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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Kluber is pitching for the Division leading Cleveland Indians and has pitched well of late. Porcello has somewhat quietly won 20 games -- he's got comeback player of the year locked up. Just like this poll -- it will be a close race but I think Kluber wins it for Cy Young. Wow -- those other guys got zero percent in this poll -- would sure Sale would get some votes, started out ok with ChiSox taking early AL Central lead during the first half, first month and a half.......that fade seems almost like last year. of course, the Halos were never near contention so they did not have an opportunity to fade......so what's worse? Being mired out of it early and NOT fading -- or starting out of the box hot, taking first place by 5 games and then start the fade so that by the All Star Break you're at .500 and heading for sub-.500 ??? for the season, I guess, the question is, is it better to be a 'has been' or a 'never was' ?
  2. everyone is entitled to their opinion -- mine is that I never understood the Featherston decision DAY ONE (and I think I posted that back then) and then REALLY didn't understand keeping him ALL SEASON after he sat the pine almost the entire first half -- IMO -- it started becoming a wasted roster spot by mid-May. Rule V or not, at that point, I would have cut the cord (and said so). I do think the loss of that roster spot and limited roster flexibility it caused, cost the Halos a few games in W column.
  3. jameson -- let us know who it was / is ... hope you take/ took your sunglasses -- from your seats down the RF line, that setting sun lowers just over the third base/ left field side stadium seats can be right in your face as you look towards the plate/ field.
  4. IMO Morin was a fireballer who had a solid fastball but in subsequent years had difficulty mastering his slider and change up and then couldn't throw them for strikes. he may have lost some velocity as well which would really impact his second and third pitches -- but not sure if that's the case. anyway, has reached the promise this year that he showed flashes of in prior two years.
  5. it took us 8 days to release him once he was obtained from the Red Sox. As for Hill, a journeyman pitcher who's come back from TJ surgery and bounced around baseball like he has -- and he has a chance to go down in history as one of what? 24 pitchers in MLB history to pitch a perfect game (SIX OUTS away) and the manager PULLS him for, of all people, BLANTON? Ouch !!! Hill should be steaming -- this was a career game for him -- one of the last guys to pitch a perfect game -- Humber (is that his name?) turned his somewhat short and mediocre MLB career (except for that one game) into a career as an ESPN (or is it MLB channel?) analyst -- I think I have the right guy -- he's pitched a no-no (perfect game ) and without that he probably does not get the TV gig. If Hill completes the perfect game (or at least leave him in until the first hit), he probably gets better term contract offers and may have other non-baseball opportunities as well -- and his game ball goes to Cooperstown.........
  6. elimination day? Is that for the 2016 or the 2017 season?
  7. I agree with DMVol -- Featherston isn't worth a MIF roster spot at SLC at this point -- as for John McDonald's roster spot the year before -- 2014 -- some may recall that John McDonald was a non-roster invitee to ST along with at least three other MIF's with MLB experience........one of them was a former Rockies 2B who actually started for them in 2012/ 13 - can't remember that guy's name -- I thought that guy was the odds on favorite to win a roster spot and then there was another guy with MLB experience who was next best . John McDonald was what? 34/35 or so and I thought it was a bad career move for him to seek a Halos roster spot as a non-roster invitee when other clubs (AL or NL) could use his defensive skill. Well, McDonald out-played all of 'em in ST and won the roster spot -- then he did something else -- he hit better than anyone expected during the first two months/ half of the season -- his defense at 2B, 3B and sometimes SS was stellar.........he could still bases as late inning PR and defensive replacement -- when asked to sacrifice, he could lay down a perfect bunt to move the runner over........McDonald played very well for the Halos the first two months/ half of that season in the back up/ platoon role he was given. He was also a good clubhouse presence. Now, during the second half of the season, August/ September - McDonald's