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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. just read the LA Times story regarding the Long Beach Arena. I say - Halos - GO FOR IT. Long Beach Arena can be bulldozed. New park in Long Beach would be great. A seaside stadium like SF - perfect. will need to upgrade train service to park. It's nice now that Amtrak station is right at the ballpark.
  2. why sign Trout to that huge 12 year extension if we are going to continue to bat Pujols FOURTH.?? HUH? Tonight's game -- first and third down one run in the top of the ninth. Trout at third because of his base running ability/ instinct on that base hit up the middle. Pujols up next. ALL WE NEED IS A FLY BALL TO TIE THE GAME UP. Trout at third with the tying run. Pujols STRIKE THREE, I guess we should be grateful that he did not hit into a game ending GIDP. If Lucroy hit fourth (not suggesting he should) that ground ball that ends the game instead scores Trout from third. These are the games that hurt,
  3. the deal makes sense to me -- Angels was Barria to get some more starts at SLC - AAA and are going with Stratton who is a bit more seasoned. Stratton more likely to give the Halos some innings where they probably have to watch Barria more in terms of IP. Barria with this rotation of guys (many of whom may accumulate 'days on the IR') will be back up with the big club by mid-May if not sooner. as for Stratton -- anyone nick name him "Monty' yet? Does the name Monty Stratton even ring a bell with MLB fans these days??
  4. LOL!! That did not take long. Honestly, despite the opener and the two hit shutout stuff -- the team seems livelier and looser under Ausmus,. I liked Mike Scioscia and he's a HOF manager and certainly the Halos ALL TIME top manager in games, wins etc. (Bill Rigney second) but Ausmus seems like the right fit for this team -- let's see if he can last all 12 years of Trout's new contract,
  5. been watching NCAAs March Madness and Duke's escape -- but this news - Pujols batting SIXTH is music to my ears. that's what it will take for the Angels line up to be most successful. I'd bat him 7th - but 6th is better than 4th.
  6. I thought I read somewhere that the pitcher Jennings was assigned to minor league team -not sure if it was SLC or a AA team. Glad to see Bourjos make the roster -- he started out with a great spring training at the plate and then tailed off a bit toward the end of ST. It appears, amazingly so -- that six years or so after he last played for the Halos that he has not lost a step. His game is pretty much tied to his speed and I remember when he was here last time the off field talk was about having Bourjos and Trout have a foot race. Most of the folks were taking Bourjos in that show down -- and we all know how fast Trout is and was then. I just like a player with Peter Bourjos defensive and base running speed (and positive attitude) on our team. I always rooted for him when he was bouncing around with other teams. I thought after last year (where was he ? a very part time OF'er in Philadelphia?) his career was about over. I hope he is able to produce and contribute to the Halos all season. As for the pitchers -- Bedrosian -- has he suddenly gotten better than what we've seen from him last year and over the years? If he makes the roster, I could see him being DFA'd by May if he's not making quality appearances.,
  7. Different times, different era, different places. The Cowboy was a TV/ radio station owner (investor) who wanted a baseball team to broadcast -- he ended up as the expansion team owner with the SECOND Los Angeles franchise (as Anaheim found out a few years ago) Arte was a advertising quasi-mogul (at least in the rapidly growing Phoenix Valley (of the Sun) who clearly understands marketing and products (3 Million fans each year for the past decade plus is no accidental happenstance) The Cowboy was a Silver Screen icon (I think a few of our younger posters may not fully appreciate Autry's star power with Republic Pictures and others back in the day - Autry was a Movie, TV and recording star -top of the charts) who always wound up Back in the Saddle. His locating the 'second Los Angeles MLB franchise' in Los Angeles made a lasting impact on S. California sports scene. He did fail to keep the best pitcher of his era, and perhaps one of the top five/ten of ALL TIME in MLB on the Halos (Nolan Ryan). His decision is forever memorialized by the Texas cap that adorns Nolan Ryan's plaque in the HOF. Arte bought the Angels from corporate ownership which ran the Halos like they were just another division of the company (which they were) and made the Halos --really for the first time - a major market team. Now he has indelibly left his mark on MLB and the S,. Cal sports scene by keeping the best MLB player of this generation and perhaps one of the best five/ ten of ALL TIME in MLB history before Trout's MLB career is over - in S. California leaving no doubt what cap Trout's plaque will adorn in the HOF. Both the Cowboy - No. 26 -- and Arte - No. 1 -- are great. Now, for me, My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys......
