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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Altuve. No second place. Trout might get some votes. Judge, too, I guess. who else had an MVP season?
  2. A long life, well lived and certainly well loved in Boston. Stopped playing some 60-70 years ago and was still an icon in Boston. Pesky's pole and Bobby Doerr - mainstays at Fenway. Doerr was as nice of guy as Ted Williams was not quite so nice. As for Williams -- his reputation as being a hot head and sort of a jerk is filtered through press/media that clearly did not like him because Ted didn't like them and didn't give them the time of day.........they resented him for that and the negative vibe made its way into news story after news story. Also, there's a great biography (one of many) of Ted Williams that came out about five years ago and discusses how he and Joe DiMaggio were sort of the first wave of baseball sports superstars in the media/ TV era. Rivals on teams and in temperament. But the book describes Ted Williams growing up in San Diego and always being the big star at every sport he played. When he signed with the Red Sox at age 18/19 - he was very quickly in the big leagues.........in an age - unlike now - when there were not many superstars and back before back up middle infielders were paid millions -- ballplayers actually had to work in the off-season and be prepared to have real jobs to re-enter the real world when they stopped playing -- the MLB pension system wasn't in place yet or was not much of one..........Ted Williams from age 18/19 never had to take orders from anyone or be beholden to others for income --he answered to no one but himself.........and lived his whole life that way.........
  3. fan_since79 Bellinger "He'll have a short career if he doesn't adjust" perhaps. but I think the One, Two guys all time in Strikeouts are guys named Reggie Jackson and MIckey Mantle. so it's not necessarily the K's that'll get him -- it's the run of 0-17's.
  4. how many K's did Bellinger have this year? any one check to see if he broke the all time rookie record for K's ??????
  5. I think we should be pursuing a quality starter, a closer and some pen depth. but then, I am a pitching and defense guy. I think we have the defense up the middle with Maldonado, Simmons and Trout -- upgrade at 2B and we're there. now the pitching. one guy I would not be spending any money to sign would be Darvish -- pretty sure I said the same thing at deadline time when Darvish was being dangled out as the best pitcher on the deadline time market -- didn't agree then or certainly not now.
  6. should have been Rookie of the Year - MVP -- oh well.
  7. wow - don't see this happening. would prefer he became GM of one of our division or perhaps league rivals. Reagins was a nice guy, I guess -- but did ZERO for the Halos franchise.
  8. Upton signing is good for us and about what we could do. he is pretty solid - didn't he get the silver slugger award for the AL? five years is a longer contract than I would have liked to see - but he'll produce for the Halos.
  9. New York is New York -- Anaheim isn't Los Angeles even if we're the Los Angeles Angels. that's life. Judge and Trout very similar in backgrounds in the sense both small town all sports stars who broke into MLB stardom very quickly. Judge is from Linden, CA which is just northeast of Stockton/ Lodi (about 20 miles). He's a small town guy now playing under the brightest lights. Trout -- and our board folks here have seen both play - is without doubt the better all around player (I am assuming that's not even in dispute). Judge may have more power (and that's arguable) but Trout is an all around threat, hitting for an average, hits with power, speed, steals bases, runs the bases really well, plays stellar outfield and covers a lot of ground in the OF and has a pretty good arm to gun down runners on the base paths........... But Judge gets the press and media attention............start spreading the news...............
  10. geez -- some of the posts here discussing memories from 2002 sounds like a lot like Dodgers fans talking about 1988. Onward -- not backwards, folks.
  11. NO. Too much money. Check Arrieta stats / starts this season. He had a very marginal first half season. He seemed to right the ship a bit in the second half but never as dominating as he was in 2015, Look to last year's championship season and, actually, Arrieta had a better season in 2014 and then 2015. His stats fell off big time the first half of 2017 and his starts were very inconsistent. He did better down the stretch in the second half of 2017. Bottom line -- IMO, he's not worth the money listed in this thread...........but am sure some team will over-pay for him. Hopefully, not us.
