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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. I need someone to explain the rationale for this trade other than "well, we just didn't sit there at deadline time......" I am not monitoring this minute to minute so I am assuming of the two guys who we really needed to trade (Smith and Street), neither one got dealt and now are essentially our own rentals with nothing in return. Santiago, who's value is probably as high as it will get, is signed through 2017 and we're not paying much for him this year or next.......so we trade for lefty Nolasco who is making about $12.25 million for 2017 and 2018 and a throw in player who could man the back end of the pen or at least be a warm body on the roster there....... Meanwhile Santiago goes to the Twins and will likely pitch there for 2017 at which time (if he has done anything close to what he's done this year and last) he will again be a deadline trade value guy..........watch the Twins get more from a contender in 2017 for a true rental of Santiago than what we got today..... PS -- Didn't Nolasco spend time as a Dodger rental a year or two back?
  2. hey, when's the deadline? 1 PM PST or 1 PM East Coast time? if it's 1 PM PST -- geez -- they drag it out to the last possible moment -- If Halos do nothing it shows that the front office is truly asleep, although......... on the other hand -- teams are waiting the Angels out on Street (his performance Sunday clearly did not help his already falling value much), Smith and perhaps even Santiago -- realizing that the Angels need to deal the first two or just have the equivalent of rentals on their own team for two months of a lost season...........so Angels are holding firm on their (likely unrealistic demands, I assume) until they aren't and then Street and Smith get dealt for lower end prospects mired at A ball level or even an over the hill AAA guy who's not quite a 4-A player with good AAA numbers but little MLB time and approaching 28/29........and then the Halos still need to pay half of the remaining contract just to move the guys (Street/ Smith).. Santiago they may hold onto for at least insist on some value in return.
  3. hey, what a story -- perfect for deadline day..........Chuck once traded his moniker !! Happy Birthday Chuck !!
  4. Leon swung at the pitch when it was in the catcher's mitt.....
  5. well - we will see how the pen does -- but I think it was the right move to pull Weaver.........good outing for him...... maybe some team was scouting him tonight.........
  6. seems to be a lot of base running mistakes by teams this year -- I mean lack of fundamentals like that Marte deal - or maybe it's just because I am following the Angels (who seem to have made base-running mistakes an art form in recent years -- although we seem to have few runners thrown out a the plate or at third now that DiSar is no longer the third base coach) --and also following the SF Giants -- the Giants second half crash here so far can be partially attributed to base running mistakes -- they ran themselves out of an inning and a potential rally tonight with a base running move -- Nats up on them tonight. They seemed to have done that several times since the All Star break,,,,,,,,
  7. a nice outing so far by Weaver -- geez -- he sure is inconsistent, quality start followed by a can't last three innings game and then five innings of one run ball......... let's see how long Mile S. keeps him in there.
  8. ah, regurgitating the Freese trade -- I thought we did ok in that one......we needed a regular 3B -- Freese fit the bill......true he was weaker defensively than I think we realized and he was very slow afoot leading to a Mr. GIDP reputation.........but he did get some clutch hits and nailed down 3B at a time when Freese was better than what we had there before. We got Salas -- who has had his ups and downs with the Halos but is still in the Halos pen here some 4 years later - a period of time which has become an eternity in today's MLB. check any roster, probably only a handful of guys on each team who's been with the team for four years straight - back in the day at least 22 or 23 or the 25 man roster would have been with the team that long -- no longer. BTW -- the player we dealt back than (remember Grichuck - spelled wrong) was sort of a throw in -- Bourgos - he went on the 15 DL today for Philadelphia - not sure who, if anyone, the Cubs got for PJB. Always liked PJB -- wasn't upset the Halos moved him -- pretty much had to at the time given the roster make up and numbers game in the OF -- but still always like PJB.....problem with a PJB type player is that once he starts to lose a step or two, it's pretty much over.......think Chone Figgins......same type of deal. PJB could sure play CF - I'd put him down as one of our better defensive CF'ers -- although I doubt anyone tops the guy out there now for us.
  9. Street or Smith -- either one - but we need one of the Cards pitching prospects -- not Wong. I mean Wong could be part of the package but we have to get some solid pitching prospects primed to hit the Show in 2018.
