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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Espinosa hit 24 HRs last year and averages 19 a season. He had 21 HRs in 2011 and 17 in 2012. Kendrick's highest HR season was 2011 when he hit 18 as a Halo 2B. He averages 11 a season. The last Angel 2B with more HRs was probably Bobby Grich who hit 30 in 1979. I think the Halos line up can hold up IF the starting rotation come through and induces ground balls instead of gopher balls. we also need a solid pen guy(s) for pre-set up and set up guys -- that's where we lost a number of games last year -- even when the starting pitcher came through. I would still like to see the Halos sign a guy like Chase Utley as a back up MIF and perhaps to play some D at 3B as well.......but that's probably not happening. We still have Marte on the roster and he could fill that role (but not as good as Utley would). Often, with the better teams (usually with no payroll limitations) get that way because they're willing to pay more for the depth bench players -- the back up MIF, the extra set up guy who can keep teams off balance and into the future -- the lumbering guy who can't play a lick in the field but can knock the cover off the ball.and be a dangerous DH.
  2. I am not expecting much in 2017. I do like our 'strong up the middle' approach and feel that Simmons/ Espinosa at SS/2B is a good combo. with all the talk about good D light hitting MIF, a friend of mine pointed out that Espinosa actually hit 24 HRs last year (have not checked that for accuracy yet, but if that's true that's more HRs at 2B position in a long time. Howie may have hit something like 15-20 HRs)......Trout in CF and this new catcher (Maldonado). But that strong D up the middle assumes the pitching staff will be serving up groundballs instead of gopher balls. Texas went pretty much wire to wire last year and then fizzled in the playoffs -- I think they've gotten better. Seattle had a suddenly good season last year as they sort of caught fire in the second half of the season. They are better. Oakland is Oakland -- always trying to squeak by with a major league low payroll and get to trade deadline in contention. IMO they are a franchise in the constant state of free-fall. Houston is a mystery to me -- their pitching fell off the chart last year after being so good in 2015. They have good young MIF'ers. They should contend but hard to say which team shows up in 2017 -- the one with the better than expected pitching staff in 2015 or the one that flopped in 2016? The Halos? Does anyone else think (like I do) that the Halos are pretty much done with off-season moves and now it's just some tinkering around the edges? I don't see our Halos being 10 games better (more wins) than 2016......10 more wins gets us to .500.
  3. he was a pretty good football player at the high school and college level........he did get knocked down pretty good causing a concussion about a year ago -- may had him re-thinking of the NFL was for him. oh well, let's hope the Halos treat son better than they did father...... Torii Sr. -- to me -- just a great Halo, fantastic attitude, good team guy, spark-plug and performed well for us and had perhaps his best stat year (for us) his final season. we should have re-signed him but decided to do something else............that was OK -- Halos said 'we didn't have the money' they let Torri sign as a F/A with Detroit where Torii had a great season and then another good season the year after that. the thing that made the 'let Toriii go' thing just horrible was the 'we don't have the money for that position Halos' going out and signing Josh Hamilton to that ridiculous long term contract (that we are still on the hook for ) instead. that was plain ridiculous. it left a bad taste in Torri's mouth -- as it should have -- and many Halos fans (who previously didn't like but understood not re-signing Torii as a 'business decision' suddenly didn't understand it at all).....and this was before Hamilton's implosion which - quite frankly - was not exactly unforeseen at the time. A total debacle.
  4. well, we really need to get some pen help now. Sounds like we're pretty much a small ball team with some speed now --playing NL type ball (or KC Royals ball that was so successful two years ago)........so this means if we're not scoring many runs, we need to do better in the bridge innings sixth to the eighth and then hope we solve the closer role with Bedrosian or Bailey........both have been inconsistent. I like Simmons at SS, Espinsoa at 2B and if our rotation can induce a lot of groundballs - the pitchers will be liking this infield as well. Bandy behind the plate? Better D than Perez. need pen bridge guys for the sixth to eighth inning and hope that Bedrosian, Bailey can claim the closer role and do well. Escobar still at lead off? he did well last year. Or is Espinosa better there ? I'd say keep Escobar. Escobar, Maybin, Trout, Calhoun, Pujols/Cron, Espinosa/ Simmons/ Bandy.