  12. Scioscia is back for 2018 and if the Halos make the playoffs -- he'll be back in 2019. Look at guys that made the playoffs this year -- Farrell in Boston, Baker in Washington, Girardi in New York -- and still got fired. I don't see Sosh leaving the Angels as long as Arte Moreno owns the team. And I think Arte is priming the franchise for sale in 2019-20.
  13. very sad. 40 year old guy in the prime of his life. Recently retired. Enjoying the fruits of his successful MLB (HOF?) career and he's gone in a flash. So incredibly sad.
  14. development in the "Platinum Triangle' area -- I guess some of the new (not so new now) condo units have finally sold. I don't see Arte doing much upgrades to the park between now and the time he sells the club which I am thinking will be 2019/2020. if the Platinum Triangle development plans come to pass -- that could help the area (and hurt parking?) but I assume that's in that area that's been vacant but carved out with streets for years -- haven't been down there lately but assume that area just next to those new condos on State College Blvd. is still vacant -- soon to be developed? The Angels park certainly isn't anywhere near the best in MLB -- far from it and closer to the bottom of the list than the top - but still not a bad place to watch a game and you know what you're getting........and you can take the train there, book a hotel room and not need a vehicle -- something that's much tougher to do at the Ravine. I like the Angels ballpark ---some upgrades would be nice but I don't see that happening.
  15. I'm stopping any commentary while I'm behind.............
  16. tdawg87 --in a galaxy far, far away....... I probably couldn't have messed that one up more if I tried. oh well, it is the OFF season.....
  17. Oh - OK -- I just seem to place Alex Gordon and Moustakas together because that's been the debate in KC. and then KC signed Alex Gordon to an extension (4 year deal - expensive, too -- Boras is his agent) which has not worked out well so far, two years left on the deal. ,220 and .208 BA in '16 and '17. Dee Gordon vs, Mousakas -- closer call -- think I'd still go with Moustakas -- we need additional power in the line up.
  18. Gordon is signed through 2019 and then has a mutual club/ player option for 2020. Angels would be foolish to bail KC out of this terrible contract UNLESS KC pays a good portion of the 2018/19 salary - KC unlikely to agree to do that. Moustakas is a free agent and is the better option -- he hit 35 plus HRs last year. Godron hit .208 last year and .220 the year before playing primarily LF -- you really need some offensive production from your LF'er where most teams place their weakest fielding OF starter..... Moustakas went to Chastworth HS not Chaminade -- so he is a S. Cal product.
  19. any one picking Gordon on that question -- did you see him play in 2017 or see his stats? He signed a contract deal with KC -- I think it was a one year deal - might have been a one plus one back at the end of the 2015 season. Anyway, KC spent a lot of money on him and offensively he was a total bust. Defensively, he's a gold glove -- but he has no to limited power and offensively was a total bust early in 2017 when it counted. I would easily sign Moustakas of those two -- Moose is a S.Cal product (Chaminade HS -- if I recall correctly) -- has power from a corner position which the Halos have lacked. not great a field but not terrible either -- probably better than what we've had there.....and now there's this 'issue' with Escobar that no one knows about/talking about. Not sure what that means.........usually means a positive test or something like that but there's no reports of that........who knows? So I'd pick Moustakas of that choice and, really, it's not a choice -- I wouldn't offer Gordan much, if anything -- perhaps a deal that recognizes he'll he a 4th/ 5th OF'er on the roster, perhaps a late inning defensive replacement/ pinch runner......infrequent starter. that role wouldn't mean much of a contract and less than he'd be willing to accept........ today's players would rather just retire than accept a low end (perhaps incentive based) contract to sit the bench.......
  20. I was sure he was going to opt out and go elsewhere...........today's announcement/ signing a real surprise. a nice surprise...... seems like a lot of money -- but that's probably close to what he would have commanded on the open market.........
  21. Seems expensive to me but then that's what these guys costs these days. Upton has some power and shores up our OF. Locks him up through 2022 -- let's just hope he produces and stays healthy.
  22. Houston Strong -- team of destiny. Does this end the Sports Illustrated Jinx? That SI cover from 2014 is going to get a lot of air time / play tonight.
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