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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. let's sign him. he's been great behind the plate for us.
  2. why would we deal Maldonado? I can think of a lot of guys (most of them) to deal -- but not Trout, Simmons, Ohtani, Maldonado,
  3. 25th spot is important. I'd say a difference between the perennial contenders and then everyone else -- is the money spent on roster spots 21-25. teams with quality depth bench and pens (and contracts to match -- most teams unwilling to spend big dollars for the versatile speedy utility player who PR in the late innings and brings home the tying/ winning run and then goes out plays MIF defense..........or the not quite set up guy, not closer, not the pre-set up guy but the guy who can do those roles if called upon but is sort of the long reliever/ 5th/6th inning pre-pre set up guy..........often it's some unproven rookie or fading vet trying to hang on..........on the better teams its a guy being paid near rotation money who gets the ball in the fifth/ sixth inning-- the bridge to the back end guys, It those players on the roster who make a huge difference. the better teams have quality players there. the others have rookies or 4-A types.
  4. Dodgers dodged the A-Gon bullet -- took on Kemp's contract and now Kemp is having a great season.
  5. so what happened on that last pitch Richards threw. they keep showing it. groin injury? or what? what happened? hand/ wrist? what's the report. Sosh sure got out to the mound - I would say quickly - well, as quickly as Sosh can these days.
  6. well, damaged goods now. so much for Halos assets to trade at deadline time. Richards taken out of game at home vs. Seattle in the third inning.
  7. Ah - I looked it up -- how soon we forget.......Taylor Featherston. He actually played in 101 games for the Halos in 2015 but I'm guessing most of those were in the second half of the season because I kind of remember the Halos broadcast team making a big deal over his first Halos hit at mid-season either right before the All Star Break or right after. I know he spent a full season on the Halos bench not getting into many games or many ABs. During the second half of the season, I think Mike S. finally started using him to pinch run in late innings for guys like Pujols. His college career was with TCU not University of Georgia. Featherston went on to play for Philadelphia the following year and then Tampa Bay in 2017. This year he went to spring training with the Minnesota Twins and did not make the opening day roster winding up at Rochester. Just last week (June 25) he was released by the Twins organization/ Rochester and within a week signed on with the Independent League Kansas City Bones.
  8. Some Rule 5 guy always makes the list. who was the Rule 5 infielder we got from Colorado who spent the season on the Halos bench about two/three years ago. The guy was (I think) from the University of Georgia or some place like that -- and was a pretty good middle infielder with power -- went to Colorado Rockies and we got him as a Rule 5 pick. He then literally sat on the Halos bench the whole first half of the season......I think he got his first hit about a week into the second half. talk about a wasted roster spot..........the worst part of it all was that at the end of the season, we designated the guy for assignment (like two weeks into the off-season). Normally, when a team takes pains to keep a Rule 5 guy on the roster all season to retain his rights, they expect him to play an important role the next season OR, at the very least, they keep him within the organization- perhaps as a 4-A player at AAA for depth purposes. Guy's name escapes me right now. We posted often here about his lack of play, Rule 5 status etc. not that long ago.
  9. OK - I was going by the prior post. All the more reason to trade him if we can't sign him for next season. will not get the same value as a rental as opposed to a starter signed through next season...........but we should deal him at deadline time to someone like the Yankees and get the top value we can get -- a pitching prospect or two.
  10. I agree - trade Richards now. Get some great young prospects for him. the fact that he is under control next year just makes him that much more valuable in a deadline deal. I like RIchards, he's our ace - I guess - right now - but it's a business and the Halos are not gong anywhere this year and need to re-tool.
  11. I agree with the prior posts: Brad Ausmus. You just know that Brad Ausmus is up in the Franchise Executive Suites/ Boxes during Halos home games, chatting away with Eppler about various managerial moves being made (or not made) during the game.........game after game. Ausmus was brought on board for a reason. As Eppler plans his re-building strategy he's conversing daily about game situation moves with his future manager. Josh Paul would probably be the bench coach, all new coaching staff brought in my Ausmus (expect influx of Detroit/ Houston folks - isn't that where Ausmus played/ managed?) If Josh Paul does become the 'bench coach' or even the manager -- we gotta be assured he's going to instruct his catcher to 'never play umpire' and to 'always tag the runner on a third strike' if there is any question at all about whether the catcher caught the ball, was in the dirt, etc. ALWAYS TAG THE RUNNER -- I continue to blame that whole playoff fiasco vs. the White Sox on Josh Paul -- not the umpire, not our favorite opposition player to jeer - Pryzinski (spelled wrong -- is he still playing for anyone?) , etc.
