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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. everyone has a right to their opinion. Oz27 has his -- I have mine. Mays and Aaron above the rest -- including Barry Bonds. one thing that is truly ridiculous about Barry Bonds is that at the point he started roiding (and, YES, others were doing it as well but that, to me, is a lame excuse) at the point in his career that Barry Bonds started roiding (do you read the book about it and the San Mateo based lab and all that?) he already had HOF numbers. He already was a great player........why tarnish that with roids just to push himself to some super stat totals that all end up with an asterisk.
  2. as for Mays and Aaron -- Aaron's stats are truly amazing -- he was very under-rated during much of career playing in Milwaukee and then Atlanta. Appreciation of his talent came much too late. And, on top of all that, he's always been a Class Act. Mays? I think he may have been the greatest ever -- and probably is the closest match to where Trout is stat wise now -- Trout will be good in all categories and that includes something overlooked here and generally -- defensive stats and ability........Mays was truly amazing in CF -- so is Trout. But I'm a old guy who actually saw Mays and Aaron play..........still in awe of their ability even today. Trout has an opportunity to have his name up there with the game's true all time greats. As for the post mentioning stats above, yeah, using Trout's partial year may reduce his annual average but I think it makes up for the fact that today's players -- Trout included -- won't play 20 years like Mays and Aaron did.
  3. you would have a tough time convincing me that Barry Bonds was better than either Willie Mays or Hank Aaron. I agree with the prior post that expresses amazement at how good the Mays and Aaron stats hold up over time. and that's when players really weren't as stat conscious as they are today. Now, Mays and Aaron, if they played today, probably wouldn't play 20 to 23 years like they did because they would have made so much money, they could have quit after year 15. It's hard to believe the annual salaries of these guys back in the day probably wouldn't buy a decent back up middle infielder these days.
  4. CALZONE: LOL@ $24 Lawn seats, a Wednesday Short squad game Padres vs. A's. All the $24 will get you is a guaranteed sore back if you stay the entire game........ have you guys ever sat in the 'lawn' seats -- YIKES!! I'm just too old for that.
  5. Vegas Halo Fan -- well, it looks like I am in the same place you are with Las Vegas Major League Weekend with respect to Spring Training After years of consistent ST attendance during St, Patrick's Day week (and March Madness activity) -- I am skipping AZ and ST this year and going to attend the (real) first and second round NCAA March Madness games at the new downtown arena in Sacramento........ I just can no longer justify paying top dollar for ST game tickets where it turns into a AA ballgame by the fifth inning. If I am paying $20 to even $30 a seat for that like days of yore -- that's fine -- but now the ticket rates at places like Scottsdale Stadium (easily $75 for a decent seat) are just outrageous. I think ST games are a lot of fun, but there's a limit and they're taking the fun out of everything......I know it's supply and demand type situation but every time there seems to be a good event that's fun and relatively affordable, it gets too popular and then it's ruined with over-pricing and changing everything that made it great in the first place........ I fear the next event headed for this fate is the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas -- the Vegas hotel rates (especially the darned, worthless daily RESORT FEES - plus PARKING FEES!) have been climbing........the once great All American affordable, fun event has become pricey for all not just the high rollers (mainly heavy hitting Texans) who stay out at South Pointe and pay for and expect everything to be First Class -- which it is out there -- but high roller rates downtown ??? C"mon. It will be interesting to see if there's a dip in ST game attendance this year. I think it will mirror MLB regular season -- the top tier teams (Cubs' ST with '16 Championship and relatively new ST ballpark will be sold out at premium prices all ST long as will Scottsdale Stadium (might be some for the Monday- Wednesday games there) but other teams will struggle for attendance even on good weather weekends and you'll see a lot of empty seats. Even Peoria Stadium -- which is deemed one of the more affordable venues -- and it is -- has increased ticket prices but still noticeably less than other sites.
  6. actually, there are folks from this site who would be perfect of this and why not one of our guys? the folks who do the game day pbp and other commentary would be great for this........ I'd like to see an AW.com person be the one to get this..........
  7. Vegas Halo Fan -- well, it looks like I am in the same place you are with Las Vegas Major League Weekend with respect to Spring Training After years of consistent ST attendance during St, Patrick's Day week (and March Madness activity) -- I am skipping AZ and ST this year and going to attend the (real) first and second round NCAA March Madness games at the new downtown arena in Sacramento........ I just can no longer justify paying top dollar for ST game tickets where it turns into a AA ballgame by the fifth inning. If I am paying $20 to even $30 a seat for that like days of yore -- that's fine -- but now the ticket rates at places like Scottsdale Stadium (easily $75 for a decent seat) are just outrageous. I think ST games are a lot of fun, but there's a limit and they're taking the fun out of everything......I know it's supply and demand type situation but every time there seems to be a good event that's fun and relatively affordable, it gets too popular and then it's ruined with over-pricing and changing everything that made it great in the first place........ I fear the next event headed for this fate is the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas -- the Vegas hotel rates (especially the darned, worthless daily RESORT FEES - plus PARKING FEES!) have been climbing........the once great All American affordable, fun event has become pricey for all not just the high rollers (mainly heavy hitting Texans) who stay out at South Pointe and pay for and expect everything to be First Class -- which it is out there -- but high roller rates downtown ??? C"mon. It will be interesting to see if there's a dip in ST game attendance this year. I think it will mirror MLB regular season -- the top tier teams (Cubs' ST with '16 Championship and relatively new ST ballpark will be sold out at premium prices all ST long as will Scottsdale Stadium (might be some for the Monday- Wednesday games there) but other teams will struggle for attendance even on good weather weekends and you'll see a lot of empty seats. Even Peoria Stadium -- which is deemed one of the more affordable venues -- and it is -- has increased ticket prices but still noticeably less than other sites.
