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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. the best news for us is that the AL West seems incredibly weak.......
  2. right now -- perhaps the worst thing that could happen for the Halos is that they make some sort of short term run (I doubt this - the way they're playing right now) and become a first or second spot wild card contender and thereby putting the 'hold' button on making any key trades (primarily for minor league prospects and players to be named later -- also deals which may clear up some payroll space -- but I guess we can't do anything about Josh Hamilton's contract --- at least he's now playing -- I guess we're better off paying him to be on Texas' DL than ours - OUCH -- that whole signing stunk DAY ONE) -- and no getting rid of CJ Wilson or this contract either -- oh well. But if the Halos have some 'hope' come deadline time it may mean we don't trade Street for young pitching prospects or Smith to the Dodgers, perhaps, maybe that Urias pitcher (doubt it , but we could ask - throw in Calhoun -- really aside from the pen guys our top trade value guy)......... I agree what others wrote in response. Right now the next several years look bleak and we're really looking at a rebound in about 2019 or 2020......perhaps we can empty out the Philadelphia Phillies farm system of young arms and trade Trout there early -- before he signs with them when his contract is up.......Trout playing in Philly -- almost hometown stuff.
  3. The rate our Halos going -- I think headed for an 87 to 88 game loss season -- we're bound to be sellers and not buyers at trade deadline time -- which is creeping up on us. We could consider this a 're-building' year but I don't see much 'building' for the future going on and it looks like we're stuck on a treadmill of being a mediocre also ran for the foreseeable future (which in MLB is about three years these days). Who's gone come deadline time? Street, Smith, Shoemaker, Calhoun (gotta give up something to get pitching prospects), Can we even unload CJ Wilson (doubtful), Other than those listed we don't have much to give and Santiago -- once our rising value trade guy -- seems to be dropping in value with each start now........ I don't know folks -- my crystal ball sees a lot of empty seats in the hot Anaheim sun come July, August and September. Trout -- the best player in MLB - albeit one without a supporting cast -- and Pujols' slow march to 600 HRs is about the only excitement going to be generated at the Big A this summer.
  4. doesn't he have a bad (expensive) contract -- I thought Padres over-paid for him when they signed him away from KC. unless it's a fire-sale type deal where the Padres also assume some of the contract expense, I would pass on this, Of course, that's kind of deal it's probably going to be -- San Diego does not have much leverage here.
  5. worth the flyer - like others here , would have liked to have seen an option year.
  6. "Lincecum hasn't done ANYTHING in THREE years to make me think he's better than what we already have...." Lincecum may or may not have much left and may or may not help the Halos - but he did have some quality starts in 2013 and 2014 -- in 2014 his work out of the pen during the post-season was stellar and helped lead the SF Giants to the World Series championship season. He also had some quality starts in '14 -- particularly earlier in the season.....in 2013 he had some very good starts along with some real bombs -- he was consistently inconsistent that season. In 2015 he was sort of the 'forgotten' guy on the Giants roster, spent DL time and was getting knocked around a lot when he pitched. IF, a big IF, he passes the physical, it's off the SLC and if all goes well, I could see him up with the Halos either right before or right after the All Star break.
  7. Scioscia caught pitchers with the Dodgers when Lasorda when Lasorda would ride those guys until their arms fell off......... I'm with Sosh on this. Lasorda ruined more than one pitcher's arm/ career. remember the year Mike Marshall pitched in something like 120 games?
  8. want to see what the contract details are-- assume it's an incentive laden deal. Hey, folks -- stop the griping -- we got a slight reprieve this weekend and Santiago pitched a gem yesterday -- but, heck, our rotation is in tatters. We are not going anywhere -- as long as we did not spend too much -- what's the harm here -- Lincecum may have something left it the tank and if he's anywhere close to his Cy Young form (like two-thirds of it) we're better off than where we stand now.
  9. Santiago's start and performance today increases his value -- when's the trade deadline? July 30th? Does any one expect Huston Street, Joe Smith and Hector Santiago to be on the Halos' roster come August 1 ?
