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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. well if we don't get new arms, they may be the ones who are pitching in Anaheim next year. or do you prefer starting the 2014 season with Blanton in the rotation again? I agree, we're up against it........we probably do need to rush some minor league starters to the bigs -- that's why August/September turns into an extended 2104 ST. Now is the time for these guys to get some MLB experience.........yes, it may be difficult to watch (attendance will tumble, no doubt) but can't be any tougher than what we're watching now --- and, at least, there will be an excuse -- "Whaddya expect, he's an AA level guy?"
  2. well, it's not so much as 'giving up' on Frieri, it's more of a case, he's about the only real player of value we have that some contender would over-pay for. As for Frieri, we really got him for a steal in a deal with the Padres last year -- so he cost us nothing -- he has performed very well for us and way over expectations..... the analysis now has to be (and this is the economics of baseball today and for some time now) have we gotten the most value out of him before 1.) his skill/effectiveness declines and/or 2.) his salary demands increase to the point it exceeds his remaining value to us. not sure about Frieri -- he came over from San Diego after having some real terrible outings and was in funk, couldn't get folks out -- change of scenery did him wonders, became our closer and has pitched effectively in most outings with a few blips which happens to every pitcher/ closer from time to time....... so, have we squeezed the most value for the least amount of payment out of him and is it time to now cash in? I think some team might be willing to over-pay for him as a set up guy down the stretch and a potential closer for next year and beyond........meanwhile, we could fetch a real starter prospect who could be in our rotation in 2015.........hard to say. We must rebuild our farm system.
  3. espn reporting Pujols on DL.......makes sense to me. if he can get well and really rake, it's worth it. ESPN on now sort of ripping Halos -- 'just barely above Houston in AL West' -- well, it's hard to argue with the truth.
  4. how do they call up arms from AA? Well they trade Downs and Frieri which may open up roster spots on the 40 man roster and they purchase the contract of the pitchers at their AA affiliate and put them in the rotation knowing that they're going to have some rough outings but will get experience. as for the timing? could be first week of August or could wait until rosters expand Sept. 1 --- depends on the AA player -- for most, probably makes sense to wait until Sept. 1. that's how you do it......... the other option is to put Blanton out their every fourth or fifth day and have a running 'over and under' board for the date when he notches his 20th loss.......
  5. I didn't say trade Iannetta, I agree his trade value is relatively low and his value to us is more than his low trade value. Aybar? Not sure if a contender needs a guy like him unless they have a pretty good offensive stats SS and want some late inning D, some MIF depth and perhaps someone to Pinch run in the 8th/9th innings and then play some D. Contenders want pitching help -- rotation and pen help. Downs? If we can get something for him, by all means move him..........but if you were watching this weekend's game, would you want him? Value definitely DOWNS. Frieri (spelled wrong, and now that he may be leaving us I am not going to take the time to remember how to spell it the right way) might be our best bet as a guy we could move at deadline time and get some decent value in return. Trumbo?? Not sure why we would trade him UNLESS we are offered a lot for him -- unlikely.
  6. what would we get for Trumbo?? better be some quality prospect arms that can help us as soon as 2014.
  7. Season's over........go on the DL get the surgery done and be ready for opening day 2014 100% and ready to go........... why play out the string on a foot that's killing you? we're done for this year...........call up some arms from AA to get some starts in and let's begin the extended 2014 ST.
  8. we have no one available that anyone wants..... we're not trading Weaver. Frieri is interesting -- if a team wants him , I guess we can play the game of making some one over-pay for him.......no harm no foul because we got him for virtually nothing last year and he's given us two pretty good seasons during his time here....... Downs -- watch the tape from Saturday's game and I don't think anyone would want him. Iannetta? Teams can look to their farm system for a back up catcher......Iannetta's D is better than I expected but for some reason (perhaps his lack of offensive production) he's fallen out of favor with Scioscia lately. Seriously, what do we have (available) that other teams would want? we're looking at some prospects at the A and AA level so nothing that will help us quickly.........but we need to re-stock the farm system..........