  8. thanks for the response -- all I remember is that I had Hammels on my fantasy team and he was pretty consistent the first half of the season, racking up wins even if his start stats were not that pretty WHIP wise (I think he was pretty good in the K category).......but then he just 'disappeared' stat wise -- I think he had as many bad starts as the season entered late June, July on as he had winning starts in April, May and early June -- and, Yes -- I agree with the prior post -- you won 15 games the year they broke the 108 year dought and weren't in the W/S ?? 'C'mon........ could be a trivia question -- with the "DID NOT GET HURT was NOT ON DL" caveat.
  9. well -- guess he did win 15 games last year for the World Champion Cubs.......didn't exactly disappear. however, didn't he have a pretty good first half and sort of tanked later in the season?
  10. well -- guess he did win 15 games last year for the World Champion Cubs.......didn't exactly disappear. however, didn't he have a pretty good first half and sort of tanked later in the season?
  11. what happened to this guy - was sort of a flash in the pan-- not great but pretty good starter for who? the Cubs? and then pretty much disappeared.
  12. Looking at the top 'combo' guys -- I made a list of the top candidates -- may have left some off the list others would make but you pretty much have to start with the all time HR list with the 3000 hit guys and then look to Stolen Bases and go from there. Here's a comparison: Hank Aaron: H - 3771; HR - 755; SB -240; RBI 2297; R - 2174; TBases 6856 Willie Mays H - 3283; HR- 660; SB- 338; RBI-1903; R - 2062; TBases 6066 B. Bonds H- 2935; HR -762; SB - 514; RBI - 1996; R- 2227; TBases 5976 S. Sosa H - 2408; HR- 609; SB - 234; RBI - 1667; R- 1475; TBases 4704 TROUT H- 917; HR - 168; SB - 143; RBI - 497; R- 600 ; TBases 1670 (NOW - 6 seasons total) TROUT* H- 2746 HR - 504; SB - 611; RBI - 1491; R - 1800 TBases 5050 (18 season extrapolated) The Trout 'extrapolated' numbers take the first six season totals (which includes the first partial season as a late season call up) and extended those totals out 12 more years. It is not in any way scientific or mathematically accurate as there is no way to assume Trout will either maintain his yearly totals over his career or even have a few amazing season totals about what we've seen - but by utilizing that first year late call up year as part of the average it makes up for some of that. The bottom line is -- under any measure - it's going to be tough for Trout in today's MLB to match any of the career marks or even to make a run at Mays/ Aaron on the best combo. I should probably run the numbers on Babe Ruth and Alex Rodriquez as well but I think both fall short in SB category. Babe Ruth probably takes it for most pitching wins, though ! Continuing: A-ROD H- 3115; HR - 696; SB - 329; BI - 2086; R - 2021; TB - 5813 Ruth H- 2873; HR - 714; SB - 123; BI - 2214; R - 2174; TB - 5793 P. Rose H -4256; HR - 160; SB - 198; BI - 1314; R - 2165; TB - 5752 Cobb H - 4189; HR - 117; SB - 897; BI - 1933; R - 2244; TB - 5854 D. Jeter H- 3465; HR - 260; SB - 358; BI - 1311; R- 1923; TB - 4921 C. Biggio H- 3060; HR - 291; SB - 414; BI 1175; R- 1844; TB - 4711
  13. Looking at the top 'combo' guys -- I made a list of the top candidates -- may have left some off the list others would make but you pretty much have to start with the all time HR list with the 3000 hit guys and then look to Stolen Bases and go from there. Here's a comparison: Hank Aaron: H - 3771; HR - 755; SB -240; RBI 2297; R - 2174; TBases 6856 Willie Mays H - 3283; HR- 660; SB- 338; RBI-1903; R - 2062; TBases 6066 B. Bonds H- 2935; HR -762; SB - 514; RBI - 1996; R- 2227; TBases 5976 S. Sosa H - 2408; HR- 609; SB - 234; RBI - 1667; R- 1475; TBases 4704 TROUT H- 917; HR - 168; SB - 143; RBI - 497; R- 600 ; TBases 1670 (NOW - 6 seasons total) TROUT* H- 2746 HR - 504; SB - 611; RBI - 1491; R - 1800 TBases 5050 (18 season extrapolated) The Trout 'extrapolated' numbers take the first six season totals (which includes the first partial season as a late season call up) and extended those totals out 12 more years. It is not in any way scientific or mathematically accurate as there is no way to assume Trout will either maintain his yearly totals over his career or even have a few amazing season totals about what we've seen - but by utilizing that first year late call up year as part of the average it makes up for some of that. The bottom line is -- under any measure - it's going to be tough for Trout in today's MLB to match any of the career marks or even to make a run at Mays/ Aaron on the best combo. I should probably run the numbers on Babe Ruth and Alex Rodriquez as well but I think both fall short in SB category. Babe Ruth probably takes it for most pitching wins, though !
