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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. BLARG -- thanks for the info on AFL -- sounds like fun. Having been to and around the Phoenix area I know the location of various ballparks fairly well, I've seen games at all the parks with the exception of the Cubs newer park in Mesa (tickets way too expensive -- perhaps I can attend an AFL game there to see inside the place) and I have been to that park (on a non-game day) and saw the park from the team shop there (which had the most expensive MLB apparel and other stuff of all the parks -- they're really trying to recoup their investment there -- and it looks like a great ballpark with a lot of shade (contrast the Cubs park with the White Sox/ Dodgers park - Camelback Park - which has to be one of the worst, if not the worst ST venue -- you know, I could understand if it's the A's old park (the old Phoenix Muni Stadium, once home to the PCL Phoenix Firebirds) or even the A's 'new' park (the Cubs' old digs in Mesa -- I have not been there since it's been 'upgraded' - not sure what's been done to it -- for the A's. Attended Cubs' games there in the past). The thing about ST - and it was very noticeable last year -- it's not just the ticket prices. The entire Valley is treating March as their "Holiday/ Christmas" like season trying to make all their money (or the bulk of it) in one month. The prices on EVERYTHING are jacked up. Don't even get me started on rental cars. It's ridiculous. Makes more sense these days to take a week off work, go some place nice with a convenient sports bar watch some ST games and a lot of March Madness and avoid the crowds and expense of Arizona. For me, this year it's Sacramento, going to take in (what used to be, not sure what rounds they're calling it these days) Rounds 1 & 2 of the NCAAs at the new downtown arena which I have not seen yet. Imagine that, NCAA tourney tickets are a better price/ deal than those for an ST baseball game. It makes no sense. Sounds like AFL is the way to go. Thanks, BLARG.
  2. Thanks , Chuck -- you were in this league once.........this league may be tee ball compared to the leagues you're in. but we have fun with it. Oh for folks checking out this thread, the league is FREE. The major prize is : Bragging Rights -- PRICELESS !! All we ask, if you want in, please play through the entire season to the very last game of the season. Five minutes a day at your convenience is all that's needed and you can also set your line up weekly if you want.
  3. GrittyVeterans: your post pretty much sums up the Halo seasons of 2014 and 2015, I think I have that right -- the Angels just tanked in April and played 'catch up' the rest of the season, seeming to battle back during the second half (often in games that were relatively meaningless at that point) to finish somewhat respectable but out of the playoffs and off the pace...........and, YES, all the comments -- "if we could have just played .500 ball in April" One year, was in 2014? we not only tanked in April, we tanked against Houston which back then was not a very good team.......Texas and Oakland, meanwhile, beat up Houston going something like 15-3 or 14-4 for the season series while the Angels might have limped to a 5-13 (or worse) vs. Houston who finished last in the AL West and had about 20% of their season wins against the Angels. If our rotation gamble fails early season, it could be a long year.
  4. don't like the new Intentional Walk rule........don't like what I'm hearing about other future changes. folks, this is baseball !! and as pointed out, the game has changed so much, with all the pitching changes and pen specialists - you now have three to five pitchers a game on average. Back in the day when Don Drysdale, Bob Gibson and Steve Carlton et. al. were pitching 30 plus complete games a season, the game pace was a lot quicker. Vin Scully's line was that "Bob Gibson is pitching as it he's double-parked" Another thing about these guys -- they threw strikes.
  5. We have an Eight team KEEPER league (Fantasy League Baseball) called LIGHT UP THE HALO that was started years ago back when many members of this Board sort of started out on the old ESPN message board (which I don't think even exists anymore -- I wouldn't know haven't checked it in years), It started with posters some of whom are still members of the league some 10/15 years later - I've lost track of the years. Anyway, right now we potentially have THREE team spots open, It's a KEEPER league so if you want to join you will be inheriting a roster from 2016 and can select FIVE KEEPERS from that roster. This league is designed for the baseball fan who wants to follow all the MLB players but is not an FLB fanatic and has limited time. We have an autopick draft (the league is through ESPN fantasy baseball site) and it's rotisserie scoring total points at the end of the season (no head to head, weekly stuff). Essentially you select your KEEPERS, we have an autopick draft by ESPN in late March (and it's automatic, no phone calls, no needing to schedule to be at a certain place at a certain time) and then you adjust your line up as you wish, daily, weekly -- can spend five minutes a day at your convenience to check your team, make line changes, roster moves. So this isn't for the hard core FLB person but for the fan who wants to sort of track MLB players (and nothing does it like tracking MLB stats on a regular basis) without being a fanatic. If this sounds like a league you would be interested in, message me through Angels win.com and be sure in your message to list/ print your e-mail address. There are up to three spots left, I hope to send out invites either Sunday 2/26 or Monday 2/27.
