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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. LOU -- c'mon -- we gotta love John Wooden quotes. the world would be a better place if folks adhered to his quotes and sayings today.
  2. looked up Grich's career stats. if he were to get IN -- a big IF but his numbers are worthy of consideration -- would be Veteran's Committee selection from combo of players etc. -- he did spend more time/ seasons with Halos than Baltimore. To me -- he came up as an Oriole and short of became one of MLB's better players as an Oriole. He then played another ten seasons with the Halos and had more games, ABs and hits with the Halos than with Baltimore........
  3. I don't think Lackey would go in as a Halo. Grich ? not sure he makes it -- but if he did -- Baltimore uni/ cap ???
  4. SCOTT T -- "I think I'll be there the next time a player in inducted as an Angel" Better buy your trip insurance now, then -- it'll be a while. Depends if Trout goes in as a Halo or a Yankee/ Phillies......... seriously - are there any other Halos HOF candidates lurking out there? I don't think Garret Anderson gets there -- he may get some votes but that's about it -- in fact, is GA about off the HOF ballot list now? I can't see anyone else. Bob Boone (Veterans' Committee) for games played at catcher ? Not likely and he goes in as a Philly or some other team. What does everyone think about these Veteran's Committee selections (Trammell and Morris today)? Me? I am not a big fan. Either you get voted in or not. The Vets committee selection should be reserved for managers, GM, executive, "Ambassadors of the Game type personnel (induct BUCK O' NEILL posthumously - NOW -- should have been done during Buck's lifetime -- a huge misjudgment by HOF committee and MLB).
  5. for those who watched -- Chipper Jones did a fabulous job with his induction speech.
  6. a man of few words. perhaps best speech YET !! Short and sweet. VLAD always sent his best message on the field and with his non-stop smile.
  7. give Jose Mota a break -- he looks great and helped VLAD during his time here. Congrats to him here as well. It's an honor for him to do this. Let's be proud as a Halos fan family........this is a big day - and the Dominican Republican countrymen and women have turned out to represent -- very impressive showing.
  8. she is an HOF Board member -- perhaps the Chair-person -- has been involved with HOF and Cooperstown area for many years -- involved in induction ceremonies for at least the past five years or so.
  9. those watching -- you have to admit -- some goose-bumps there. perhaps a tear or three. this is a HUGE day for Halos fans. thanks, VLADDY !!!
  10. Turn your TV to MLB channel. Vlad's induction happening NOW
  11. I liked Torre in the Halos booth - it was about two seasons. He was teamed with Phyz/ Hud. His 'successor' was Sparky Anderson who I think spent one year in the Halos booth. Both were color commentators not pbp guys. Torre's stories were pretty good. Sparky? Well, he was sort of an updated version of when Dizzy Dean went into the booth "and Mantle slud into second" " who woulda thunk it/"
  12. I said 501 -550. A key difference between today's players and all the legends who's numbers they are chasing -- is that back in the day -- almost every MLB player including the big stars - needed to find employment once their playing days were over -- and, of course, it didn't pay as well as playing pro ball and a lot of the players never worked outside of baseball -- so most players never quite really 'retired' of their own accord -- they played until they got released and/or could not physically play anymore -- remember Willie Mays in the post season with the 1973 Mets? It was pretty sad. So today's players, where everyone - including the bench depth MIF, become millionaires -- there's really no incentive to keep playing -- so they retire after play fewer years -- a small town home town kid like Trout could walk away in a few years and be perfectly content, he's set for life now. I think he'll get 500 and then head for the exit leaving another potential 200 home runs on the table.
  13. Trent Durrington moves up on the depth chart............lol !!
  14. Don't like to lose Martin Maldonado - who I think did a stellar job behind the plate for our Halos. But no regrets over this deal -- Halos had to make such a move - Maldonado's a F/A at the end of the year - he can really help a contender with a good pitching staff -- and that's Houston. Good move -- we get a pitcher who can probably stick with the big club next year, provide some pen depth and is under club control for about four or five years. Also -reflects reality -- we are sellers......... Does this trade mean / mark the near of the end of the Scioscia era in Anaheim?
  15. Brad Ausmus odds on favorite, I'd say. I'd be OK with that choice. It would be great IMO if they also consider Mike Matheney Don't think we could pry Bud Black from Colorado -- but would try. How about a college head coach? There's a guy full of girt and hustle coaching at the University of Nebraska if the Halos want to punt on their choice.
  16. nice stop by the catcher - that ball was headed to the backstop --- wild pitch - run across.
  17. just a base hit here............two runs - tie game -- let's go.
  18. A's showed what they're made of tonight........down 10-2 - they came all the way back to lead 13-10 at last report.
  19. he got that call at about pitch 7 -looked like strike three to me.
  20. Halos get a run. how many pitches that AB vs. Trout -- 9/ 10 ?
  21. oohh - strike three there NOT CALLED> high strike - thought they were calling that. not against Trout I guess.
  22. not liking this -- things are not going great and now Andrelton Simmons is writhing in pain on the ground. Not good.
  23. his average would go down, his power numbers would go up.......on this team with not much around him in the line up --- I'd say YES. Start swinging. There once was a Halo who wore Number 27 who swung at everything and it landed him in the HOF (in a HALO's UNI !!) Once Vlad is in the Hall - does Trout get a new number ??? Amazing - Vlad is the ONLY HALOs jersey in the HOF and he's not even the best player with his team's HOF uni/ number.
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