  5. strong D at second and SS for 2017. I like it. Now some pen help and perhaps a big bat LF'er type and we're good to go. sounds like the rotation is set with what we have and about 7/8 guys battling for the 5th spot and the at least THREE 4-A spots (if past injuries and missed starts in the rotation is any guide). doesn't sound like a perennial contending team but I do like the strong up the middle approach. who is behind the plate for us in 2017 ?
  6. Cespedes is a guy I would be willing to spend that kind of money on......... Not only is he a good ballplayer -- he's a player who just makes the whole team better when he is in the line up. He's carried clubs he's been on since his time with the A's who were in first place in the AL West in a near run away - on a team without a whole lot of talent but all played better with Cespedes in the mix -- so the A's trade Cespedes and they do a Angels (DiSar went down) type fade like what year ? 1995? With Cespedes and some of their starting pitchers --- the Mets will be a contender for the next few years (which, these days, is a lifetime in MLB).
  7. MLB will be making a real mistake if there's a lock out by the owners and/or a strike by the players. The last work stoppage in baseball hurt the game. Another stoppage here, I think would cause some long term damage -- even if it doesn't cause lasting damage (which it might), I think a lot of America's emerging demographics - the millennials -- could take baseball or leave it.......the hard core fan base skews to the older side. I think if MLB has a work stoppage the economic damage would be significant and the road back would take longer than it did on the prior work stoppages, if the pace of the game slowed to STOP -- a lot of folks may STOP watching for a lifetime.
  8. ten ocho recon scout -- the A's dealing Cespedes in 2014 is a deal I will never understand. Very un- Billy Beane like. the only thing I could think of was that Cespedes' name was mentioned in that MLB banned substances report that was circulating/ rumored at the time -- and he was about to get a 50 game suspension or something -- that didn't happen -- and the A's went into biggest tail spin in the second half that pretty much proved that Cespedes was carrying the offense. And they got a rental in Lester -- Some day someone needs to get Beane to open up about what that Cespedes deal was really about....it made no sense then, it makes no sense now. And Cespedes remains a top quality player who can carry a team..........that's one guy that I wouldn't mind the Angels spending some money on -- although if we didn't do before when we had the chance not sure if we're in the hunt now.
  9. did not have AW Fan Fest in ST last year and not sure how many folks here went to ST last year. But for those who did not -- be prepared for added expense in 2017...........did anyone else who went last year think that prices overall and everywhere (for everything) were WAY UP? MLB commissioner's office actually had to warn/ advise the MLB teams that if they were going to charge regular season (or higher) prices for ST games, they'd better start playing MLB players and regular season starting line ups for at least three innings........the days of low ticket prices and prime seating are gone. The increased cost was really noticeable last year.
  10. March 3-6 too early for me. other options March 10-12 -- or March 17-19 - I am usually there for St. Pat's Day and March Madness -- but that's prime time of prime time for ST and prices way up. Folks planning a short term house rental approach would probably save some money and have a better time.