  6. This is exactly why I am not heading to Arizona/ Scottsdale/ Tempe this March -- I have headed to the Valley of the Sun every year for about the past 20, missing only one year during that time -- but now MLB and the greedy team owners are on track to kill the golden goose.........the prices and costs have simply gotten out of hand. Spring Training used to be a laid back, relatively low attendance, low cost affair -- it's anything but now -- the popular teams - and the highest attendance the past decade plus has been the Cubs and Giants who usually sell out all games ---will remain so even at the higher prices -- the other teams, including the Angels, White Sox, Brewers etc. will have weaker attendance numbers and at these new higher prices it will be very noticeable in mid-week games. I think it's real unfortunate it's come to this, Our annual Spring Training group is skipping the trip this year and we are seriously looking at attending a week of Arizona Fall League games this October/ November instead. The price for season tickets to all AFL games on a first come first served basis is less than $100.
  7. Realistically - Angels had nowhere else to go and all the key parties involved have known that for some time. The Tustin site just won't cut it and was useful as a foil alternative but that was it. gig is up. Angels have nowhere else to go and need Anaheim. City of Anaheim needs the Angels to play 81 games a year at the site and keep the Orange Triangle area or whatever they call it these days, commercially viable - the City also needs the revenue. Hope Halos can compete this year. Houston and Seattle have gotten better. Wire to wire Texas from 2016 not as strong but when you win the division by ten plus games you can afford that.
  8. CJ Wilson officially retired 2017 -- back-dated to 2015. He's got his money now he can play with race cars....... sort of surprised he is just walking away -- he's a F/A so don't the Halos have to make him an offer of some sort or offer arbitration.....do something in order to avoid what happened when Roger Clemens 'retired' and then un-retired to sign a half season (may have been a two month) contract to pitch for another team the next year....... (was it the Yankees or Houston Astros, can't remember now, think it was the Yankees). I could see CJ Wilson playing race cars for a couple of months, get bored and then re-sign with Texas to pitch two months.........I mean, not that it makes a big whup to us right now but I recall the team (I think it was the Yankees) missing out on draft pick compensation for the other team (Houston?) signing Clemens -- I know the MLBPA agreement has changed since then so maybe the same rules don't apply anymore.
  9. 174 K's for a guy who plays 2B? Ouch -- this isn't sounding good.
  10. the best thing I've read about Valbuena so far is the prior post that researched his stats which indicate Valbuena does not hit into many double plays. Pujols season stats for each season with the Halos are pretty good on paper -- but for the past two maybe three seasons, he's been Mr. GIDP. Nothing kills a rally like that. Cron not quite Mr. GIDP (and I think Cron's D at first has gotten better -- of course when he first started playing there for the Halos, there was only one way to go - UP/Improve) but he hits into his share. Valbuena can play some late inning 1B and PH for Cron in situatons with a runner on base and the need to move him over while reducing the chances of a GIDP. Valbuena could also be late inning Defensive replacement at 3B -- although I wouldn't pinch run for Escobar, who is pretty good on the base paths.
  11. Valbuena adds some depth but not much more. I would prefer Escobar at 3B -- Maybin may be the Halos lead off hitter for 2017 but Escobar did pretty well there and makes contact. Escobar D at 3B is better than I think has been commented about here -- but clearly he's not great with the glove at 3B but gets by OK. Check Valuena's career stats, he has some power and had that one 24 HR season, with Houston, but he hit .224 last year and normally something like .248 is his high water mark......so he's an OK field (not great) at 1B/3B -- I think he's played some 2B as well. Has some power. Not sure about his base-running ability. But it sounds to me like we've signed another guy who stats resemble those put up by David Freese (who, BTW was one of the worst base runners I've seen on the Halos and that's saying a lot - he wasn't just SLOW he was a terrible base runner).