  9. OVER. Some time ago, actually. Reports out that Pujols will be out for the season -- good call -- have him get his surgery done now so he can be ready to go by 2014 opening day. Let's sit tight at deadline time UNLESS we're unloading salary and contracts (but who would take our more problematic ones?). Can't really move Justin Vargas -- which is unfortunate -- because before his DL stint, he probably would have been the most marketable player we have. Bourjos is another, but he's also on the DL. Not sure who else we have (available -- everyone would want Weaver-- NO WAY) that anyone would want........Scott Downs value went the same way as his name this week -- GEEZ --- asked to hold a lead and gives it up with one pitch, faces THREE BATTERS , gives up THREE RUNS, THREE HITS........OUCH. Let's begin over extended 2014 ST and get some AA arms up to get some starts.........
  10. After recent performances (including today) by Downs, don't think there will be much of market for Downs or Blanton at deadline time.........DFA may be the only option to move them and that doesn't make a lot of sense at this point...........
  11. If (some say WHEN) Colon gets suspended for use of substance enhancements, I assume it will be a lifetime suspension since he's already been suspended for 50 games before? meanwhile, look at his stats this year........he's got to be in the top three or four for the Cy Young Award based upon his stats......... it truly is unfair to have him available to the A's if, in fact, he's on the verge of being suspended for conduct that likely started before Opening Day.
  12. Hey, Blanton was signed as an 'innings eater' He sure made sure our pen ate a lot of innings..........
  13. Brendan Harris did OK for us -- played well early in the season - versatile MIF type -- now your classic 4-A type player. Yankees will store him at AAA and call him up in September. If the Yankees fade further down in the standings, expect Harris to play some late inning D for Jeter in September as Jeter plays in September for what essentially would be a MLB rehab stint so he's ready to go Day One in 2014 which could be his swan song year. Harris was a decent roster addition for us........time to sign him and time to let him go.......all good.
  14. everyone remember the Speizio incident except me -- MY BAD. but some team will pick Lilly up -- the Dogs owe him money -- so team can get his for the MLB minimum -- and then invite him to ST next year. Worth a flyer to someone -- apparently not us because the Halos are so solid in their rotation right now (LOL!). I like the straight up for Blanton idea, though!
  15. my recommendation would be that they shut down Pujols for the season and get the surgery done so he can be at 100% and ready to go by the end of ST 2014. this season is done. get Garrett Richards and some other AAA or perhaps AA rotation prospect in the rotation now to get some MLB starts/ innings in and build arm strength. it's time to consider the rest of 2013 as an extended ST for 2014. Let's face the music of reality here, folks.
  16. well, I said the same thing coming out of Spring Training (essentially that Jerome Williams is a 4-A pitcher) and got blasted here for saying that -- which is OK -- that's partially why this site exists to give (and have tested) your opinions on roster issues....... And, to be fair, given the state of the Halos rotation (Blanton, PUH-LEASE!) , Williams has been very much needed in that '4-A' role this year. But at the end of the day, Williams is really a 4-A pitcher. He has carved out a pretty nice MLB career for himself that started out (as least what I can remember) in SF with the Giants some years ago. For the Halos really to get back to being a perennial contender (and let's face it folks, it's been this season and last season, at least, where they would not be classified as such and perhaps the prior season as well -- they've gone from compiling AL West titles to second and third place finishes -- thank goodness Houston is in the Division this year or the Halos could finish dead last in the AL West)....they really have to get a better than average MLB starting rotation -- something they have not had all season.