  8. OK - Phillies spend $330 million over 13 years for a guy who hit .249 last year.....and they smack talk Halos fans over this Trout deal? Huh? There have been numerous Trout/ Harper comparisons and threads over the years-- I never quite understood then all -- to me Harper was at no time the level of player Trout has been and is - year in, year out. Harper batted .249 in 2018. Now, here's one thing I can compare between Trout and Harper -- why do I think in very short time, Harper will become perhaps the most despised MLB player in the game who faces a jeering crowd with cat calls at every park? and then why do I think Mike Trout will continue to be a fan favorite across the country at every park he plays in.? That's the comparison/ contrast I think we'll see between the two. and for Harper -- what happens when he goes 0-4 on Opening Day in Philadelphia? In several years during his career with the Nats, Harper got off to very slow starts. I think one year he was about at the Mendoza Line at the All Star Break. If he gets off to a terrible start like that in Philly (and Harper is somewhat known to have slow starts to the season), how will Philly fans treat him? These are fans who have been known to boo Santa Claus.....could be a long season for Harper on Day One of 13 years in Philly.
  9. Well said. and like the start of the article says and all one can say on this - WOW !! Mike Trout - He's Back in the Saddle Again - for 12 more years !
  10. they need to team Smith with JOE MORGAN so they discuss this year's chances for the CALIFORNIA ANGELS.
  11. wow -- did not hear about this until I heard it on the evening national news ! WOW - Arte is getting this done. Look, I do not think that ANY player is worth the $450 million over 12 years or whatever it is,. But if there is such a player - his name is MIKE TROUT. I really could not comprehend a team paying a .249 hitter (Harper) some $330 over 13 years or a guy who was acquired for a post-season run and then flopped (Machado). all while a certain NL MVP (Yelich) is playing for $6 million a year in Milwaukee. Oh well,. Good news for Halo fans. Now - us oldtimers ALL KNOW that the Cowboy - Gene Autry - would have NEVER spent this kind of money or agreed to a 12 year contract -- the Cowboy once refused to re-sign an 'average pitcher' who he could get two '8-7 pitchers' for instead,. The guy he let go went on to set a bunch of records K's , shut outs, complete games and OH YEAH SEVEN NO HITTERs -- an average pitcher named NOLAN RYAN, oh well, past history -- tonight Angel fans are definitely singing Trout's praises...."He's BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN - for 12 more years !"
  12. we have a =n ESPN league started with Angelswin.com folks some ten years ago plus. a few team owners have come and gone but we have some original folks left. 8 team league - auto draft (our group does not have time / logistics to get together either in person or on line to be at the same place at the same time) so it's a 'low maintenance' KEEPER (Five Keepers) league. Keepers need to be selected by March. 22 ESPN auto draft is set for Early AM - March 23 (check the league site when you wake up Saturday and your team should have been drafted). If you want in.....e-mail me at tj.staffel@comcast.net include your e-mail address in the e-mail. I will send out an invite -- first come, first in . ONE SPOT open.
  13. sad. single vehicle wreck?? bad / wet weather down that way ?
  14. good bye Anaheim. Mayor Talt may be gone but his legacy may become 'losing the Angels'
  15. great photo, 102 - a good run. she spent the better part of her life promoting the Babe's legacy. good for her. died in Henderson, Nevada -- probably a short drive from the Green Valley Inn & Spa - a place with a great sports book area, The Babe would have liked that !
  16. single trade deadline? when? August 1 ? will the waivers system still be in effect ? the one where teams place the high contract guy on waivers and no one claims him and then the guy is traded or released ?
  17. he got off to a very slow/ terrible start with us that first season in Anaheim and did not get turned around until almost the second half of the season - by that time the Halos were pretty much out of the race playing meaningless games. He picked it up enough over the second half to have respectable stats on paper. have not looked lately but his first five years stats looked OK (not great) on paper. But once again, he didn't seem to have much offense when it mattered. Now his biggest threat at the plate seems to be as a GIDP rally killer. And, yes, he'll be on our roster for 2019, 2020, 2021. But hopefully not in the line up every day.