bat disappeared, his playing time became limited and his ABs almost non-existent. I think he made it to Sept. 1 and expanded rosters without getting released but am sure it was a close call --at some point in September he announced he would be retiring at the end of the season. (I think we picked up a MIF type guy at deadline time that took away any playing time McDonald was getting and McDonald's second half fade had started). Point being made (at length - sorry !) is that McDonald contributed to the Halos -- particularly during the first half/ first two months -- Featherston on the other hand was really a ZERO during his entire Rule V season........and DMVol is right -- after hardly playing at all the first half - Featherston received more playing time and proceeded to make some costly errors in the field in the second half. Apparently, Featherston was a pretty solid MIF with some power at the collegiate level -- can't remember what school he went to (Florida, Georgia Tech or something not sure) but remember Vin Scully mentioning thjis during a Dodgers- Angels broadcast (wouldn't learn it from a Halos broadcast, I guees)........ Anyway --
  8. I will never understand (other than the lame reason 'he's a Rule V pick player') why we kept him on the Halos roster ALL SEASON LONG -- what was it? 2015 season? For most of the year he sat the pine -- finally about mid-season and more towards the end of the year, he got some ABs and then some late inning defensive time and also did some Pinch running -- I remember he came up in a bunt situation (late season game) in the late innings and couldn't get a bunt down........I mean we're talking worthless and a total waste of a roster spot (that really could have been used for another versatile type position player or maybe an additional arm out of the pen). He barely got 100 ABs and shortly after the season ended we DFA'd him and he want to another team before Philadelphia picked him up. that whole decision (to waste a roster spot for an entire season on the guy) still mystifies me -- you'd think he was our star second baseman in waiting the way they maintained his roster status........
  9. great -- let's go on a run here and really mess up our chances for a premium draft pick. so, we go on a run -- wind up at .475 ball -- let's say 74 wins instead of 64 or something like that -- we still finish third or probably fourth - out of contention, miles south of the playoffs and no where near a top ten draft pick. you've heard of win/win scenario's.......... this is a we win and then lose/ lose scenario..........
  10. Texas has somewhat quietly put together a wire to wire season...........
  11. I say Altuve but the consensus is our little breakfast group was Mookie Betts. Didn't really think he was in contention but has come on, I guess, the second half here. 1.) Betts; 2.) Donaldson; 3.) Trout; 4.) Altuve I think Altuve was really leading heading into the second half but then somewhere along the line Houston fell out of a playoff spot and need to rally to get back into one. If Houston is not in the playoffs -- Alutive takes a real tumble and falls below Trout - who, as we all know painfully well, isn't playing for a contender. Betts gets the East Coast bias vote -plus BAHSTON......Donaldson's team will be in the playoffs and he's got the numbers. I still think Trout is the best ballplayer in either league.
  12. jameson - let us know here on the site how your seats worked out and where you were able to get them......
  13. should have no problem with walk up tickets at the ballyard -- that's what happens when the club is playing .400 ball, is out of contention and school is back in session. there's that 1-800 (or is it 714) ticket place near the ball park -- it's on Katella and you can stop in there and get seats, not sure if they bargain much but right before game time I am thinking they'd rather sell than keep the inventory - not sure if they have some deal with the Halos to return un-used tickets. Stub Hub is always a great option but you have to pay fees -- but you usually get a better shot at selecting where you want to sit. Advice - if it's an evening game (or IMO even a day game -- but certainly an evening game that starts in sunshine before the lights go into effect) be sure to get a seat on the third base side, left field line side -- the stadium shades the sun; on the first base side / particularly down the right field line -- you are looking right into the sun and it's baking hot through about the fourth / fifth inning -- days getting shorter (but not the games ) so it might be the fourth by this time.
