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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. ah , no need to dis-like Iannetta -- he was with us for what? three years? he played well his first year with us -- and I thought was a better defensive catcher than I had thought would be the case. last year , however, Iannetta started very slowly and didn't seem to get much better -- his contribution at the plate was de minimus and his defensive plays behind the plate fell off sharply. good luck to Iannetta as he moves on.........I don;'t dis-like the guy but I'm okay with the Halos letting him go.
  2. I thought Donaldson deserved the MVP.
  3. speaking of Featherston as earlier posts on this thread did -- does this signing mean we kept Featherston on the 2015 roster all season wasting that roster spot for nothing? or does Featherston get the starting job at 2B or SS at SLC?? (we kept him a year so now we don't have to give him back to Colorado). Pennington was a pretty good MIF for Oakland at one time, Decent fielder. I like this if we use him in late innings for MI defense, perhaps PH to bunt a runner along -- not sure how Pennington is on the speed front but certainly faster than some of the OF and 1B/ 3B guys on the roster. If he can do as well as John McDonald did for us in 2014 (at least during the first half) that would be a plus........remember McDonald played good D for us in late innings at MIF and 3B and was a club house presence......his bat, never great, sort of completely disappeared in August -- I don't think he got an AB in September. but these late inning specialist types -- the right player -- can really help a ballclub.
  4. I thought K-Rod had somewhat of a comeback last season -- he pitched well. good pick up by the Tigers. I wish we would have brought K-Rod back -- he could be a pre-set up guy, a set-up guy and could close out some games. I was at the game where K-Rod got his 62nd save and broke the single season saves record......it was an odd game because the Halos, if I recall right, were pretty much out of the race for the playoffs and everyone pretty much knew K-Rod was done as a Halo -- he got the save and it was a nice record but the stadium was fairly quiet. then K-Rod went F/A thinking the record setting performance was going to translate into a huge contract and he signed with the Mets for not much more really than what the Angels offered and really got off to bad start in New York sort of de-railing what had been a very successful career........he sort of found his way back with Milwaukee and I thought pitched effectively for them during most of his time there and last year had a good season.
  5. How could the Dodgers possibly pass on Bud Black AND Ron Roenicke??? really dumb on the part of the Dodgers......... meanwhile - it will be interesting to see how the Washington Nats fare this season -- I thought they had made a brilliant move in extending a managerial offer to Bud Black. Oh well.
  6. I like these moves made today -- Bud Black is back with the Halos in front office role -- Roenicke replaces DiSar at third (I think DiSar is great and really liked him as a player but GEEZ, I don't think a 3B base coach has ever had a worse run over two years -- I think the Halos led the league in guys thrown out at third base AND home plate each year he was the 3B coach) !! I guess this means the LA Dodgers made some sort of mistake (again) and named people other than Bud Black and/or Ron Roenicke as their new manager......Wallach left for MIami to be with Mattingly so maybe the Dogs went ahead and named Kirk Gibson or the other guy (the guy who never managed above single A ball before, former ballplayer) as manager -- neither one is as good as the folks the Halos brought back into the fold today. I'd say Scioscia's managerial rein is near an end -- we now have TWO possible replacements in house.
  7. I'd spend some money on Cespedes and, maybe, Heyward.......but after that not so much for an OF'er -- Zobrist would be worth spending money on -- and I would keep him at 2B -- some are suggesting he moves to LF -- an option -- but I would have him at 2B and then sign a defensive MIF for depth (not Giovatella). Gordon is going to want a long term deal and at 31, he's a so-so hitter, not much power and solid defensively. Not a real great clubhouse guy. I wouldn't break the bank for him. Those advocating for Cueto must have only watched his playoff starts, two of which were very good, one was not so good.......down the stretch after the deal to KC he was 4-7 or something like that with a high ERA. Also, Pujols just had surgery -- recovering - why do I think he won't be ready for the bell in April - which means the good D we get with Simmons at SS may be somewhat erased with Cron at 1B.
  8. Aybar played well for us - I wish him well in Atlanta -- and hope he has a good year there in 2016 -- to the point he can get an extension there in Atlanta. Aybar was solid for us -- he's an ex-Halo I will continue to root for.
  9. good poll choices -- overall positive -- I like Simmons, didn't like giving up that much -- but makes us stronger up the middle through 2020 -- I never had any problem with Aybar's defense so while we have now solidified the SS position for the long term -- not a significant upgrade (defensively over Aybar) for 2016. for the long term -- a positive but I would not have put SS at the top of the grocery list for the 2015/16 off-season. I think Simmons will have a solid year for us -- and be a team leader along with Trout for several years through 2020.
  10. we gave up a lot but we also solidified the 'up the middle' defense with Simmons at SS and Trout in CF. Put Cespedes in LF and if you can't get him, Gordon in LF and you have a pretty solid Defense. Would live to pry/sign Zorbist away from KC - he's a sold 2B with a bat -- during the playoffs he caught line drives for outs that would go over Giovatella's head for two run singles. Zorbist is 6 foot 3 or something. Giovatella is what" 5'6" Simmons is sold, decent bat, at one point even had some pop -- and is gold glove at SS -- and signed through 2020 !! Hate to see Aybar go but it's the old adage, rather a year too soon than a year too late. Aybar will have a solid season for Atlanta. It's his contract year.