  18. remember Roger Clemens did that with Houston, he intended to 'retire' from NY Yankees. Yankees, therefore, did not extend him an offer to avoid arbitration. all the deadlines come and went -- and Clemens then was free to 'un-retire' and sign with Houston to start playing after the All Star break. under the MLBPA contract terms in effect at the time, NY Yankees would have gotten a first round draft pick as FA signing compensation for losing Clemens, Instead, the Yankees received nothing,
  19. was in the Valley of the Sun last week and took in the Cubs at Angels (Tempe Diablo) game -- Bourjos looking good -- this was the game where Trout got charged with a error on that ball he lost in the sun -- hate to say it -- but Bourjos, who was playing LF that day -- would have caught it if he were in CF. it's amazing that it's what? five seasons later -- and PJB does not look like he's lost a step. the guy is quick. I'm rooting for him to make the roster -- have always liked the guy and his attitude. as for that Trout guy -- after making that first inning error (tough play/ tough scoring call) and being called out on strikes in the first inning -- (questionable strike three call) he came up in the third inning and just crushed the first pitch he saw into the left field seats.
  20. how many more years do we have to endure this? two or three. hey, everyone knew the back side of this ten year deal was going to be terrible, Well, terrible is here. Not sure what anyone can do about it. One thing that must be done -- and hopefully Ausmus has the flexibility to do this -- we gotta move Pujols down the line up. No more preventing Trout from scoring or hitting into a GIDP with Trout on base.
  21. with Salvador Perez going down, the KC Royals have signed former Halos Gold Glove winning catcher, Martin Maldonado to a one year contact. how this guy didn't get re-signed by Houston and has been on the market all off season and two weeks into Spring Training is beyond me, I thought he played very well for us and helped the pitching staff. Sure, he couldn't hit a lick but I'd rather have a strong defensive catcher who can handle a pitching staff over a guy who might hit for power but really can't handle the catching chores (been there - Napoli) and now with Lucroy we may be there again. I was hoping the Angels would sign Maldonado again but with multiple DH types on the roster (Pujols, Ohtani, Bour) we really don't have room to have Lucroy be a C-DH type with Maldonado catching about 82 games. KC won't lose much on D with Maldonado behind the plate instead of Sal Perez but they're sure going to miss Sal Perez's bat and team/clubhouse leadership. I thought the SF Giants should have signed Maldonado and move Posey to 1B -- if Posey played 1B instead of the grind of catching, he would bat .300 or better averaging 185 hits per season 20-25 HRs -- instead Posey fades about late July - catching will do that to you. Giants could trade Brandon Belt for a power hitting LF. Right now one of the contenders for LF for them is "No Arm" Maybin.
  22. TROUT better than Machado and Harper combined ? The only possible issue I have with this assertion and this post/thread is that THIS IS NOT BREAKING NEWS. Anyone who watches MLB knows this. Machado is a good ballplayer -- prefer him at SS over 3B but he's probably now going to be a corner power guy (Will Petco bring the fences in for him at that pitcher's park?) Machado IMO did not help himself with his playoff performance with the Dodgers. I sort of think he may be more of an AL player and may find adjustment to the NL difficult. He's got ten years now to adjust. If Machado is 10 years at $300 million, then Trout is worth more than that -- I can see Trout getting a contract (hopefully an extension from the Halos) for more than that and IF a ten year deal (will Arte ever agree to a ten year deal again?) is signed - I could see Trout wanting an opt out option after five or six years. Trout IMO is a once in a generation type player and if he remains healthy for the long term -- he could possibly hit another big pay day in 5 or 6 years depending on whether the MLB market and financial health have not totally collapsed. (I keep checking the year by year drop off in Little League/ youth league sign ups : baseball and football down - soccer up). As for Harper. I really don't think he even qualifies for a comparison to Trout (Machado does and falls short). Harper needs to put two quality stat seasons in a row on the Board. Hasn't done that yet. Every season since his arrival in MLB has been a quality stat season for Trout -even when he missed time on the DL. Now that the Washington Nationals have said they're OUT (I sort of thought Harper would wind up back in a Nat's uniform with a one year deal) -- I could envision opening day with Harper watching from his couch. White Sox may be a team interested -- but I don;'t see (and would not give Harper) a ten year deal and nothing close to Machado's contract.
  23. hey - Ohtani may have started something. in recent years we've seen more teams in either very long extra inning games or in blow outs (usually the team losing ) the use of position players pitching, some do OK - some do terrible, none of the position player pitchers do great. so - why not have your 25th guy on the roster be a depth MIF/3B guy who can also pitch an inning or two if called upon. I feel the same way about DH/C -- have a guy on the roster who can DH and serve as your third string catcher if called upon. the return with the 'two way' player designation indicates Cowart realizes he really needs to bring something more to the table than his prior efforts to make the opening day roster.
  24. I think Harper is way over rated. Until he puts together two GOOD seasons in a row, I'd be hesitant to sign him to any long term deal - let alone the stratosphere type money/ years his agent is demanding, Harper and Machado may be sitting while players are reporting next week.
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