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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. OUCH -- was sort of afraid that might be a response from some one. different issues for sure -- but reminds me of when Maury Wills was named manager of Seattle --- expectations were that he would be suited to managing because he played MIF (SS) and was sort of a team captain type......... As those who remember may recall - his short tenure in Seattle was a total disaster. He had 'other' issues - however -- one that these days would get a player suspended for a minimum of 50 games After the debacle in Seattle -- Maury Wills never managed a MLB team,' one of the strangest sports show interviews I ever saw was Maury Wills interviewed live at the ESPN Sports Zone that was at Downtown Disney in Anaheim (is the ESPN Sports Zone still there? Assume it is -- they've made some changes down that way) -- this was back when they did one of the ESPN Sports shows live from Downtown Disney with folks in the restaurant able to watch it live from their tables........this was the same year that Ozzie Smith was voted into the HOF -- at the time of the Wills interview, the ballots were out and the sportswriters' projections were that Ozzie would make it (he did). The ESPN panel asked Wills -- sitting there next to them -- all about Ozzie Smith's HOF bid and other things. Wills spent much of the interview stating, essentially, that his career was more HOF worthy than that of Smith etc. etc. -- the interview veered off topic when WIlls, asked about his son, Bump Wills - who also played MLB ball with Texas and some other team(s) -- the interview veered off topic when Maury Wills related that he and his son had 'dated' the same woman......it was bizarre. The restaurant crowd was, in effect, the studio audience. Maury Wills never once looked up at and/or acknowledged the audience. He went on his rant vs. Ozzie Smith (" I was better") and his comments about Bump. his son -- when done he got up and quickly left the little enclosed booth type area with out shaking any hands, let alone sign any autographs and did not even make eye contact with folks who gathered near the 'rope' line. The whole thing was bizarre -- suggesting Wills' problems that caused his abrupt/ quick firing / short tenure in Seattle were not necessarily all behind him. And this was a guy who one thought might be a good manager one day ---------not so much. in fact, worse than terrible.
  2. the most memorable Halos playoff 'moment' may still be Dave Henderson's HR off Donnie Moore when the Halos were one out away...... remember the 'most memorable moment' may not always be a winning moment and often isn't...... Bobby Thompson's HR off Ralph Branca (not really a post-season game - but a one game playoff). Billy Buckner's muffed ground ball off the bat of Mookie Betts. Phillies' pitcher Williams blowing the lead and being pretty much stalked by angry Phils' fans for years afterwards.
  3. Omar Vizquel was one of my favorites during his playing days. during the era of the great AL SS's --- Jeter, Nomar, Ripken etc. -- Omar Vizquel was my favorite and IMO the best glove of 'em all. I ranked him up there with the Wizard of Oz himself. I went to a late season game during one of his final seasons (Playing with Texas then) just to see him play one more time. It was a meaningless game, he got into the game late, I think - and may have played second base (perhaps third). I would be thrilled with Omar Vizquel as the next Halos manager - he does not have that much (if any) managerial experience -- but was a great team leader at SS and one of the best to play the game at that position (13 gold gloves ? Moved to NL and picked up two playing for SF -- I saw him play there). I think Vizquel is HOF worthy but he probably won't get there -- if I had a vote, I'd cast one for him for the HOF........Vizquel manager and Simmons at SS for us? That's a pretty good defense right there. As Ozzie Smith showed (and Omar as well) -- taking away a run or three a game from the opposition is just as important as knocking two or three in with RBI base hits.
  4. the front office has to have it's next manager in mind. when will it be announced? Day after World Series ends? Eric Chavez, Brad Ausmus or someone else. Two weeks ago, I would have said Brad Ausmus was pretty much selected. Now, not so sure. I think Halos nations would prefer Eric Chavez. Me -- I'd lean towards Ausmus. Not sure why. I think we need a two year place-holder, essentially - and let Eric Chavez coach 3B for two years.
  5. I agree with giving Arte and his injection of investment dollars in the club/ players plus the Los Angeles Angels name change marketing decision deserve credit for making the Halos a big market presence in MLB -- but Mike Scioscia was the right S. California based manager to make that happen........the Dodgers ownership at the time made one of their many mistakes in letting him get away -- the pre-Arte ownership was sharp enough to scoop him up. So I agree with ScottT's comment -- Arte/ Mike S. were a good mix for a long time -- but now the party's over -- it lingered on a bit long IMO.
