons?? ABSOLUTELY.
  4. Not sure why some folks are down on Erstad.........he was a very good, intense (to say the least) player while in a Halo's uni. he had that one incredible year with 240 hits or whatever it was........ he played CF really well -- didn't he get a gold glove or two out there and then also played well at 1B when the OF spots got crowded. He hit well and had a decent average and always hustled. Now he's coaching at the college level -- his intense attitude and now college level experience may make being an MLB manager a tough transition for him. If Ersty really want to manage in the big leagues with his attitude , perhaps he should invest in a time machine and try to get a job in the 1960's/ 70's,
  5. I don't see Erstad getting the Dodgers job -- however -- the fact that his name is in the mix, articles being written about it and that he gets an interview -- is all good for Erstad and put him out the radar for future managerial openings with MLB teams. I still think Roenecke is the odds on favorite for the Dodgers job and perhaps the most qualified of the applicants being interviewed. Would be a good move for the Dogs, too. Wallach, faithful organization man. may be odd man out . Meanwhile Washington Nationals take Bid Black off the market -- excellent move by the Nationals, if any one can whip that Nats' starting rotation, full of raw potential guys, into shape pitching wise -- it's Bud Black........
  6. Kings 4, St. Jose Sharks 1 -- pretty easy win it seemed for LA Kings. Martin Jones in goal for Sharks. Kings even season record. Nice -- after that lousy start.
  7. Read that link in the prior post about the Dogs cleaning house. WOW -- Rick Honeycutt has been the pitching coach there through about the last five managers. Mark McGwire should have never left St. Louis where he was hitting coach -- fans loved him there and didn't get the razzing he gets elsewhere. I think Roenicke ends up with the Dodgers managerial job and Wallach gets an offer from some other team, I would think. The rest of the Dodger coaching staff seems like toast -- perhaps they'll wind up with Mattingly in Miami.
  8. on Domomic Brown guy -- NO - there's a reason he was released..........lot of K's -- some power, no field. NO. The guy I would like to see the Angels pick up is a guy just released by someone -- perhaps Toronto -- Darwin Barney -- former gold glove MIF for Chicago Cubs. Started season with the Dodgers who had an over abundance of SS and MIF guys. Barney was a better fielder than any of the guys we had competing for the 2B job. I would not be surprised to see St. Louis pick up Barney as a depth MIF/ late inning defensive replacement for Jhonny Peralta who is not exactly a gold glover at SS.
  9. St. Louis Cardinals would be a more appropriate model for the Halos -- for a number of reasons. for one, St. Louis doesn't go crazy paying huge contracts for Free Agents. when they signed Holliday back when, it pretty much meant goodbye to Pujols -- they didn't have the money for both -- although -- the Cards made a pretty good offer to keep Pujols -- Angels just wnet over the top. interesting to see what the Cards do to keep Jason Heyward if anything -- they won't over-spend to keep him. Cards may extend Trevor Rosenthal their 40 saves plus closer --he's arb eligible and most clubs want to avoid arb with players they want to keep long term.......I would not be surprised if they spent some decent money to extend him. John Lackey is a F/A - pitched fairly well for St. Louis and could command some big dollars in a free agent market which prizes (and is short on) experienced rotation guys. Some one will over-pay for Lackey. Halos are somewhat like St. Louis in that (with a few notable and notorious exceptions) Halos not likely to open up check book for high dollar free agents. Cards very reluctant to over-spend on guys and will let them go rather than over-spend to keep them. Jason Heyward's situation will be interesting to watch.
  10. I gotta think the Dodgers are going to go with one of three 'in-house' candidates at this point: I would rank them (in terms of Dodgers chances of hiring them) in this order: 1.) Ron Roenecke (he was hired as Dodgers third base coach mid-season this year and is, therefore, part of the 'new' FO regime hires in LA. - has managerial experience, Dodger product and LA area native) 2.) Tim Wallach -- deserves a managerial shot -- has been AAA manager with LA organization for a number of years - then up with big club. Sort of where Scioscia was ''waiting in the wings' to replace for Lasorda and then the Dodgers organization and Lasorda turned on him. I will always respect Scioscia for walking away from the Dodgers after he gave them years of loyal service and they just turned on him -- Lasorda's conduct was typically two-faced : "I love the guy" in public and undermining Sosh in private. Wallach may be next in line for this kind of treatment from LA. 3.) Gabe Kapler -- I just don't see this happening -- the Dodgers have better in-house alternatives (above) with managerial experience. If Kapler wants to be an MLB - he needs to head to Albuquerque for a few years of AAA experience (as Wallach did and has done). 4.) NOT IN HOUSE -- but my favorite -- BUD BLACK -- for all the scenarios for having Sosh leaving here to take the LA Dogs job (I just don't see that happening) -- my favorite scenario for that would be Dodgers get Scioscia and we get BUD BLACK who hires Ron Roenecke as his third base/ bench coach for the Halos. Terry Collins -- in the World Series. Collins is a guy who spent years of apprenticeship in the LA Dodgers organization and spent a number of years at Albuquerque (AAA). He was an heir apparent and something happened there. Got the Halos job and then was part of what I consider some of the worst periods in Halos history -- the end of Mo Vaughn's time here (a disaster from literally game one with him) with a total mutiny in the clubhouse and a total melt down. Collins gets a re-assurance, sort of a contract extension one day and a week later he's out. A completely LOST season with August/ September playing out the string time being almost surreal. Collins couldn't get an MLB job for years after that. I was at the series the weekend he was let go -remember his crying act at the press conference.
