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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. harkens back to Ken Griffey Jr,'s days with the Seattle Mariners when he was the face of the game and just a smiling face playing a kid's game and being better at it than everyone else. then Griffey Jr. went (home) to Cincinnati and it seemed to all go away over night. Hope that's not Trout's fate if leaves to go home to Philadelphia or one of the New York teams. Trout is signed long term but Halos are going to have to be perennial contenders for the Halos to have any shot at re-signing him. The best player in the league can only be shut out of the playoffs for so long -- he's doesn't want to be like Ernie Banks -- a true great of the game who never played a post-season game.
  2. opposing pitchers might not like seeing him at the plate............
  3. No thanks. I like most ex-Halos. Teixiera is one of the exceptions. We can't/ shouldn't pay what he wants anyway and for Tex -- it's all about the money, he's made that clear his entire career. He sort of dissed us when he left -- we don't need him back.
  4. Reading some of these posts about Weaver, I think some folks have not checked some of the rotations of teams in contention -- there's some pretty weak rotations and not a lot of depth and good starting pitching available during the off-season. Some team might be willing to make Weaver a rental for the stretch run and then see if he can handle the back end of the rotation next year. One of those teams (well, not exactly IN CONTENTION) is the team he's been with his entire career. For today's AL -- Weaver 83 mph fast ball and all is locating pitches and getting into the 6rh inning..........that's what teams need.
  5. tomsred -- agreed -- as this season shows - not just for us but other teams as well -- you need about 7 to 8 starters to get through the season these days.
  6. Troll Daddy -- remember when Jeff Weaver -- apparently washed up (not for the first time in his career) went to St. Louis before the trade deadline -- continued his run of just terrible starts for his first several outings -- and then -- all of a sudden -- under the tutelage of Dave Duncan, apparently, turned things around for the then-La Russa Cardinals and played a key role in the playoffs and World Series for the World Champ Cardinals -- I think he won two World Series starts in that series...........Jered probably remembers that. Jeff then took that W/S success and turned it into a another large contract (was with Seattle? Can't remember now, Jeff Weaver's career had nine lives) -- Jeff Weaver never again saw the success he had with the Cardinals -- at the time time, I thought he should have stayed with Dave Duncan in St. Louis -- but Jeff Weaver always looked to the big pay day -- and now that his career is over -- who is to say Jeff (and his sometimes sour disposition -- unlike Jered IMO) was wrong in doing so??
  7. Well, tdawg87 - you may well be right about that --but let's look at the situation here ---- Weaver is a long time Halo -- gave us a Hometown Discount to extend his contract a few years back when he clearly could have commanded much more and started a bidding war (which Halos would have finished third or even fourth in) -- he has pitched well his past few starts, seems to be a better 'pitcher' these days truly transitioning from a 'thrower with good stuff' -- and 2017 Halos??? Not much going on there anyway --- so a one year deal (perhaps with an option for 2018 that likely would not be exercised) incentive laden deal for a back end rotation guy may make sense given the 2017 roster. not saying it happens (and, again, Weaver is a guy who could pull a Tim Duncan and simply walk away in mid off-season) but it's not completely out of the realm of where things stand with the Halos these days........and I'm clearly not suggesting we give him one of those 'we appreciate your past service' type of contracts that Halos have given out in the past -- or the worst example of one of those is the last Lakers contract to extend Kobe which combined with Commissioner Stern's veto of the Paul trade led to disaster seasons for the Lakers.
  8. it's not quite the NBA where a top draft pick can literally turn around a franchise -- LeBron James etc......but top draft picks as the post above shows -- have significant value -- anyone else ever wonder why MLB does not permit trading draft picks like other professional sport leagues do? The NBA, NFL, NHL ??
  9. Vegas Halo Fan - was about to post the same thing after checking the W/C standings on ESPN site........last place tie with Oakland, need to pass 8 teams.........11 games back of the SECOND WILD CARD spot -- and either W/C spot leads to a ONE GAME playoff......... YIKES !!! Sacrifice 2018 (2017 is already gone IMO) to 2020-2021 (the rest of Trout's time here) for a slim chance to get into a ONE GAME playoff? that's the calculus -- not that I ever did very well in calculus, let alone any math...........