  14. Frieri may not have been a 'throw in' guy but there was zero expectation that he would become our primary closer -- which he did for almost two years........ Bailey could be like that for us this time around -- although Bailey, unlike Frieri - actually has experience as a top closer and won ROY with Oakland as their closer getting something like 25 saves his rookie season........that's been a few years back now -- and a few years back (can't remember how many) in a time when three years in MLB today is akin to what a decade was some 20 years ago or so..........look around MLB rosters -- I would estimate that of all MLB teams, the average number of players who have been with that same MLB team (pick almost any team, this would be an average) for at least three years would be about 8 players (if that ) on the 25 man roster. The roster turn over was more like 5 to 6 players a season back when. No longer.
  15. meanwhile the pick up of Andrew Bailey could be the Frieri type pick up for us the rest of this year and perhaps in 2017. remember we got Freiri (spelled wrong) as sort of a throw in on a deal and he wound up being our closer for almost two seasons. we never expected that when we obtained him and he pitched well for us until he flamed out (and he when he went down hill, he became ineffective on a consistent basis very quickly). so Bailey may handle closing duties for the rest of 2016 -- perhaps pitching well enough to ensure that the Halos play themselves out of a prime draft pick spot -- and perhaps entering 2017........if he can reclaim a semblance of his ROY level performance with Oakland a number of years back........this could be a steal of a deal for us. At least to make it through a 2017 'bridge' year.
  16. Glad that Shoemaker is recovering well -- Tolliver might be a good pick up -- hope so. As for Blanton -- hey, he's doing well for the Dogs. No crying over spilt milk there -- Halos gave Blanton every opportunity in almost every type of role -- he was terrible -- deemed the worst pitcher in MLB that year --- 2-14 with us. SIgned with who? Oakland after that -- and has worked his way back to be the pre-set up guy on a team on the verge of winning the NL West.
  17. went back and ran the numbers --- forgot about his second year with us when he spent a good part of the season on the DL -- this was after coming off the poor start the first year so the press was all over -- 'what a terrible contract this is' stuff. The first year - he bounced back to hit 30 HRs and had 105 RBI with a .285 BA -- now- to be fair -- many of us will recall 2012 was one of those years where the team got off to a terrible start in April and by mid-May had a dug ourselves a huge hole to climb out of in order to get back into contention. Halos did play well the second half of the season - sort of late -- and many of the post- May games could be characterized as 'no pressure' type situations....not exactly in the midst of contention, pennant chase. the next year, 2013 -- was when Pujols spent about half the season or so on the DL and his numbers reflect that. But overall -- and there's 26 games left or so in thi season, Pujols' not quite five year average for the Halos is almost 29 HRs a season, 95 RBI and a BA of about ,270. It's not the 35 to 47 HR type years he had with St. Louis but we'll take it. IMO pretty good numbers.
  18. why are we talking about Pujols' 2016 stats here? Isn't this a thread about the MVP award? that being said, Pujols stats, while not MVP worthy -- have been better than expected for the Halos this year and I'll take that. actually Pujols stats for most of his Halos' career have been pretty good -- I think if you average his stats here they're something like 25 HRs a year, 75 RBI and probably a .265 average. he did get off to an awful first two months in a Halos' uni which sort of set the stage for all reporting and stories about him ever since. And, actually, his stats have been pretty good. He still hits into too many double plays, IMO; his stats have had significant help from having Mike Trout in the same line up hitting right before or after Pujols at times. But I get kind of tired of the narrative that constantly rags on Pujols........his contract was a big one and for ten years but the Halos knew what they were getting, they knew the back end of the deal would be a time of declining cost-benefit ratio --- and, actually, Pujols has performed well for the Halos and IMO, his play on field -- he never appears to quit hustling, trying t win. Not sure I'd do the ten year deal again like we did -- but overall - no regrets. I would not put this contract on list with GMJ, Vernon Wells and Josh Hamilton's.