  11. Just say NO -- best years behind him -- was hurt parts of last year. When we got him in the rental deal - he played well for us - but it seemed the two months or whatever period it was he was with the Halos he had a real short-timer attitude knowing that "I'm out of here as soon as I get a big contract offer' it was apparent from the way he played, conducted himself and acted. He played well for the Halos and in a part of his game that might be over-looked was/is a pretty solid defensive firstbaseman who is really good with the glove -- or was during the time he was on the Halos. But I did not like his attitude here and when he left here and now it's years later. NO.
  12. Greinke has been here, done that for the Halos.
  13. why is it that despite the guy's numbers (and I still think Kershaw was clearly the better pitcher on the Dodgers and if I had to pick one -- I'd pick Kershaw -- which the Dodgers have done), I just would not throw a lot of money at this guy? He seems fairly fragile to me and the kind of guy who would immediately land on the DL for an extended period of time after signing a huge multi-year deal. Give me a gamer like Kershaw or Bumgarner (I know they're not available) any day over this guy. Yankees may bust the bank paying for him - they could use rotation help -- what team doesn't need that? Perhaps the Nationals and the great rotation they have didn't get them into the playoffs this year -- ask Matt Williams -- Nats should hire Bud Black.
  14. well, I probably would save that kind of money for starting pitching........not an OF'er. oh well.
  15. I don't see Darin Erstad coming here -- he seems to have a pretty good gig in Nebraska.........not sure if he'd give that up to live in S. Cal and travel all the time.
  16. We need to get Bud Black back and while we are at it, perhaps get Ron Roenecke back as well -- how we let the Dodgers get him after his firing from Milwaukee is beyond me. Yes -- I would move Gary DiSarcina to some other organizational role -- minor league player development or something --- Halos seemed to lead the league the past two years on runners thrown out at third base and home plate -- and during a time when the somewhat new (now two years old) "Posey Rule" makes it a lot more difficult to get thrown out at the plate because catchers can't do their job and block the plate anymore,
  17. Cespedes is a game changer type of player -- never understood why the A's traded him for rental Lester when they did -- and when they did -- the A's who were playing so well with Cespedes in the line up became a completely different team and the bottom fell out. This year the Mets pick up Cespedes and leads them down the stretch to the NL East title. Meanwhile, Halos picked up three so-so rentals, Dejesus, Victorino and Murphy -- all decent acquisitions but not Cespedes quality player -- and Cespedes was really sort of the Mets' third or fourth choice after some other proposed deals fell through. Cespedes is a guy I would spend some money on. Unless there's something we don't know -- and what many suspected when Billy Beane dumped Cespedes the way he did -- that he was going to be some how be named in the steroids investigation and suspended -- that didn't happen and it looks now that it won't. That was the only way I could make sense of Billy Beane dumping Cespedes the way he did.
  18. Am pleased that he finally was inducted into Halos HOF before he passed away -- of course the Angels first and for many years ONLY Cy Young Award Winner (back when they only gave out ONE for all of MLB) should have been inducted into Halos HOF years ago. Really, Jim Fregosi first and foremost (along with Skipper Bill Rigney) and Dean Chance were the faces of the franchise during the formative years in S. California. (BTW, the Halos second Cy Young Award winner, Bartolo Colon, is having a pretty good post-season for the Mets out of the pen). I am always amazed to read of players from the era that Dean Chance played -- often it's the obits -- but you read about their post baseball life and it just illustrates how much the game has changed. Chance's obit talks about him working as a carnival barker and as sort of a small time boxing promoter (not too far off from being a carnival barker) and the various things he did. A player of Chance's caliber today (two 20 win seasons, Cy Young Award winner, about 150 career wins) would be set for life -- heck middle relievers with a career spanning five years probably makes more in one year (even counting for inflation) than Dean Chance made in his whole career. Dean Chance a big part of that miracle early year run with Bill Rigney and the expansion Angels and then that incredible 1964 season. RIP.