  6. Mike Scioscia brought the organization a long way and finally made MLB sit up and notice that the Los Angeles Angels (of Anaheim) were a big market team with big market talent. Before he was Halos skipper, the Halos were still very much in the shadow of the Dodgers -- some argue they still are but I think the Halos during Mike's tenure established themselves as their own entity and more than just 'the second LA/ S. Cal team" That being said, this move is about four or five years late. Mike's ceased being an effective skipper for the Halos about four or five seasons ago, His formula- style 'every day the same moves, the same players doing the same things in the same order' just got old and, really, left nothing to the imagination. Opposing teams knew hours before the game who would be pitching in the latter innings and in what order.........his moves were 'by the book -- his book -- a formula that never changed,' mix things up to bring in the hot hand ,pitching or hitting? No way. Pujols hitting into too many GIDPs and killing rallies? He bats fourth...... Scioscia is an all time Halo - good luck to him. As he often would say after games and as he himself sort of said today about his leaving the Halos : "it's time to turn the page" Good for him and it's good for the Halos. I think the decision was mutual with a mild push from the organization that might have become a shove if he decided to stay on, A reporter asked him 'what's next?" as in 'are you going to manage again? perhaps next year - for someone else?" and my TV cut out right then -- what was his response to that (other than his later refusal to answer any questions except those about the meaningless final game/ walk off win)? Was Brad Ausmus in the crowd at the press conference? How about Eric Chavez? One of those two likely to be Halos choice which I am sure has already been made -- they'll have to do a dog and pony show about interviewing a few candidates, though.
  7. it's almost officiallly the off-season because these pie in the sky trade scenarios are popping up. Yeah, the Dodgers will trade Buehler who has quietly become their ace over Kershaw the second half -- that'll happen. yeah - let's make it Buehler for Pujols and Calhoun while we're at it....... Halos should concentrate on signing Trout long term and building a team to win in 2020 and thereafter around Trout, Simmons., Ohtani
  8. I like Wheeler as well and feel he's someone who we could get. As for Harper (not a big fan - see prior post) Machado? I don't think we can afford him - where would he play ? SS -- I think our guy Simmons is better quite frankly. Merrifield? Is he a F/A ? If so I like him a lot - can't imagine KC parting with him if he's not a F/A. Murphy would cost some bucks - solid player but past his peak? Always liked the guy. Catcher ? How about the guy we had this past month who caught, pitched and hit a home run to make MLB history. Grandal? only at a decent price. Biggest question mark - Pujols -- I don't him being released -- so the issue becomes do we platoon him at DH with far less playing time. I mean -- he's a GIDP with a guy on first less than two out every time........... I'd probably trade Calhoun in a package for pitching.
  9. Harper? Really? Really expensive and for all the hype around the guy --- I am not that impressed. seems to be problematic clubhouse guy -- - inconsistent on the field -- does have power. if he is a superstar -- and MLB seems to think he is -- I'm not so sure -- he's the exact opposite spectrum 'super star' from Mike Trout. I say spend what it takes to extend Trout to make him a lifetime Halo and forget Harper. We're not getting DeGrom. Arenado in a trade -- for who? Other than Trout we don't have much to trade. I guess Simmons and pitching. Arenado is a very good player. I like our guy Simmons a whole lot. I wouldn't trade Trout - I'd do what it takes to keep him. Donaldson? Some team will over-pay for his past performance -- I hope it's not us.
  10. I agree with those that say don't keep the franchise or anyone in suspense over 2019 If Scioscia is not going to be back which has been the indication for months now. Announce that Monday, the day after the regular season ends. Don't delay that announcement. Then, very quickly after that name the new skipper so things can get stated for 2019 and beyond
  11. Well -- it's the same as the Ichiro debate of a few years back. Is Ohtani really a rookie? I don't consider him one -- but if the rules say he is, he is. if he is - IMO -- he's rookie of the year.......stats for pitching and hitting ---and pretty good ones for each category for a rookie, Has any one done this since a guy that played for the Boston Red Sox named Babe Ruth?? Of course, no DH back then. so if Ohtani is qualified to be an MLB rookie (and I think that's a big IF -- I never thought Ichiro was a rookie back when) then he's ROY in the AL. Hands down. (And I don't think you can take votes away from Ohtani because 'he's not really a rookie' -- either he qualifies or he doesn't -- if he qualifies he's ROY -- personally, if I were MLB guy in charge -- Ohtani would deemed to be inelgible for ROY -- but that's not what's going to happen).
  12. then again - it's a meaningless game........
  13. walk four guys and I'm pulling the pitcher - SIX !!! Outta here.
  14. I am a Cards fan -- they are tanking big time. lost three straight to Milwaukee this week at St, Louis and lost the first game today of a three game final weekend series at Wrigley. What was the song that Dandy Don used to sing on Monday night football (GEEZ - that dates me - the entire crew is gone now -- -Meredith, Cosell, Gifford) oh yeah -- Turn out the lights, the party's over (Willie Nelson version).
  15. LA Times has now completed their three part - three day obituary of the Scioscia managerial years. and now Fletch says NO WAY that SOSH is back. so who is it? Eric Chavez , Brad Ausmus............
  16. I don't see how Scioscia survives another season debacle like this one. We have not been near the playoffs any time lately.
  17. LA Times had a short note in today saying Scioscia wants to manage (the Angels) in 2019 and is excited about Ohtani coming back to pitch in 2020.
  18. Jeff Fletcher -- you're around the club day to day -- it's starting to look like Scioscia may be back. Could that happen?