  10. just when we thought the Angels were dead and the 2016 season was over by mid-May -- they sweep the first place Mariners at Seattle with two gutsy come from behind victories sparked by Pujols HRs and then today's stellar pitching performance by Hector Santiago -- which may have well have been the best MLB start of his career. So, does the Halos sweep here only prop up false hope and delay the inevitable assessment that 2016 (and probably 2017 because it's more than a one year fix needed here) is a 'lost season' -- or do we really have some level of hope only because the AL West is fairly weak.?
  11. thanks, Chuck -- I will try to figure this out -- new stuff and especially new computer IT type stuff not exactly my forte'
  12. not sure what his asking price is, but am sure team execs are looking at an incentive laden deal with a guaranteed amount for 2016 with GS, IP incentive numbers and then an option for 2017 with a similar guaranteed floor salary amount and more incentive laden numbers. I don't see teams going out on a limb for a three/ four year guaranteed contract with Lincecum.....he's can help a team but his 2015 was very inconsistent. in 2014 he won some key starts for the Giants down the stretch and then was stellar in a relief role in the playoff and especially the World Series. two years ago is an eternity n MLB these days as is two years from now, so it seems. there's another former Cy Young winner hanging around MLB since he won the award with the Angels........Bartolo Colon -- heck, he's won about 100 MLB games since leaving the Angels -- his career has been deemed 'over' several times now........
  13. maybe it's operator error on my part (always a possibility with IT stuff) -- but when I view a link (and then perhaps post a reply comment) -- I can't go back to the forum and perhaps right to a different topic -- instead I have to go back to the main fan forum link and hit that again to get to another topic on the fan forum. again, this could be operator error but I have found this extra step (every time) not as user-friendly as the prior site format.
  14. Angels seem to be in free fall right now....probably going to lose to St. Louis tonight and get swept. it's awful to be so awful so awfully early in the season.....this reminds me of the Halos in those 'drifting years' in the 90's the whole Terry Collins / Mo Vaughn era debacle. going to the ballyard and seeing Trent Durrington as our starting SS with the Halos on the way to another losing season -- but at least that was August/ September -- this is mid-May. Sorry, it's just real difficult not to get discouraged with the organization and team right now........something's gotta change -- and that's usually the skipper -- as much as I like Sosh - I think if the Angels continue on this trajectory (spiraling downward) for a 'lost season' -- something's gotta give........if for no other reason than to mix things up a bit.........
  15. I think the Halos don't have much choice right now but to sign Lincecum and perhaps over-pay for him if he showed anything at all at the workout showcase deal. Lincecum had some god starts for the Giants last year and also some terrible outings. I say the Angels should be seriously interested. Lincecum could be number 3 or 4 in our battered rotation right now. I don't think Lincecum goes back to the SF Giants as they are looking at him from a pen perspective -- and Lincecum performed very well for them in that role in the 2014 World Series -- but Giants could use Lincecum as a number 4/5 starter as well as it appears Matt Cain and Jake Peavy are not cutting it for them and probably won't last the season on the roster.
  16. well, it gives us some needed depth at SS/2B - Pennington seems fine at SS but Giavotella has always seemed to have a tenuous hold on the 2B job. Ryan has been a back bencher with the Yankees the past three seasons......I guess he got a good seat for Jeetz' farewell tour. I remember him with St. Louis -- played some good D there - not much at the plate......for some reason I think he also spent time in Seattle with the M's. right now, there's not much the Halos can do --seems too early to throw in the towel -- but , honestly, I don't see the Halos doing much of anything this season except losing about 87 games. Long hot summer in Anaheim. Watching tonight's game vs. St. Louis is painful -- rotation guy goes 4, pen guy can't get an out.........
