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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Robles gets rocked without good D. Yep. It's like the story Scully always told on the Dodger broadcast about some long ago game in Brooklyn. Brooklyn reliever comes in with guys at first and second one out to face some menacing slugger. the slugger rocks a ball to the wall that the Dodger outfielder nearly climbs the wall to catch for out number two...... Manager pulls the reliever who says to the next guy coming in to get the last out -- "I got my guy"
  2. I don't know - perhaps Fletcher's ball get through -- the angle is different when you play UP -- not so sure. oh well, different approaches.
  3. Simmons was a great pick up for us -- but Atlanta knew what they were doing. Sean Newcomb starts for them tomorrow -- he'll be a key guy in their rotation for the next four/ five years. I still like the deal we made, though -- can't get quality players unless you give up something. Simmons is a top tier quality SS. If he weren't on the same team as Trout and Ohtani folks would hear more about him. But he is on the same team with Trout and Ohtani and we're still 10 games back and under .500 first week of August? GEEZ. Interesting to see if Simmons gets another GG this year or Lindor gets it. I was pleasantly surprised last year when Simmons got it. I was sure it was going to be Lindor. Simmons DL time this year may cost him the GG to Lindor -- both are real top quality players.
  4. Fletcher with a productive out there but it raises an issue I have with managers on playing the infield IN or not. To my way of thinking -- on the road -- heck even at HOME -- but especially on the road -- keeping this a three run game in the bottom of the 7th is important. I play the infield up to prevent that sixth run from scoring -- yeah - they may get a base hit through a drawn in infield but IMO -- a run scoring ground ball is almost the same thing at this point in the game. I play the infield up and cut down the run. Also, some managers won't play the infield up early in the game - -"it's early' is the explanation. Me? A run that beats you in the first / second inning is just the same as one that beats you in the 8th/ 9th -- INFIELD IN.
  5. reporters report. MLB is these guy's beat. that's their job, Scioscia may be a private person but he's a public figure. Don't blame and blast Rosenthal for doing his job (and doing it well). Inquiring public wants to know - heck - it's not like there hasn't been talk and speculation about this issue for the past five plus years and it's intensified with each season that the Halos have been sitting on the couch for the playoffs. I think Rosenthal has sources who know what the future holds for the Halos manager job and there's about two or three top tier candidates with Ausmus likely the early favorite. I don't see Scioscia in the Halos dugout in 2019.
  6. Does any one honestly feel now that the death watch/ spiral on Scioscia's time as manager of the Halos has unofficially but actually begun -- think that Scioscia will be back in 2019 as Halos manager? Team heads into 2018 with all kinds of promise and expectations and in the first week of August is almost 10 games out and under ,500 fourth place in the West slipping to last. The standard denial about the end of Scioscia's tenure has been reported..........all I am waiting for to make it official is for Arte or Eppler to say 'we're behind Mike 1,000 percent'
  7. Roy Hobbs post above -- I asked for reason why folks think Brad Ausmus would the current situation worse and reasons NOT to make him Scioscia's successor -- and you came up several solid / valid points to back up your point. I still think Ausmus is the guy the Halos are going to go with -- and I am OK with that --but you make some pretty good points and if Ausmus gets it and FAILS you've certainly have earned yourself "I TOLD YOU SO" status. counter point on Ausmus -- he's a 're-tread' to be sure and couldn't win it with a solid roster/pitching staff in Detroit -- but he is an experienced MLB manager, -has been tracking the Halos all season long FROM THE OWNER'S BOX sitting next to ARTE (when he's at the game) and the GM -- and Ausmus is still relatively young at 49/50. I could see him being a bridge between end of the Scioscia era and then perhaps Eric Chavez (third base coach or bench coach -- right now Josh Paul is bench coach -- I say clean house with Scioscia's coaching staff -- except keep Dino Ebel in the organization in some capacity.
  8. reading about Eric Chavez's various DL 'trips' and the reason for them -- he looks like the Halos choice -- we could really relate to all the Halos players on the DL !! In fact, we might be the only MLB team with players and manager on the DL at the same time..........
  9. a new name could join the list. Urban Meyer may be available !! Looks like he's gonna be OUT at Ohio State. GEEZ. not following the drama in Buckeye world -- not sure what got Urban Meyer in hot water.
  10. Boone is third in games played at catcher ALL TIME MLB -- the list looks like this: 1.) Pudge Rodriguez 2427 2.) Carlton FIsk 2226 3.) Bob Boone 2225 4.) Gary Carter 2056 5.) Jason Kendall 2025 (his name fifth on the list surprised me) these are the only catchers in MLB history with 2000 or more games behind the plate. Three of the five are in the HOF....... Bob Boone had 7 gold gloves. If Carter's IN, Boone should have gotten/ get some consideration. Number 7 on the ALL TIME list with 1938 career games caught? BRAD AUSMUS -- I think he's the next Halos manager. Good choice - I think.