  11. just heard this on the radio and then read it in the LA Times. geez -- he was just pitching for us (and was in the rotation at start of the 2013 season) in 2013. time flies and then life gets cut short. Sad.
  12. Lackey would be wise to stay in St. Louis -- but he probably won't
  13. just heard this on the radio news and then read it in the LA TIMES.....29....GEEZ. sad. wonder what caused this -- he was just pitching for us not that long ago - 2013. life goes by fast and then is cut short. RIP. Tommy Hansen.
  14. SI this week has a similar story projecting where top F/A's will wind up -- it has Cespedes landing with the Halos. 6 yrs at $140 million seems a bit much.........how about a five year deal with a club/player option for the fifth year? I think Cespedes in the Halos line up would make the line up and entire team better. Like others here - -where did that Ian Kennedy $55 million over 5 years deal come in??? Kennedy had a high ERA in a pitcher's park. NO. I'd prefer a shorter term, less expensive deal for Fister who the article projects will go to Houston. As for their list -- I think the Yankees make a real bid for Price and he winds up there instead of in Chicago. Heyward should stay in St. Louis, but probably won't. One guy who really should stay in St. Louis is Lackey -- he's had success there and after injury and effectiveness set backs (in Boston) has resurrected his career to the point he can demand a big contract -- his best bet to prolong his MLB career and still be considered a top tier rotation guy is in St. Louis. Daniel Murphy?? Angels? Murphy is NOT solid defensively as the post-season shows..........could be play third and replace Freese??? that would be better. I don't see Howie K coming back but he had a solid season with LA Dodgers before he got hurt........HK at the stage of his career where he may be looking at his last MLB contract, he needs to go for the money and the years and someone like the ChiSox may give him a four year deal..........of course , he may spend those four years on a last place team. I don't necessarily see Gordon returning to KC - -he could be the Halos back up plan if Cespedes signs elsewhere.
  15. I like this move -- Halos have surprisingly been weak at catcher in recent years despite having Mike Scioscia 'the catcher' as manager. or perhaps, it is because Scioscia is manager - who knows? Molina family clearly knows a things or two about catching -- Yadier still best in the game despite getting older and sustaining injuries each of the past two/three years. I like our Perez and think that Jose Molina can help him develop better defensive skills...... Salvadore Perez, the W/S MVP for KC is rapidly becoming the best catcher in baseball -- for a while there he wasn't even the best catcher in Missouri !!!
  16. well, from reading posts here on regular basis, apparently there is a plethora of talent among the regs here for all three jobs.....
  17. Maddux to Nationals -- I guess if Bud Black isn't your manager, Maddux as your pitching coach next best thing.
  18. of that OF group - I'd focus on Cespedes -- he seems to be a real game changer everywhere he goes. Makes the team better.
  19. Gordon is a gold glove OF'er and steady hitter -- not much power about .270. Zobrist is a very good 2B. so given that, I'd take Zorbist -- think Royals will try to re-sign both and probably will try harder to sign Zobrist - he played well for them down the stretch and made a difference in the playoffs........have not really watched Zobrist much -- not many Tampa Bay games worth watching --- but was very impressed with him as a KC Royal.........clutch hitting and good D at 2B -- his height allows him to snare line drives that go over other 2B's (Giovatella) heads for RB singles.
  20. good move. may be able to get him for less than the $7 million option price. some team may pay that much for a fourth OF'er but not many -- and if there's a team that will, that's where Murphy will be in 2016. Perhaps he'll sign back with Texas.
  21. Compared to Bud Black, Dusty Baker is CONNIE MACK -- says LOU. I guess that means Dusty baker will be the manager for the Nats for some 40 years plus !! CONNIE MACK!!
  22. I'd pass on Murphy -- I mean we can pick up another OF'er at that price......... my concern here is if Murphy is our first move and significant move for the off-season -- then the Halos are just tinkering around the edges coming off a season where even though some may think 'geez, great comeback game against Texas there and we almost made the wild card /playoffs......" when in reality, we were far off the mark for most of the second half of the season. Halos need some rotation help, a solid middle inning set up guy who may cost more than we want to spend at the position and we could really use a speedy MIF defensive guy who could PR and play D in the late innings -- c'mon -- the Royals have made the use of PR and speed plus defense the past two years and it's worked fairly well for them.
  23. Bud Black would have made the excellent Nats pitcing staff even better. An incredibly stupid move by Nats' ownership. Of course, when I first heard this I clicked on ESPN MLB site to quickly see what the heck happened and ESPN had some lame headline/ analyst folks saying Nats hiring of Baker was great move for 'that veteran team they have" --- geez. What's next? Nats and Baker on the cover of SI like the Mets. (Terry Collins, no stranger to Halos fans, made a real dumb pitching move leaving Harvey in to pitch the ninth in Game Five -- hey, I'm the manager but I am going to let my crybaby 'I pitch too many innings this season" guy make this call.......GEEZ). Opportunity lost for the Nats. The 2016 hasn't started and they've already gotten worse. I went to two of the Nats/ SF Giants games in September at AT&T. The SF Giants (not a great hitting team by any means) really teed off against the vaunted Nats rotation. The Nats rotation tanked in August/ September. I gotta believe a Bud Black adjusts and makes the necessary corrections to make sure that doesn't happen again. Dusty Baker??? The rotation may start tanking in June or July instead of August,
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