  11. how many here are for giving Turner a huge ($80 million?) up to four year deal to play in Anaheim? why am I skeptical of this? why would I prefer we spend that kind of money on pitching -- if an ace worth paying anything close to that is available on the F/A market (looks kinds of light this year). What's wrong with holding on to that money and saving it for a better F/A market next year? I don't know, I think Turner had a career year with the Dodgers and he may do well next year, but I see another multi-year contract with diminishing returns in years 3 and 4. Don't we already have enough money locked up on declining performance players? And why is everyone so ready to deal Escobar? He did pretty well for us last year with timely, clutch hitting and was, perhaps, the best Halos lead off hitter since Chone Figgins (which may be saying more about the quality of our lead off hitters since then rather than anything about Escobar). Escobar's glove is weak so we'd need a quality slick fielding back up INF who could play 3B and perhaps some SS (can Utley do that? he's a part-time guy looking for a job, good glove (not so sure about that at 3B), good clubhouse veteran leadership presence, decent clutch bat, makes contact, can steal a base and can sacrifice when asked to do so (amazing, that used to be a given of virtually every MLB player, including pitchers, and now it's a special 'extra' skill -- well Chase Utley is a throw back player). I say no to playing big bucks for a multi-year deal for Turner. He'll get the money and is hit the market just right -- a career type year heading into a weak F/A market. Some one will over-pay. Hope it's not us. With our track record, it may well be. Let him sign with Seattle -- then he'll be hitting about .215 by the 2017 All Start break.
  12. Ackley -- Seattle -- not the Phillies - there's another INF from the Phillies I am mixing this guy up with. Ackley -- was phenom for Seattle and started at 2B/ OF for them at least two seasons........Boras client so he's not coming to Anaheim.
  13. geez -- wasn't it just yesterday this Ackley guy was a Phillies can't miss prospect? I think he'd be worth a ST invite if he no other (better) offers....... has the guy regressed that much or was he just not all that (he was hyped to be) to begin with? maybe we could invite him and Dallas McPherson to ST??? oh well.
  14. Went to WBC games about two/ three years ago when they were played at AT&T in SF. Games were a blast/ atmosphere at the Puerto Rico/ Japan game was electric. For MLB teams, the games carry an injury risk -- the year we went Angel Pagan of the SF GIants, got hurt and was out much of the first half of the season. Simmons playing for the Netherlands team? The year we went, there was concern that attendance at the WBC playoff round games would be down because some may recall the USA team got eliminated before the WBC games left the Arizona round. After watching Puerto Rico beat in Japan in a great game -- the next game involving Netherlands wasn't as exciting......if I remember right, the non-traditional brackets for the series was a bit weird and Netherlands team was in sort of a weak bracket.....by the time they made the playoff round they were not a very good team and were over-matched.
  15. I guess then that Donnie Moore had a Ralph Branca moment? One of Branca's kids was a long time LA area worker's comp attorney, I think I got that right.
  16. MLB seems to be doing well. Attendance at most parks is up and TV deals both local and national are lucrative. The Yankees and the Dodgers (Red Sox too?) have their own networks with media rights revenue keeping them flush. But don't be misled -- MLB may be on the precipice -- fewer kids are signing up for Little League these days -- and for advanced junior ball past little league -- heck the league in our area had only TWO teams in their league (Babe Ruth League baseball) which means the two teams played each other all season.......there used to be two different leagues with about six teams each. if kids are not playing baseball and signing up for Little League -- well, it means in 7 to 10 years, those same kids won't be going to MLB games or watching them on TV. I don't think MLB can handle another strike / lock out --
  17. old screen name dating back to ESPN Board: Disarcina new screen name: Disarcina
  18. Oakland Coliseum -- which is governed by a joint powers agency type approach of the Coliseum Board, a regional board, and the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, as well as being in the city limits of the City of Oakland -- seems to have been so well managed that soon Oakland may well be about the only American city to lose: -- an NBA team, an NFL team and a MLB team in the span of one/ two years. Meanwhile MLB tells the A's they cannot move to San Jose -- which is, at least, within reasonable driving distance (traffic can be awfui, though) of Oakland. Go figure.