  14. Trout if he wanted to - and kept stealing bases -- could probably wind up with the best overall combo of any MLB player. I'm taking 500 (perhaps 600) lifetime HRS; 400 perhaps 500 SBs, 3,000 hits, and something like 1750 runs scored. not sure who has the best now -- but I know that most players seem to fall down in one category. Hank Aaron has the home runs, hits but not the SBs. Barry Bonds may be the top 'combo' leader now , but I think he may have fallen down in the SB category. SO I think Trout could wind up not leading in any of these categories but having the best combo total of any MLB player. that's IF he keeps stealing bases, Willie Mays was quoted -- after his career was over -- when writers were making a big deal out of 50/50 season type guys -- Mays said :" If we knew you were all going to make a big deal out of it, I would have stolen more bases........." and Willie Mays probably could have added at least 100 SBs in his career if he stole bases when he could rather than just when the game situation called for it.........
  15. well OK about Cron and K's -- my take wasn't on the numbers or scientific or anything like that. just based on watching Angels games in 2015 and 2016 probably more weighted to 3015 because I kind of stopped watching the Halos regularly mid-season 2016 (just too painful) and it seemed like every time I watched Cron on TV he was striking out........of course, Trout strikes out a lot as well. hey, am sure you've all noticed that FSN is re-playing 2016 Halos games over the past month and currently.......a friend of mine (another long time Halos fan) and I were laughing about that at breakfast coffee this morning -- I mean, we didn't watch some of these games when they were LIVE -- so now we're going to watch the re-play months later??? Oh well, the FSN staff needs some holiday time off as well.........it's OK.
  16. well $20 million for one year of Bautista seems a bit expensive. Cron's ST performance could be the key -- I am not sold on Cron. He's gotten better defensively, still K's too much. but if he can light it up in ST and so he's improving each step/ each year -- well, perhaps we can pass on getting another BIG BAT theory. right now with our 'strong up the middle' approach - which I like -- we look a little short in the offensive power category.......a big bat would help.
  17. Bautista is open to a one year deal somewhere ----- I know we have our share of DH types on the team.......but Bautista is a 35-40 HR guy. we could use some pop with the line up we have so far.........
  18. Harper -- saw him play last year in a couple of games at SF and, of course, have seen him on TV games. what's the fuss? I'm obviously a Halos fan, so yeah, I'd favor Trout -- but seriously, if anyone is trying to compare the two, there is none. Trout is so far superior, and likely the best player in all of MLB right now -- I'm not sure if I would place Harper in the top ten -- seriously. the Trout/ Harper comparisons and 'who's better debate' is pretty ridiculous. It's not even close enough between the two to make a comparison.
  19. I would bat Trout third in the line up. want him up in the first inning and as many times as possible
  20. when did Arrendondo last pitch in MLB? At one point he was effective for us, then got injured or something, perhaps released, traded away but dropped off the radar. Erstad Grit: thanks for the response. 2012 ??? FOUR years lay off from MLB is a pretty long time........odds are long he makes it back..........and YES, he was the Halos CLOSER IN WAITING for a year or two, towards the end of K-Rod's reign if I recall right.
  21. when did Arrendondo last pitch in MLB? At one point he was effective for us, then got injured or something, perhaps released, traded away but dropped off the radar.
  22. gotta eat innings. how many times have you watched a game, see a number one or two rotation guy with good stuff having a great game -- then he walks a guy or two, pitch count goes up and they take the guy out in the 7th or 8th -- the opposition having got to the pen then comes from behind to win the ballgame. gotta eat innings........while complete games are a thing of the past (guys like Bob Gibson and Don Drysdale had four times as many complete games in one season as entire teams have these days -- it's a different game). but, still, gotta have your rotation guys -one through four, if not five, able to eat innings. Innings pitched is a big deal IMO.
  23. not sure whether to characterize those projections as pessimistic or realistic. unfortunately stat averaging along these lines usually fairly accurate. we can only hope that perhaps the folks making these projections were the same pollsters who were so 'accurate' for the 2016 presidential election. don't think so , though.....
  24. I think Jered Weaver would be a great fit in San Diego -- a pitcher's park and he gets to pitch in the NL which has that OUT spot in the line up -- something that would really help a pitcher like Weaver. While I'd like to see Weaver pitch in Anaheim again - the chances of that happening are slim -- and it might be better for the Halos and Weaver that he sign with San Diego. I wish Jered well. He pitched well for us, gave the Halos a hometown discount to extend his contract at a time when his marketability was at its highest. I will always root for Jered to do well where-ever he lands -- GO DIRTBAGS !!!
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