  19. actually -- with Jose Mota -- if this has not happened - and I think it has -- Jose Mota should interview Manny Mota (probably next year during the freeway series -- Dodgers- Angel game at the Ravine) and FSN should keep the interview for it's archives..........Vin Scully is no doubt an greater LA area treasure and an All Time great. So is Manny Mota who was a very beloved player and a fan favorite to this day even though his coaching. broadcasting, scouting role has been reduced -- he's 78 these days. I will always remember the Dodgers placing coach Manny Mota, then something like 44 years old - on the active roster in a critical season ending three game series vs. Houston. The Dodgers needed to sweep the Astros to force a one game play off -- they did -- and in two of the games the critical clutch hit in the late innings was delivered by none other than COACH MANNY MOTA. I remember his first time up after being activated at age 44-- either bases loaded or first and third -- something like that -- either tie game or Dodgers down one run -- Mota slaps an RBI single up the middle........Dodger Stadium just explodes in uproar and a standing O for Manny Mota......... FSN (back then Prime Ticket I guess) should be re-running another interview from the vaults this week -- the show they did with Chick Hearn, Bob Miller and Vin Scully on one panel. Talk about LA area legends..........
  20. if I had a vote for MVP it would be a toss up between Donaldson and Altuve and I'd probably lean towards Altuve. Altuve is unreal. Trout is the best player in the game today but his team's games have been meaningless since about mid-June.
  21. well -- hangin n wangin -- got a point there. Santiago has pitched what? 6 years or so in MLB? Pretty much half of that as back of the rotation guy and half as a pen guy -long relief and earlier inning guy (6th/ 7th inning). Se the mop up guy or pre-set up guy. now take a guy like Santiago -- pretty much a sub ,500 pitcher most of his career -- makes what? $8 million a year? compare his career earnings with that of someone like Bob Gibson ---I think even with an adjustment for inflation, Santiago probably out-earned HOF'er Gibson, one of the best ever int the game in career earnings...........
  22. can always use a LHP -- even if just for situational purposes in the late innings.
  23. looks like I am way behind the curve on this one -- Wood is already OUT and no one knows why........ oh well, minor league managing take patience and perhaps some just don't have it.....hard to say. let's forget I even posted anything about this............. maybe Wood is back coaching high school baseball closer to his hometown or something.......full time teaching job and coaching probably nets him more income. not sure how much of a MLB pension he qualified for............did he get the equivalent of 4 years MLB roster time? That used to be the vesting point -- I think the more recent MLBPA agreement may have reduced or eliminated the vesting time requirement - not sure.
  24. Great for Brandon Wood !! thanks for posting this -- I did not see the article. I think a guy like Brandon Wood and what he's been through -- top prospect, making the show but never really 'living up to his potential' -- can really relate to the draft picks of today and help these kids through the adjustment from amateur ball to professional baseball. I am hoping Brandon Wood does well in this new role for him..........
  25. this is great for MLB -- and about time !! I actually bought some Dodger tickets last year (to give away at some charity auction -- I have not been to Dodger Stadium in almost 20 years) -- so I got one of their 'on-line' surveys about upcoming homestead games and what would entice me (or make me more likely) to go to a ballgame at the Latrine........my comment - 'Keeping the greater S. Cal baseball audience from hearing Vin Scully in his final year is near criminal and the Dodgers should be ashamed of their entire organization for letting this happen." "TIckets? Count me OUT" So this is good news,, even if belated. If Dodgers get to the playoffs -- and it looks like they will -- perhaps to play St. Louis in the Wild Card game -- Vin Scully would be able to broadcast the local telecast of , I think, everything until the NLCS.......at that point the network folks have the exclusive. If Dogs are in it, the network may try to entice Scully to spend some time in the booth -- but my guess is he will turn down the offer -- he pretty much announces alone in the booth (it's a term in his contract over all these years) and is not likely going to want his last broadcast to be part of a 'broadcasting team' in the booth........... still -- good news for all of MLB -- folks should DVR those games and save the one from At &T the last weekend. BTW -- also retiring this year -- with much less fanfare -- is Dick Enberg -- he won't be back in the SD Padres booth for telecasts next year -- Oh My !!!
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