  17. what's happened to Houston this year? they're back to being cellar dwellers again -- and they looked so young and upcoming last season. funny game, this baseball. meanwhile - Halos with what has been characterized throughout MLB as 'the worst farm system in baseball' has Mike Trout, the best player in the game -- and not much else now and for the future. But trade Trout like some of the pundits are saying? NO WAY. Perhaps in the final year or two of his contract, but not now.
  18. can the next NHL season start next week??? Not soon enough.
  19. So, it sounds as if Simmons should be back in time to participate in all the meaningless games in August and September......... actual attendance at the Big A (not 'tickets sold' stuff) may be averaging about 14,000 by then. going to be a long, hot summer in Anaheim........
  20. YIKES !! Going to be a long season, folks -- I thought so before the rash of injuries and now??? Angels look dead out there -- it's terrible. I was really excited about Simmons at SS, his glove has been stellar and now he's out. Garrett Richards our new 'ace' -- gone for the season. Huston Street OUT. Pujols on his way to 600 HRs may be putting up Dave Kingman like numbers this year and next until he reaches that 600 mark - not sure how much longer he will play once he gets there........ Angels hard to watch right now. Sorry for the negativity (or is it an honest assessment of where the team is right now?). Roenecke the third base coach right now -- will be in the dugout after the All Star Break???? 74-88,
  21. Robinson was a good depth pick up -- with Gentry out (no huge loss there) Robinson is as good as any to fill the roster spot...he played fairly well for St Louis in a semi-platoon role. Shoemaker is far removed from that 16 win season two plus years ago -- what happened? He will probably be back up at some point given the Angels' penchant for injuries to rotation guys but next time up, Shoemaker needs to put some quality starts on the board or his Angels days may be numbered.
  22. Predators 2, Ducks 0 starting third period. hope the Angels scoreboard is keeping folks in the park updated on what's going on across the street. two years ago when the Kings played the Ducks in Round Two, I was at the ballyard when Game One of the series was being played....Angels did not do a good job of keeping folks informed of a huge S. Cal event/ series. far different from when the Colorado Avs won the Cup a few years back (been a while now) and they had to stop the game for ten minute standing O for the Avs from the Denver fans........Larry Walker (that's how long ago it was) came onto the on deck circle with an AVS jersey on...... DUCKS SCORE !! KESLER !!! 2-1 game. Power Play. 18 minutes left third period.
  23. it's tragic that he passed away so young. that being said and responding to Lou's post - not coming out of the woodwork - I can't name any Prince songs -- was never a fan of his music. meanwhile, a true icon of the American music scene (from California no less!!) passed away April 13 and not much mention here. How about nothing but some Bakersfield sound tunes for walk up at the ballyard -- lots of Merle Haggard with some Buck thrown in as well........ No one tops Merle --right up there with Hank Williams (and I don't mean Junior).
  24. yes. Pennington is the key utility guy who may be called upon to play more games than anticipated. I could see him spelling Escobar in the late innings at 3B and starting some games both at 3B and at 2B. and, unless he gets hurt, I see Simmons as one of those guys who plays 161 to 162 games at SS not missing much time - ever. I think the prior listing of the 25 is accurate with the issue being if Weaver starts the season on the DL -- which I think is a real possibility.......that probably means they keep Bedrosian and Mahle then and delay that decision until the week of April 10 when Weaver gets his first start of the season as the team's fifth starter. another -- not bubble - but 4-A guy at SLC is Tropeano who starts today and is a plane flight away from making spot starts. does anyone think CJ Wilson will be ready anytime soon. Tyler Skaggs probably on the roster - off the DL -- by May 1 but he'll be a closely watched pitch count starter for 2016. also, the Angels just acquired Shane Robinson and if he doesn't make the opening day roster, he'll likely be up on the big team by May 1 if not sooner. That places Nava or Gentry's roster spot in jeopardy I would think.
  25. well, like all these guys, Gott had his plusses and minuses......he got into quite a few games last year for the Halos during the second half and was fairly effective. I don't know what kind of spring he had -- but based on last year, he's probably better than the 11th or 12th pitcher we'll have on the roster opening day
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