  19. and - big question mark -- will Ohtani return to the mound next year? I think Ohtani could be a DH and set up guy -- the hitters seem to track Ohtani their second/ third time through the line up. let Ohtaini DH four days plus a week and pitch him as a set up guy (sort of the Scot Shields role). We need to get back to that -- the days where Scot Shields came in and pitched an inning or two to get to Percy then later K-Rod in the ninth.........that really shortened games and made the rotation better - especially the second half of the season........ I think Ohtaini could be very effective in that role -- not have the pressure of closing and would be able to hit. Of course, where does that leave Pujols ? Probably with fewer than 150 ABs on the season.
  20. DocHalo's long analysis - when you get to the end of it - actually sounds somewhat optimistic (realistic?). I agree with most of it -- except I just don't see the Halos stockpiling young arms (maybe there's hope in the system coming up - y'all have a better idea of that than I do) -- but I see a nucleus around Trout, Simmons, Ohtani and Upton but not much else. And unless we can get some of our rotation guys to all be healthy for a full season -- and it seems each of the key arms we have now have all had arm issues (multiple times/ seasons) making them all suspect for a full season long haul. We really do not have a quality closer - and not a lot of pen depth. So I part ways with Doc Halo's optimism (reality based view) when it comes to the pitching -- all of it - rotation/ pen/ close. As for Calhoun, it means he could leave in a package deal in the off-season or be dealt before 2019 trade deadline. One thing about 2018 - it seems like Calhoun looked more suspect with the glove than he has in the past. Maybe I just happened to catch the games where he mis-played flyballs or made an error -- it was noticeable because I always thought of him as fairly solid out there, almost gold glove worthy and with a pretty good arm from RF......perhaps it was his moving around some in the OF playing LF, some CF and RF. Hard to say. It appears his most productive seasons are in the rear-view mirror.
  21. Vegas Halos Fan -- Dontrelle Willis was actually a fairly effective member of the Florida Marlins rotation for five seasons from 2003-2007 when he averaged just over 200 IP per season during that time and averaged about 150 K's per season including his best season in 2005 when he went 22-10, 170 K's in 236 IP and an ERA of 2.63. The Florida franchise, as some may recall, was in sell off mode during that time and very unstable. Willis must have injured his arm......after the 2007 season he never again approached pitching anywhere close to 100 IP for any year after that - he went (signed -- probably to a decent contract because he was a fairly successful starter for Florida for five seasons) with Detroit and knocked around with them for about three years not amounting to much. He must have been on the DL and Detroit stayed with him for three years (so they must have had some $$ invested in him, otherwise he would have been cut loose much sooner than he was)...he never really did not of anything while with the Tiger's organization. Drifted to Cincy and Arizona with no success and spent some time in AAA with Baltimore, the Angels and the SF Giants, had double digits in wins per season 2003-2007 and got nowhere close to that again. Wound up with 72 total MLB career wins. So not a stellar career but made two all star teams, pitched in a World Series and was a part of an MLB rotation for five years.......all in the modern era of shorter career for pitchers -- Not great, not terrible -- I think he got hurt, lost velocity - was always more of a 'thrower' than a 'pitcher' and couldn't made the adjustment to locating pitches/ pitching to spots etc. Did not hear him on the Angels broadcasts -- the reaction to him here was mixed. Some say he 'wasn't that bad' -- I didn't hear any of it -- but sort of in his defense -- it's gotta be tough to pinch hit as a commentator (not the pbp guy) with a broadcasting partner/ team that you don't know well and won't be around day to day........ I wish him well in seeking MLB/ baseball employment.
  22. Michael Young? Is he on the Rangers coaching staff or managing in the minor's somewhere? He could be a good choice there.
  23. Jeff Fletcher rightfully points out: do any of us know how someone would be as a manager before they became a manager?? NO -- but there's those you know who would probably be pretty good -- Craig Biggio, Chase Utley, Yadier Molina........ I would add Brad Ausmus to that list - but apparently many folks here think his time in Detroit was awful.
  24. Calhoun's maximum value was last off-season and, perhaps, prior to the deadline this year (his numbers were decent -- it was before he really tanked the second half this year marked by an offensive drought from his part with intermittent very short streaks of multiple hit games -- at this point his value is significantly degraded on a downward slope -- SO -- with that being the case -- I think the best strategy is to keep him, have him start the season as the starting RF, (we're not going anywhere in 2019 anyway) and hope he returns somewhat to form and then after he has -- one can hope -- put up some fairly good numbers for April/ part of May -- deal him for pitching......at that point - end of his contract, best years arguably behind him -- won't get much in return but something -- and perhaps more than what you would get for him in a one for one type deal during this next off-season. cant think of what sort of package we could put together with him right now -- I mean folks -- take a look at our roster -- we don't have much in the way of value to trade. I wouldn't move Trout, Simmons and Ohtani has a no-trade clause. What else do we have of value? Upton's contract is too expensive -- but he has value. Virtually our entire pitching staff is injury prone if past year's are any indication. Seriously, if you are a GM from another team -- other than some top farm prospects -- what player would you want from this team ?
  25. who is Dontrelle Willis announcing for? Not sure if I have heard his work. whatever happened to his pitching career anyway -- at one point he was atop his game and THE game - then he was gone - his career flamed out fast. did he blow out his arm ?
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