  19. ah, I like Rose on the Fox pre and post game stuff..........he really sticks out like a real sore thumb -- a throwback player paired with the likes of retired players who are too young to remember Pete Rose's playing days and what it took to play the game back then....... I like Rose because he's sort of like the Donald Trump of these baseball analyst guys -- he's doesn't stick to any script, he isn't politically correct - he just lets the comments fly -- and YES about 95 percent of them reference him, his records ('the hit King') and his playing days.........but sort of refreshing from the usual commentary and isn't afraid to call guys out........ entertaining to say the least......
  20. Lackey left us -- got a better deal. I like most former Halos but did not like comments made by Lackey upon leaving the Halos. He pitched well for us and was a gamer. He pitched very well in Game One for the Cards and seems to have a history of coming through in post-season starts. I've come around to kind of liking Lackey again -- probably (not, definitely) because he' s pitching for the St. Louis Cardinals and to the best catcher in MLB. The fact that YADIER is able to play in the post-season (but with a splint on his thumb) makes the Cards a different team -- the Cards are just better when YADIER is behind the plate and the pitching staff is much better........Lackey's win on Friday got a huge assist from YADIER calling the game.
  21. the guy is pretty effective as a rotation guy and could certainly help the Halos rotation........having said that, something about this guy tells me stay far, far away. he shouldn't be having the issues he's having with the Mets and it all seems to be him........ so for the Halos? NO.
  22. yeah -- I'm sure Scioscia will get right on that signing Napoli deal........ wasn't it just great to see Hamilton and Napoli at the plate over the weekend with that little extra incentive to just bash the heck out of the Halos. Hamilton should have worn a sign " Thanks for the paycheck, Arte!" oh well.
  23. I don't see Kendrick coming back to the Angels -- I would think the Dodgers would want to re-sign him based on the season he had -- even if he was on the DL there at the end. I think getting a player like Cespedes would be a good addition. He sure propelled the A's that first half what? two years ago and this year he certainly helped spark the Mets down the stretch. He's a guy who when he's in the line up , for whatever reason, the whole team seems to play better and the team wins. I don't see Freese coming back to Anaheim.....he's not that great on D down there. Now, I have a real question for Halos posters here -- what do we do with Featherston -- is he the new Mathis or something -- we essentially wasted a roster spot ALL SEASON on Featherston just because he was a Rule V guy and he's proven he can't hit which makes one think he's a good on D MIF guy and then he's inserted in the line up and makes errors in the field that costs ballgames. We kept him on the MLB roster ALL SEASON so that we wouldn't have to send him back to Colorado -- so does that mean we waste another roster spot on him next year?? Or did we keep him to provide SLC with a starting infielder??? That roster decision puzzled me out of ST and continued on all season. Meanwhile the LA Dodgers had an abundance of MIF in camp during ST including a guy he started for the Chicago Cubs a few years back and perhaps even won a gold glove -- Darwin Barney --- he was/is a better fielding MIF than any of our candidates we had in camp competing for the starting 2B job that Johnny G won -- I said 'watch to see what LA Dogs' do with Barney' - they kept him on the roster, then sent him to AAA and somewhere along the way -- I see he's now on the Toronto Blue Jays' roster and we will likely see him in the late innings of the playoff games as a Pinch Runner/ defensive replacement..........and we kept / will be keeping Featherston???
  24. DiSar 'has to go" talk ??? You guys are killing me. although, even I have to agree -- when your team leads the league (or so it seems) in guys thrown out at third base and home plate -- there's something going on there with your third base coach. just the other day -- what was Calhoun doing running into the third out at the plate as if he's almost running off the field ASSUMING the third out on the force play at second ?? So they blow that play and then make up for it by tossing out a jogging Calhoun at home.... and then, in a game the Halos won, Victorino -- a veteran ballplayer brought in for the stretch run - almost pulls a Merkle's play (long ago NY Giants base running error) by not running to second base (when he's on first base) on the game winning single.........if the other team stays awake they could have touched second with the ball and had Victorino out on a force play...... Victorino?? He's been in MLB for what? 12 seasons and he pulls a knucklehead play like that -- where's the base coaches -- although once the celebration breaks out and the runner does that, at that point the best bet might be to keep your trap shut rather than alerting the other team...........
  25. Not a whole lot on that list for us (or, at least what we can afford). I agree with an earlier post -- the name that sticks out to me on that list is Cespedes -- I wish the Angels would have done what it would have taken to get him in a deadline deal this (now) past season rather than letting him go to the NY Mets. He has made a real difference in that Mets line up. I think the Mets will do what it takes to re-sign him (if they don't it is a big mistake). on the starting pitcher listing - the guy I like for us on that list is Fister -- I say this because obviously the best pick on the rotation guys available is Price who I am sure will be with a different team next year -- I just don't think the Halos have the budget flexibility to pay what it's going to take to win the Price sweep-stakes -- on the list of relief pitchers -- not much there -- a roster area where we really need some help -- I don't see much out there on that list.
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