  12. we need to clean house. We are sellers - and we certainly are not buyers. we have some assets to sell and should do so -- Calhoun (Cleveland needs an OF'er - so does SF and there are others -- may not get top value for Calhoun given the year he's had -- but he can help some team down the stretch.........I just saw Cleveland in KC (two games) -- they have injuries with OF'ers and could use a bat out there. Calhoun might be a different hitter with some protection/ better line up around him.........with Calhoun this year we may have seen him decline as Pujols declines as it's not the same hitter(s) around his spot in the line up -- hard to say........meanwhile, I was in SF for the two St. Louis games Thursday/ Friday -- Giants are playing an infielder (Hanson) who can hit pretty well - in LF -- it cost them about five runs in Thursday's game and some more on Friday........catchable fly balls became extra base hits (with runners on base).......Calhoun could play LF for the Giants. We also have RIchards -- who may be our ace --- hard to tell these days -- I say deal our players and let's get moving on a new start for 2019 (including a new skipper). I'd keep, Trout, Ohtani, Simmons and Maldonado. Pujols we're keeping because he has s few years left on that ten year deal and no one wants him or his contract. Everyone else (except for our top minor league pitching prospect(s)) should be available for the right price at deadline time. We're done for 2018. Buying now to compete for the second Wild Card spot when the team we have really can't compete even if we made the playoffs makes no sense. Let's try to re-build and have a plan that includes extending Trout.
  13. If we had a better rotation - the kind that could be real tough in a short series -- with a bonafde shut em down closer -- I'd say, well second wild card spot? Maybe - just get us into the playoffs. but that's not the rotation or roster that we have. We're just a weak playoff team that didn't belong in the playoffs before the second wild card format came along.
  14. well, the Halos are fairly quickly reaching an all too familiar place as we approach trade deadline time. Are we Buyers or Sellers? If we are Buyers - seriously, if we can even be considered Buyers at this point - we're buying to nab the second Wild Card spot at this point. So - the same question as before -- is it worth it to nab a second wild card spot with the horses that we have now. Realistically, how far will we get? One and done? so over-pay for a rental, give up whatever prospects we have worth anything (and the Farm is better stocked than it has been in recent years -- that's not a very high bar BTW) and wind up one and done watching the playoffs from the couch and hurting our chances for 2019. Or- do we throw in the towel for 2018 - admit we're Sellers -- trade off what we can (Calhoun, Kinsler, Valbluena, perhaps Richards, Blake Parker? - who would want Bedrosian?) Keep the nucleus - Trout, Simmons, Ohtani, Maldonado , Upton and we're keeping Pujols -- face it - just move him down the line up. I think we're Sellers -- the past two weeks and today's loss to KC hasn't helped.
  15. Upton was signed long term and ended up being a quality addition. As for this season -- we seem to be marginally treading water for one of the two wild card spots. Buyers? Not really. Sellers? More like it. We still have a shot but it's a (long) shot. let's see if Ohanti is going to return to the mound any time soon
  16. Ron Hassey -- who would have thunk it? As Dizzy Dean used to say.
  17. we're sellers. the Halos injuries may have saved Scioscia's job again this year. Richards is are most saleable commodity (in terms of who Halos are willing to trade -- that means the core of team, Trout, Simmons, Maldonado and Ohtani - are off limits. Probably Upton and his big contract as well - no one will want to take that contract on)......our pen has imploded in the past month so I don't think anyone would want any of those guys, Bedrosian, Parker, etc. some of our other rotation guys could be trade bait. Kinsler could go - but we're not going to get much in return. Calhoun was once a prime guy for a deadline deal but unless he heats up with the bat (and he's seemed to be weaker on D in RF lately, too) - I don't see takers and if there is interest, we're just not going to get much in return.
  18. set up the circular firing squad........
  19. as for 'targets' for the Halos -- that should be directed at prospects like what KC gave up. at this point, until further notice (meaning a winning streak and a quick turn around) at 10 and a half games back. As trade deadline approaches -- we're sellers -- (without much to sell) not buyers. Who do we have to sell (don't say Trout)? At one point I would have thought Calhoun -- but his value wasn't high and hasn't gotten better so far this year Seriously -- who do we have in the pen or in the rotation that any contender would want?
  20. nice pick up for the Nats. am sure the Royals fleeced them for some pretty good prospects in exchange for a closer who can help the Nats NOW. Royals re-stocking farm.......
  21. I'm not a Harper fan - just pointing out that compared to Calhoun -- Harper has some power numbers and RBIs. Nats are not going to give up on Harper..........they paid a bundle to sign him. he'll come around. Calhoun? Not so sure. As for Harper -- some of the Harper-Trout comparisons and 'who's better' type questions made laugh. Harper's never been even close to Trout's equal in any phase of the game.
  22. I'm sorry, tune up the Halos 2018 theme song -- there's a pretty good version of it appropriate for the ballpark -- "Goodnight, Irene" -- Gene Autry.
  23. base hit here by Maldonado would sort of keep the Halos kind of in the game.
  24. Valbuena -- what is he hitting these days? .198 ? I see they don't post their Batting Avg. on the screen like they once did.
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