  10. this weekend's impressive second half start, three game sweep -- giving up only ONE run -- is a curse in disguise. it makes folks ignore what numbers it would take to get back into this race for a playoff spot (and a second wild card spot at that -- one game playoff stuff -- how have we done with those over the years??) -- so now it's 'Let's put the FOR SALE sign away and keep Santiago, keep Smith (Mr. Ball Drop), don't dangle Calhoun in front of teams for top quality pitching prospects, keep a weak fielding Escobar at 3b (he does well at the top of the order, he can hit but GEEZ., keep him off the field on defense). so the Halos don't become SELLERS and in doing so, set up about four to five more years like this one.......... probably would have been better to have gotten blown out these three games -- the yard sale would have be ON starting tomorrow (MONDAY). and we beat the ChiSox, a team that started the season really hot and has just plunged to the depths since then.........meanwhile Cleveland, Detroit and KC show signs of a race to the wire.......expect at least one W/C spot (if not both -- although they may beat each other up -- one thing I don't like about the second W/C spot-- a really strong division gets penalized because each team plays the other about 18 times a season..........meanwhile in a weaker division with two patsy type teams, teams feed with 15-3 type records against the bottom feeders).
  11. does anyone see Weaver being on the Halos in 2017? perhaps a one plus one year option incentive laden deal. but then, Weaver is the kind of guy who could just say "I'm done, I've earned enough from this game, good bye" another guy that could do that is Lincecum -- I don't Lincecum has pitched well enough so far to earn the interest of teams seeking a back end starter. Lincecum probably will finish the season as a Halo and even though the Halos (despite their impressive three game -- only one run given up -- sweep of the ChiSox) are out of contention -- the second half of the season is very important to Timmy Lincecum -- he really needs to put together a string on quality starts, remain healthy and hope to catch the interest of teams during the off-season.
  12. why? I think he's earned the equivalent of a no-trade clause in his contract -- so if he agrees -- he gets dealt to a contender......does St. Louis need rotation help? how about San Francisco? but Weaver gave the Halos a hometown discount to extend his contract and stay in Anaheim.....he's pitched well the past few outings --- Angels need to show some class here and deal Weaver only if Weaver says " heck, yeah, I want to go to a team that can win it all"
  13. didn't see the game but saw the box score and Shoemaker's line -- WOW!! a classic old fawshioned NL type pitcher's duel. Two shutouts to start the second half -- I'd keep Shoemaker and trade Santiago now while Santiago's value has reached a peak two weeks before the trade deadline in a seller's market for starting pitching..........
  14. Hector Santiago's stock is at its peak right now after that shut out performance and with two weeks left before the trade deadline. The time to sell is NOW. Best returns. Sell HIGH, buy LOW........there's a about a two week window here with an eye towards being competitive in 2018. 2016 right now is pretty much past tense for the Halos; not a lot of hope to be in contention in 2017 -- so make plans with 2018 in mind.