  17. Ted Lilly was designated for assignment/ released today by the Dodgers........ Just read in this week's LA Times that Lilly was going to move to the pen as a long relief guy.........I guess that didn't go over well or last long. Lilly's been hurt and has some endurance issues coming back so pen duty as a pre-set up guy might make sense but not when he pulls a Kazmir type attitude and doesn't want to learn new pitching tricks/ role. Lilly with the Cubs and then with the Dogs had decent stats, hard thrower, seemed to be among the top guys in K's when healthy and pitched a full season. Dogs owe him $5 million........some team can pick Lilly up for the minor league minimum.........I think he's worth a flyer (at the risk of being ridiculed for picking up Dodger rejects - the most recent Dodger rotation reject -- Blanton -- worked well for us!! LOL!) but only if he's willing to accept a middle inning relief role which he probably isn't.......... don't understand these guys unwilling to accept different role (middle relief).....a guy like Lilly (if arm is back, he's been a strike out pitcher) could do well and extend his career in that role........oh well.
  18. well , what else does Sosh or any manager say in this situation? "oh, yeah, the big rotation help we got in the off-season for $15 million over two seasons, that guy, half way through season one, he sucks!" nah, don't think so. so Sosh pulls out the Casey Stengel phrasing and talks gibberish.
  19. that deal was debated at the time.......many thought we gave up on Kotchman too soon and everyone KNEW Teixeira was a two month rental. I'm not buying the Trout connection to the Teixeira trade......... In the end, the deal worked for the Halos because Kotchman (who I always thought was pretty much JT Snow, good glove, decent bat, limited power numbers, 15-20 HR season)... As it turned out, Kotchman became a journeyman -- it was actually painful to see him in a Boston Red Sox uni, and not just because it was the BoSox, but because he virtually had NO ROLE with the club, didn't start at first, didn't DH, didn't play and they didn't even really use him as a late inning defensive replacement at first.........he sat the pine almost not part of the team..........he wasn't there too long. Teixeira did play well during that two month stint for the Halos both his offensive production numbers and his D at 1B which was very good. But he's a guy that even before he left seemed to leave a sour taste with Halos fans.........he started acting like a rental about month after joining the Halos and even made some reported comments along the lines of 'I just play for who pays me, right now it's the Angels" Not a real way to become a fan favorite. Oh well.
  20. I am Bourjos fan -- great D -- better offense this year when he was healthy (he's had a lot of DL time this year). Bourjos is one of those players who IMO just makes the team better when he's in the line-up. I am sure someone will come up with a stat that will dispute that.......but this is just an observation based on watching the games and not on any stat. Having said that, Bourjos is a type of player who has a limited shelf life.........these speedster types are great......but once the wheels go, well, the wheels come off the player's value. It can happen quickly. Exhibit A -- Chone Figgins. A great versatile catalyst in his prime.......the Halos wisely let someone else (Seattle) over-pay for him and he was never really the same player after that.....had a slow start in Seattle, recovered a bit to put some respectable looking season stats (well, above the Mendoza line) but the following season was well into decline....... But I like Bourjos.........he is pretty good trade material because he's a guy that would fit on an NL or AL team........his injury may save him from a deadline deal.
  21. Apparently, DiPoto is his roommate and told him he's on the block............ I just don't see Trumbo being traded at deadline time........he is a young player still under club control. If the Halos were to trade Trumbo during the off-season as some sort of package deal, I would hope we would get a quality starter, rotation guy, in return. Perhaps we could also throw in Blanton and at least half of his contract in on any deal........
  22. Yeah, the video of it hurts to watch....... E. Young, the batter who stepped awkwardly on Hudson's ankle ran right over to him and, obviously, feels terrible. feel bad for Hudson and Young....... hope Hudson can bounce back.
  23. what a great title for this thread -- it really rings true. as does the observation that the season pretty much ended with Tuesday night's miserable extra inning loss.
  24. Garrett Richards has earned a rotation spot AND Blanton's performances have certainly LOST a rotation spot. Won't matter much........with the two of three losses at HOME vs. Minnesota, we're pretty much done.
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