  19. does this help the A's in their bid for 1.) a new ballpark or major renovations to Oakland Coliseum? 2.) a move to a new location either San Jose (Commissioner's office takes SF Giants side and nix this) or follow the Raiders to Las Vegas? The now high-flying Warriors with a very talented team -- are about to take flight to new arena in San Francisco proper. The Oakland Raiders seem to be on the verge of negotiating a move to Las Vegas if the NFL will agree. Meanwhile, San Diego voters turned down the public financing of a new football ballpark in San Diego thus starting the two minute (year?) warning clock on the Chargers moving to Los Angeles. The Chargers have priority over the Raiders in claiming the Los Angeles venue and now it appears, San Diego is set to move to LA which means Oakland is free to explore Las Vegas. New LA stadium broke ground this week.
  20. Seriously, folks, how long can we keep this guy - the best player in all of MLB - on our losing team which seems to be on a pre-2016 Chicago Cubs type drought of being competitive again. Don't think Trout can wait 108 weeks (that's more than two years), 108 months (that's 9 years !!) let alone 108 years. Right now, I don't see the Halos being competitive in 2017 and 2018 remains questionable.
  21. "And in a major upset, the best player in MLB wins the 2016 AL MVP Award........"
  22. players accepting Qualifying Offers tells me they may know something about this year's F/A market... something tells me post 2017 season F/A market will be better for players.
  23. DiSAR has been Yo-Yo like between the BoSox organization and the Halos organization. Obviously, I am a huge DiSAR fan dating back to when the Halos had that huge lead in the AL West - 1995? -- and DiSar went down with injury and the team went South. (We came back for that one game playoff in Seattle Kingdome that did not go well for us). Back in those days, DiSar was guy with decent stats, not really that great of a defensive SS -- I mean he wasn't O-Cab or Aybar -- but not bad either -he was above average and the most important feature he brought was that when his name was penciled into the Halos line up - the Halos won. Having said all this -- as Halos fans know, DiSar was perhaps one of the worst Third Base coaches of all time. In a year AFTER the "Posey Rule" of not allowing catchers to block home plate anymore (think of Mike Scioscia in his hey-day behind the dish with the Dodgers -- he played catcher like a linebacker) -- the 'Posey Rule" translates into MAJOR ADVANTAGE BASE RUNNER rounding third trying to score -- and the year after that rule with DiSar manning third base coaching box -- Halos have MORE guys thrown out at the plate than I can ever remember -- TWO YEARS IN A ROW!! So they move DiSar over to first base coach -- and while fewer mistakes made there (by virtue of less opportunity to make mistakes) DiSar not stellar there either. Usually third base coaches become managers. I once saw DiSar as a future manager of the Halos -- at this point after his experience as a Halos base coach, third and first base, I really don't see DiSar managing anywhere in MLB. That's hard for me to say about the guy whose name inserted into the Halos starting line up led to victories.
  24. well, we shall see but IMO the Chavez signing takes the Front Office off the hook from signing another rotation guy -- so Halos will probably will get out-bid (and now allow themselves to be out-bid) and won't do so (perhaps that's good if the alternative is to over-pay for some mid to average rotation guy). in the past some of the worst Halos' F/A signings took place when, for whatever reason (i.e. the Dodgers just made a splash signing someone -- which really is a dumb reason to make even a dumber move) the Halos' Front Office felt under some 'pressure' (real or imagined) to 'do nothing' - that's how we ended with the likes of and terrible contracts of Gary Mathews Jr, Vernon Wells and Josh Hamilton -- I am sure there are more but these three signings -- all blasted, as I recall, to a poster on this board, AT THE TIME OF THE F/A signing (so it was not a case of Monday morning QBing) .
  25. are we getting Thames -- had him on my fantasy team during one of his better seasons with Detroit -- he's fast, can steal some bases, if I remember right, had some power but not really a power hitter.........what I seemed to recall best, however, is his K numbers..........he seemed to strike out a lot. Hit in streaks/ tears........and was prone to prolonged slumps at the plate. Despite having some speed, don't recall him having much of a glove or throwing arm......best defensive position seemed to be at the far side of the dug out while DHing.
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