  15. Chuck's predictions from a few days ago are interesting -- clearly posted before today's (July 15) LA TIMES article in which Scioscia insists that the Halos (16 and a half games back, clearly headed for a 95-100 loss season) are 'still in it' and won't necessarily be 'Sellers' over the next two weeks. So, we have Scioscia at the tiller of the Titantic here and even though there's time to change course, he's plowing straight ahead......... Does this really mean no trade of Santiago, perhaps Smith, Escobar and Calhoun? Don't dis-like Calhoun but let's be honest folks, we don't have much of value and he's a guy that could really help a team.......would trade Street but his value may be zero now that he's truly damaged goods........C.J. Wilson ? he's fallen so far off the table -- all that's left is for the Halos to pay for his season ending operation so he can rehab on someone else's dime. as for Calhoun -- but was floating the idea this morning with a SF GIants buddy of mine of Calhoun to the Giants who could use a bat and an OF'er -- Calhoun - good team guy would fit in well with the Giants type of play -- and we could get a couple of AA pitching prospects back -- one pretty good, one second tier........perhaps they could even throw in the oft-injured Angel Pagan to us as a rental and we could try to sign him to a one year incentive laden deal for 2017.......Angel and Angel -- I like it and when he's healthy (which is fairly spotty over the past three years) he not only produces but his mere presence in the line up / on the field makes his team better and they win....... At this point of his career, the injury plagued Pagan is more of a platoon OF/ DH type -- runs the bases well when healthy........again, he's be a rental and then, if signed, a stop gap for 2017 and maybe 2018 re-building years......plus two prospect arms which we really need in the system, Meanwhile, Calhoun could really help the Giants vs. the Cubs and Nats (Mets?) in the playoffs........ bottom line we have to get Skaggs some MLB limited pitch starts, Shoemaker as well (I don't think he gets dealt -- too many problems - although teams are desperate for Starting pitching help)........we have to have a real plan for the second half -- what Scioscia said in today's LA TIMES is not it, IMO.
  16. Altuve was my second choice to Trout. Houston is going to make the AL West interesting -- Altuve will be a major reason why. Trout will be the best player in MLB playing on a team with 95-100 losses. sort of like being the top deck hand on the Titantic.......
  17. GEEZ -- Finally!! Some good news here from what has been just a disaster of a season. He's gotta take it easy - if they bring him back for the second half -- he needs to be on strict pitch limit -- the Halos 'out of contention' status could be good for a 'rehab' at the MLB time frame for him -- let him get some starts in, 50 to 75 pitches -- and he'll be ready to go in ST 2017.
  18. Gwynn - absolutely -- how could I mis-spell that??????????? GEEZ.
  19. what did Pete Rose do now?? wait, let me guess ? He talked about himself. when the pre-game ceremony honoring Rod Carew and the late Tony Gwinn as two of the top hitters of all time -- sitting here at home, from here, I could almost feel Pete Rose going crazy in the booth exclaiming loudly that they weren't as good as he was at the plate.......must've been ugly........don't tell me he said something like that on the post-game show.......
  20. Desmond is going to want a bundle.......signed late for $8 million one year deal -- great signing -- sometimes you wait and it works out -- it did for Texas. but as the ASG announcers pointed out a few minutes ago --- Desmond turned down a multi-year deal worth something like $60 million (to stay with the Nats) but TURNED it down -- so he does a one year deal and waits........the F/A market not that strong (especially for pitching) this off-season -- so it works well for him -- pitching is where teams tend to spend a bundle and over-spend.......without top pitchers on the market -- clubs will pay a bundle for a middle-infielder who can also play some CF.
  21. Hosmer staying in game longer than any other starter.........think Yost wants his guy to be MVP ?? it's OK.
  22. in the 70's, I remember watching a guy named Ryan pitch for the Halos........I still remember being in the area around game time one time and just buying a single ticket. Probably section 400 something -- 401-403 (long time ago - park was different then -- the old Big A) up high behind the plate -- and who's pitching? Nolan Ryan.....about 18,000 in the park -- probably a July/ August game --- Angels out any contention in the standing -- Ryan pitched a one hitter. Rules have changed -- probably because of stuff like this -- but it's an absolute shame and a sin that Nolan Ryan isn't in the Hall of Fame as an Angel -- and a California Angel at that. His best years were with the Halos. Under current rules he's be in as a Halo........I think Texas put the HOF thing in his contract and Ryan got a huge bonus for it. Can't blame him.
  23. this thread is starting to look like a Chicago Cubs thread -- -- were you a Cubs fan before or after 1908 ??
  24. right now I'd give it to Hosmer and Salvadore Perez -- co-MVPs from KC. Salvadore's shot was a two run dinger that gave the AL the lead........ Trout may be out of the game after that last AB -- 1 for 3, base hit, strike out, fielder's choice.
  25. right now It looks like Hosmer gets the MVP -- only the fourth inning. Trout needs a dinger here.
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