  12. now the latest is that the operator of Lefty's -- a individual named Bovis who is in a legal tussle with the Handlrey folks, has removed all the photos and memorabilia off the walls of Lefty's --reports say the place has an eerie empty feel after years of walls jam-packed with old baseball photos and other mementos.....it's the start of the end of an era........Lefty's as we all know it is gone, and the current location is scheduled to be shut down Feb. 3......whether it re-opens as Lefty's is up in the air.
  13. No love for Sheffield here I see -- that tells me he's not gettng in. Decent stats, great skills, good player. rotten attitude and dis-liked by the baseball writers...that will keep you on the outside looking in every time/ every ballot. Oh well.
  14. OKAY -- here goes -- somewhat in order - Sheffield -- I think he's a HOF'er and would be a lock if he wasn't such a pain who wore out his welcome with almost every team he played with. But the guy could play. His early seasons with Milwaukee and San Diego were spectacular.....part of his 'attitude' issue probably wasn't helped by the fact he was the direct recipient of at least two franchises (San Diego and Florida) that did entire salary dumps of their roster moving the higher paid players out......I always felt Sheffield has pure raw talent who's team hopping (not all his fault) and his attitude prevented him from generating better career numbers and more love from MLB fans. Schilling -- he joins the bloody sock in the Hall........Schilling was a gamer. Vlad Guerrero -- I'd like to see him going in as a Halo.......... Ivan Rodriguez -- it's the same old line with me -- if Gary Carter is IN, then Pudge should be IN. He was the dominant catcher for his era.....haven't checked the stats but seem to be a perennial all star -- 15 times? He's IN IMO -- but I also would make YADIER MOLINA a first ballot guy when his time comes. Those are my FOUR -- can name SIX more but I don't think I'd ever list the full ten. Next comes the steroid gang -- is it time to let them in??? Roger Clemens -- clearly one of the most dominating pitchers of his era. How much of that was steroids? Should he be denied? BARRY BONDS -- IMO Bonds had HOF numbers BEFORE he started in with the steroid nonsense -- which makes is steroid use even harder to understand and frustrating. He is the all time (asterisk please) HR leader. I don't think these guys get in this year but they'll receive more votes and have an upward trend which bodes well for next year.. On the Cusp -- I could vote for NOW -- Trevor Hoffman. Tough to get closers in there.....Is Mariano Rivera in yet? (some of these guys it's hard to tell, wasn't Arthur Rhodes -- who's eligible this year -- warming up the pen for the Angels or one of the other seven or eight teams he played for just last year?) Not sure if I'd put Hoffman in before Mariano Rivera. Bagwell -- there will be a push for him - didn't he come close last year --- I don't know, don't think his career numbers get him there. am sure someone will yelp about that. Edgar Martinez-- DH is part of the game and has been for a while now. Are we ready to let a one dimensional player into the HOF? I don't know. If you are counting votes - and I know you are -- Count my top four above, Sheffield, Schilling, Guerrero and Ivan Pudge Rodriguez plus the two steroid candidates, Clemens and Bonds. If folks are voting for Clemens and Bonds, they best be writing in PETE ROSE. Has Vegas or someone posted some odds/ percentages on who's getting in. Let's not ask the pollsters who projected the November election results.
  15. why is the market for Weiters so weak? He did have a lot of DL time in 2014-15 and hit .243 last season (as well as being a Boras client). if we can catch the market right here for Weiters, like the prior post, I think it would give the Halos an upgrade in a position where we've been fairly weak the past several years. Weiters gives us some power, he's pretty good behind the plate -- coming out of Georgia Tech he was one of the top prospects in the country. We just obtained another back up catcher (Maldonado?) who has some playing time under his belt and is considered a pretty good defensive catcher. Weiters could spell Pujols at DH on occasion. If we could get Weiters at a decent price........heck yeah - do it. this decision is likely to be made here pretty soon --read reports that Mets were considering Weiters but have sort of dropped out of the bidding..........Weiters won't go un-signed. Some other F/A types might.