  10. I would hold out for a top prospect and if that isn't happening -- then I would feel comfortable keeping him for 2017 and even possibly extending him. He's been stellar at the top of the line up for the Halos -- but not great at 3B. If the Halos keep him, he really needs to be in a platoon at 3B/ DH for 2017 and Halos need to acquire or develop from their farm system a slick fielding 3B with some speed (to PR in late innings and then play 3B to spell Escobar) to platoon at 3B..........when Escobar starts at 3B, the slick fielder PRs in the late innings and takes over at 3B, when the slick fielder starts at 3B and if Escobar is not DHing (because Pujols is) then Escobar PH for the slick fielder in the late innings....... fortunately with Simmons at SS, you have a guy who can cover 3B/ SS side of the field.
  11. not a bad way to come back for the first time on the mound in an MLB game in almost two years.........
  12. MLB Tonight just reported that the Miami Marlins are interested in Hector Santiago and have initiated talks with the Halos. Mentioned that Hector had a start tonight, pitched well and got the win. We need to move Hector this week - his value may never be higher. Are there any top pitching prospects in the Miami system we can get?
  13. perhaps the Throwback jerseys were those really ugly ones the ChiSox had at one time........LOL!! What a jerk !! MLB player making millions goes berserk over wearing a 'throwback' jersey??? GEEZ. I mean they're not the old orange pajama looking uni's once worn by the Houston Astros or the Pittsburgh Pirates once wore horrible looking uniforms -- remember Willie Stargell's large frame really showed off how awful they were.!! Perhaps some fan can get Sale to sign one of the Throwback jerseys?? Maybe one with Shoeless Joe's name on the back.......better yet a Jimmy Piersall number jersey (16 ?).
  14. any further report on the nature of the Chris Sale 'clubhouse incident'? If it were the Mets pulling Bartolo Colon for such an 'incident' one may think it was because he ate all the food at the pre-game buffet table and didn't leave any for the rest of the players.....
  15. Back in the day -- if players were routinely sent home and pulled from the starting line up for a 'Clubhouse Incident' -- well, Billy Martin may have never suited up an MLB game.
  16. 'Clubhouse Incident' ??? If he got into with a player you'd think it would be the OTHER guy........not tonight's starting pitcher who got sent home -- UNLESS the incident interfered with Sale's pre-game warm up routine..........
  17. If ChiSox are dealing Chris Sale - -they sure went from first half sensations, to still being in the playoff hunt to Sellers very quickly. Now they are reporting the Sale situation is NOT A TRADE but a 'Clubhouse Incident'
  18. OK -- on the Fox Sports Net 1 game (SF Giants at NY Yankees) they have reported that the ChiSox have suddenly pulled Chris Sale from his scheduled start in tonight's game but that Sale IS NOT ILL -- which means he's probably being dealt somewhere.......any guesses?? LA Dodgers now that Kershaw may be out for the year??? SF Giants to stop the Dodgers from getting him???
  19. anyone else sort of surprised at the relative lack of pre-deadline deals at this point? There's traditionally a flurry of activity the week before the Aug, 1 trade deadline -- but in recent years there has also been significant pre-deadline 'early bird' deadline 'jumpers' who try to get in first and snag the
  20. I think it's a flyer by the Yankees to see if there's any interest. I don't see any team expressing any -- Yankees own these contracts -- the only question now - will these guys be on the active roster while collecting their paychecks or sitting by a pool somewhere.........
  21. great. get some pitching prospects -- we're not getting any major leaguers in this deal........ what's Granderson's contract? Maybe they'll dump him or make him a rental for Halos - MLB throw in? -- he has something left -- part time LF next year? remember when we got out-bid for him?
  22. why would they do this on July 21 -- ten days before rosters expand on August 1 ? If they do this, it means they really don't like these guys. Isn't A-Rod fairly close to a milestone HR number? I can see them maybe doing this during the off-season but not now. this 'rumor' leak seems designed to get some team to ask for these guys in a deadline deal.......can't imagine anyone doing that -- A-Rod has huge contract and not much left. Tex seems to have some hot streaks this season, has some power and presumably can still field 1B fairly well -- perhaps some team might bite......
  23. sounds like another Taylor Featherston -- was that his name? the Rule 5 guy we kept on the roster all last year, wasted a roster spot and now he's nowhere to be seen -- I think he wound up back in Colorado and they designated him for assignment or something........ Featherston had about 125 ABs for us and mostly sat the pine.
  24. Look at that list! -- FINALLY -- a West Coast bias............
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