  11. Boone comes from a baseball family with MIF background and raised by a catcher (who at one time ranked number one on MLB games caught list -- I think Carlton FIsk passed him up) Cora was always described as a 'manager on the bench' Chavez as a 3B - IMO -- not exactly the type who can step in after one month as manager of a AAA team at the end of a season. I think Brad Ausmus odds -on favorite. I could be wrong. Would like them to consider Mike Matheny if it's not Ausmus -- but Halos probably won't do that - I think they'd pick Ausmus -- who has spent the entire season watching the Halos from a club box -- over Matheny or Josh Paul -- again -- I'd have some concerns with Halos front office decision making if Josh Paul is named the new manager. I think it's Ausmus with Eric Chavez on his staff..........would be interesting to see if any of Scioscia's coaching staff is kept. I'm guessing NOT -- perhaps DIno Ebel gets some position either in the dugout or perhaps upstairs with player personnel role.
  12. Kieth Johnson SLC manager becomes part of Halos coaching staff.......... so apparently Scioscia no longer picking his own coaching staff ? Poppycock all you want but Halos leading Scioscia towards the Exit sign.
  13. Eric Chavez managing triple A as of August 6/7 -- doesn't the AAA season end about Sept. 1 ? And then any player who might get to Anaheim from SLC is put on the expanded big league roster as a Sept. call up. IMO they are grooming him to be third base coach or bench coach next year in Anaheim. Brad Ausmus?
  14. oh geez -- this has become a Mathis vs. Napoli thread.........cue up the posts from what? ten years ago? How long has it been now? time flies. Scioscia and Naps had more than just a 'game approach' disagreement going on -- they just didn't like each other - at all. Mathis ? How many negative Mathis posts/ trade Mathis/ DFA Mathis/ Mathis has something on Scioscia (always interesting posts) posts were there back in the day???? Ausmus not the answer here? Any examples/ reasons why poster(s) would feel Ausmus would only make situation worse? Eric Chavez/ Josh Paul are the names being mentioned -- I think Ausmus is a better choice than those two. Mike Matheny ?
  15. Valbuena and his contract should clear waivers. He'll be traded, playing for some other team (Oakland A's ??) with his new team paying just the MLB minimum and the Halos paying the amount of his contract over the MLB minimum for the remainder of 2018 season. He might have to accept a minor league assignment with his new team until Sept. 1 when rosters expand. He could probably help some NL team as an extra PH bat off the bench. although, as a streak hitter (and some here note it's been some time since he's been on a 'hitting' streak) -- those type hitters seem to have a rough time adjusting to a limited player time/ PH role and need consistent ABs to get into the 'streak' groove.........that (frequent ABs at MLB level) is probably not in Valbuena's immediate future.
  16. I like Scioscia -- he's been very good for the Angels organization/ franchise over his 19 years in Anaheim. Some will argue (and have a valid point) that he lost his effectiveness as a manager about five years ago or (some will say earlier than that). I have not always agreed with Scioscia's game moves or non-moves. I have been critical of his 'formula' style in-game managerial style with predictable assigned roles to almost each player on the team - especially the sequence of bullpen moves. I prefer a Tony LaRussa/ Mike Matheny/ Bruce Bochy type approach of mixing things up and keeping the other side guessing 'at all times' -- Brad Ausmus seems more in line with this type of approach. I like Scioscia and always have -- that being said -- it's just time for a change here. Kick Scioscia upstairs and 'turn the page' I'd prefer Brad Ausmus be named manager -- if not Ausmus I'd prefer Matheny over the in-house candidates listed so far in the media (Eric Chavez and Josh Paul). I think I would have a difficult time rooting for/ following the Angels if Josh Paul were named the skipper.
  17. Eric Chavez over Brad Ausmus? I would be surprised. Brad Aumus as manager with Eric Chavez as third base coach or bench coach in Anaheim next year - I could see that. Scioscia getting fired -- I can't see that. Scioscia managing a new team in 2019 ? I doubt that. Scioscia taking over whatever sort of position title Ausmus had this season as 'special assistant to the owner' - I could see that role for Scioscia with the Halos next season -- perhaps fewer duties and responsibilities than Ausmus has had this season ( reviewing/ commenting/ criticizing Scioscia game moves)
  18. "Poppycock" direct Scioscia quote from press comments before today's game.
  19. I try to not to dis-like teams but gotta admit it's very tough not to root against Boston. I like most MLB teams and try to stay positive. now, in the NHL --- San Jose Sharks and after last year, I beginning to get a rival feel against the Vegas Golden Knights -- all in good fun with them - though -- what a great story that team was this past season........but they swept my Kings away--- didn't like that much. Felt like the intensity of feeling as in the Sharks playoff series of the past........
  20. Yeah - I don't see Parker being moved for several reasons and Jeff Fletcher points out the reality. no contending club would let one of its rivals get him by merely claiming him off waivers -- and if that club that claimed him ended up with his contract --- no big deal.
  21. I really don't see a downside to the Kinsler deal --- even if Valbuena starts every game at third base from now to the end of the season. 2018 is pretty much 'yesterday' it's done and gone. we got two pen guys under club control for five/ six years in exchange for a veteran second baseman who was a F/A and not coming back here. And we save half of Kinsler's salary for August/ September. Nothing but PLUS in that equation. Even if only one of the pen guys ever pitches for us and is only middling to below average.
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