  16. I don't see Jered Weaver getting an ST invite UNLESS he gets ZERO bites elsewhere and decides to give it one more shot at ST with the Halos rather than retire. But, I see Weaver getting some interest from other teams and hope he signs with the San Diego Padres, perhaps even a one plus one year option -- and would love to see him wn 15 games for San Diego in that ballpark........ San Diego could use a lift right now -- Padres and MLS (Soccer) only professional sports left down there,
  17. and I would love to see the Halos sign Chase Utley for MIF utility depth -- Utley could also play some late inning D at 3B. that probably won't happen -- but the teams that spend some money on that 23rd to 25th spot player are the ones you see in the playoffs.
  18. Weiters spent a lot of time on the DL list the past two years or so. We need an arm - and have a lot of potential fifth starters ready to report to camp now and compete. I think we need some pen help. I think we need a bat (Weiters should satisfy that need somewhat) Who was that other catcher we just acquired? Can't remember his name or what team he played for last year but at the time he was dealt to the Halos -- for another catcher I think - he was described as primarily a defensive catcher without much offense. I guess if we acquire Weiters, he could spend some time at DH (and hopefully not at/on DL) and this other catcher could start a number of the games -- although, Pujols, I imagine, will play less 1B this year than before and be slotting in at DH more often. If we get Weiters (a big IF -- I don't see Arte spending the money), it would complete a 'strong up the middle' approach with Simmons, SS, Espinosa, 2B and Trout, CF. That's a roster strategy I agree with. Strong up the middle with this team now requires a bit more power (Weiters could fill that bill) and a strong pen that can allow your 4th/ 5th starters to pitch 6 inning games.
  19. yeah, Lefty's about the only affordable place in The City -- and has been for years. I know this because years ago (perhaps 30 or more) when I was still in school (and broke, that should go without having to say it) and in The City for some interviews -- I struggled to find an affordable place to park (I found it on the street, FREE, but had to hike a ways to get where I needed to); I went to my appointments, finished up those and hadn't eaten so was looking for a place when I stumbled across Lefty's -- a corned beef sandwich complete with sauerkraut and cole slaw topped off with a beer at a VERY REASONABLE price and that started my life long affection for the place........now, I'm not a 'big city' guy so I knew those interviews in SF were not going anywhere and walking back from them I was thinking 'this place isn't for me, I can't work here, live here (and this was SF 30 plus years ago !!) when I ran across Lefty's and finally thought I had found one place there where I felt at home. I like VISITING the City and have made many stops in at Lefty's over the years -- hate to see the place close or even be changed into an upscale place. But like Mr. Wicked notes, the Dive Bars are disappearing fast and SF real estate isn't cheap so that whole genre of bars may be going by the wayside -- its tough to see a way of life disappear........
  20. mrwicked - thanks for the report/ post. if you're up in the Bay Area then you are familiar with the stories now circulating that this is another lease negotiation ploy/ show down like they had a number of years ago -- I cannot remember how long ago it was -- anywhere from 10 to 20 years ago -- but there was an impending closure of Lefty's that was going to occur New Year's Eve of whatever year it was, A friend and I made a pilgrimage there fearing that it would be last drink at Lefty's bar and last meal from the deli --- this would have been about the second week of December or so -- we talked to the long time staff and bartender there at the time and they were all adjusting to the news that this was IT and Lefty's would be no more -- we inquired about the memorabilia and photos on the walls and were told a quasi-public auction was going to be held to sell the stuff off (it was 'quasi-public' because the way it was described it was not going to be through an auction house outfit but just 'hey show up and bid / have cash on the barrel head' type of thing -all sales final !) (this was perhaps 20 years ago - different world now) anyway, we went there had our 'last O'Doul's Supper' and left down-trodden..........New Year's Eve that year came and went, Lefty's stayed open right where it was -- False Alarm is some respects -- but not really, because it took some sort of last minute agreement to keep Lefty's going -- reading between the lines now that could happen again before Feb.3rd. Also reading between the lines - the tug of war over the bar and the contents of bar (all the memorabilia and photos) probably stems from the 'bail out' lease agreement that saved the place 10 to 20 years ago..........hard to say. Just will be a real sad day for many if the place actually closes. trying to figure out what's worse -- the place closing or the place shutting down for remodeling while the Handelry Hotel folks turn Lefty's into a high end, pricey place that drives out the current crowd of primarily sports fan low life's (term used in the endearingly sense). If so, it would sort of mirror the change in the crowd demographic from Candlestick (die hard baseball fans devoted to the Giants) to AT & T (more of a corporate crowd attending a company sponsored event). Although , don't read me wrong on this -- AT& T Park is one of the best ballparks in MLB to watch a game, IMO.
  21. geez -- thank you so much for posting this!!! just great stuff.
  22. Anyone who's a true baseball fan and has attended a Giants (or, perhaps the A's) game either at Candlestick back in the day or at AT&T or just been to SF - have been to the iconic baseball bar & deli - Lefty O' Doul's on Geary Street named after the late MLB player and more importantly former PCL San Francisco Seals guy, Lefty O'Doul. I am certain almost every regular poster here has at one time in his or her life made their way to the bar at Lefty's and perhaps had one of their great corned beef sandwiches (I mean, the food is OK, but it tastes a lot better at Lefty's) Sports on TV constantly and lots of old time great memorabilia and photos on the walls. Well, put SF Gate Lefty O'Doul's in your search engine and read today's SF Chronicle story about LEFTY O' DOUL's closing on February 3 -- apparently the owner of the restaurant/ bar is in dispute with the landlord (the folks who own the property and the adjoining Handelry Hotel) over the lease terms....... The impending closing of Lefty's comes as a real punch in the gut to many of us who have loved the place over the years and love going there every time we're up in the City, usually for a ballgame.
  23. Babe Ruth's dominance on both ends of the game is a major consideration and factor in his being among the very best in the game. He may have been the only guy to have so dominated the game in that fashion. All these players pretty much have to be gauged on how they fared against the competition in their era. Obviously, ballplayers today and the past two decades, at least, are of another prototype -- they play baseball year around, they train, work out, lift weights and do nothing but keep their bodies (well, perhaps not Bartolo Colon and a few others) in playing shape. It's their 24/7 profession and the money is life-changing. Compare that to the ballplayers in Ruth's day and all the way to the sixties/ even seventies who had to have off-season (real) jobs in order to meet their family's daily living expenses. The season ended, they went to work at a day job. Bob Gibson, who I rank (particularly his 1968 and 1967 seasons in that order) as one of the all time greats, when he was pitching 360 innings a year, striking out 300 hitters a season, with 30-plus complete games a season -- during that time, Gibson - who went to Creighton University on a basketball scholarship -- in the baseball off-season, played for the Harlem Globetrotters because they paid him something like $25,000 to do so. He needed the money. Old man August Busch, cheapskate he was, along with his Cards GM, was horrified that their star pitcher was risking injury playing hoops against the Washington Generals......they begged him to quit but Gibson and his family needed the money -- finally the Cards front office asked Gibson -- how much are they paying you? Gibson told them and the Cards reluctantly opened their wallets to pay one of the greatest pitchers of all time an additional $30,000 NOT to play for the Harlem Globetrotters........today, a fifth starter can command a contract of $6 million a year and that might be considered a bargain. Babe Ruth is considered by many as the greatest baseball player of all time. I'll take Willie Mays as the best all around player of all time, I'll take Hank Aaron as a very close second combined with being the Game's No. 1 Gentleman Class Act and I'll take two other players tied as the Game's Number One All Around Good Guy/ Respectful of All -- Let's Play Two Mr. Ernie Banks and Mr. Stan Musial. Finer individuals than those cannot be found. Barry Bonds is, IMO, way down the list on most of these categories...........in fact OFF the list completely of Class Act, Gentleman, All Around Good Guy categories.
  24. I don't think we're going to convince Oz27 any time soon. That's OK. But I'll say this -- if I ask 100 true baseball fans age 50 and older who saw Barry Bonds, Willie Mays and Hank Aaron play, I am fairly certain a large majority of them would rate Mays and Aaron over Barry Bonds and then it would be close between Mays and Aaron with Mays winning out because of the perception (and, perhaps, reality) that Mays was a better all-around ballplayer including on defense -- but truth is, Aaron was a great defender as well -- perhaps not Mays but darned close. And then there's something else - the obstacles that Mays and particularly Aaron faced during their breaking onto the scene were more difficult than anything Barry Bonds dealt with. Aaron came up through the Sally/ Southern League system and faced abuse that rivaled and may have been worse than what Jackie Robinson during his career. Honestly, when you consider the total set of their career work, I have some difficulty placing the names of Mays/Aaron in the same sentence as Barry Bonds. Sorry, that's just how I feel.
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