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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. I hope we're done with paying big dollars for reclamation projects like that........ unless we're going to sign a now retired Dave Duncan as our pitching coach, I say NO.
  2. Weaver's been on the DL -- Hopefully he can bounce back big next year. I think he can still pitch like an ace. But this season, Weaver seemed to have troubles from the start of the season -- some of you may have been at that pre-season game he started against Oakland at Phoenix Municipal Stadium -- it was on the day of the ST Fan Fest event -- Weaver got lit up big time by the A's.......I think he gave up 3 or 4 HRs including back to back shots........he was gone by about the third inning and gave up 9 runs or something........it was very uncharacteristic J. Weaver and at one point he seemed to cop an attitude more like his brother, Jeff "Mope" Weaver. He looked like a guy who got he short straw and had to take the bus from Tempe to make the start on a hot mid-March Saturday in Phoenix. then the Halos got off to another slow start in April and pretty soon after that, Weaver was on the DL. TIme to turn the page.........actually it's been page turning time since June.
  3. wouldn't want to take on his contract for 2014........several teams will claim Headley and the Padres will recall the waivers........ we need to preserve whatever payroll dollars we will have left (after paying for Pujols and Hamilton contracts and then paying guys like Blanton for not pitching for us next year) for rotation help. we'll have Weaver, CJ and I hope we re-sign Vargas who pitched well for us before his blood clot issue and DL time.....Garrett Richards steps up into the rotation.........so we need a decent number three or four guy and maybe one more rotation arm for depth (not Jerome Williams). Then we need some pen help. We could also use a new pitching coach. I think Scioscia probably stays (even if it might be time to make a change)........but he needs to change his 'stick to the formula' policy on pitching issues and have the rotation (above) which would be OK but not great -- and then supplement that with a strong pen of arms --- pre set-up guys, set up guys and a closer who can switch off with the set up guy(s) from time to time to keep the opposing team off stride and guessing........look at Atlanta - good rotation and good pen...........KC is a team that utilizes the pen well with an OK rotation. We went through years of good pitching and no offense and finished out of it that way -- and that seemed to lead to the over spending on offense at the expense of pitching and we've done more than just finished out of it this year.........we've never been in it from day one........back to making pitching the top priority for payroll dollars during this off-season.
  4. this is Saturday's game -- I have never seen that before -- where an ump completely butchers a judgment calls (safe/out) that does not involve a technical rule issue/ interpretation and the Umps confer and actually CHANGE the judgment call decision. I don't have a problem with that and, particularly, where it leads to the right call..........but I've never seen that. And in some ways, I disagreed with what the umps did (agreeing with Houston manager Porter here) because that's just not done and if it's going to be done there needs to be a proper protocol to ensure consistency --- if we're going to have instant replay on calls like that -- fine -- but that's not what they're talking about and certainly isn't being done now -- If were are going to change the unwritten rules of the game and allow judgment calls (not technical rulebook issues/ calls) to be subject to a conference of umps and possible reversal -- that needs to be fully explained and the circumstances in which that can be done fully clarified......... In the end in this case, the right result occurred. Not sure how the umps got there - seemed to be a reversed call influenced by instant replay. First argument on a judgment call I've seen Scioscia or any manager win........
  5. post some photos! top player may get to PH for the Halos today -- couldn't be any worse than what they've been putting on there lately........
  6. This could be it for Scioscia -- a guy I have always liked -- but the team just seems completely life-less. No move now because the season's already lost and it makes no sense to saddle the new guy with any part of this season's problems/ baggage. But I sense a house cleaning taking place this off-season in Anaheim........ GM, Manager, Players, etc........
  7. that[s it for Tejada then..........saw him play in the World Baseball Classic games up at AT& T in SF and then he got back into MLB with KC. yeah, it's too bad it ends this way but he's a multi-violation guy -- I am surprised he's not facing a lifetime ban........well, effectively that's what 105 game ban is for him........ oh well.
  8. well. one thing is certain -- Madsen has certainly performed better this season than Blanton........ (and it still holds true when someone points out -- 'hey, Madsen didn't make one pitch for the Halos this season or ever '-- EXACTLY!).
  9. I am afraid to ask: "Could the 2103 Halos' season get any worse?" Because when I've done so in the past at low points like this, the Halos then go out and show, YES, exactly how it can be and get worse. OK Halo fans -- sort of trivia and Halos history question: can anyone think of any prior Halos team with a larger (negative) gap between pre-season expectations and the actual final record/ place in the standings? I mean, the largest gap may have been the '62 team under Bill Rigney where the second year expansion franchise is battling for first place the last ten days of the season -- but that's a 'positive' gap where not much (last place) was the expectation and the Halos were in the hunt as the season wound down. And then there's been those lousy Halos teams over the years where not much was expected and the expectations proved accurate. But this year, with the Halos advertising campaign boasting of "A team built for the ages' -- a fourth place finish nudging out the Astros was not exactly where folks thought things would stand with a month and half left in the season..........
  10. Fireworks, concert and a great weather evening in Anaheim -- that explains the crowd.......not the ballgame and the teams playing.
  11. Rojas mentioned our home record (something like 30-33) and our record within the AL West 19-34 or something terrible like that........ Against Houston, we're now 6-8 on the season and 2-6 at Anaheim. Meanwhile A's have a 11-1 record against Houston and the Rangers are 11-2. Both of those remaining games vs. Houston are home games for the A's and Rangers. In a season of low points, we've hit another one........perhaps only to be eclipsed if Houston sweeps us at home -- AGAIN.
  12. What was Blanton doing out there in a two run game?? In the 9th, two guys get on, Carter comes up -- I'm thinking -- ah, dinger coming......Blanton goes a rather unimpressive 3-2 to the guy -- this is after the walk and wild pitches earlier in the inning -- Carter fouls a few off, Blanton shakes off whatever Conger's next sign is and pitches Blanton's called pitch -- Carter hits the thing 450 feet or something like that -- 7 to 2 Astros and just for good measure to illustrate that he leads the league in giving up dingers in a non-supporting role -- Blanton gives up back to back HRs to the punchless Astros.......... Amazing. An earlier post here notes Scioscia didn't have anyone warming up to relief Blanton, before, during and after the debacle........that didn't bother me as much as WHY IS Blanton being put in the ball game in a 4-2 game? It's not a mop up situation........ As for keeping him in -- you know -- at some point the manager just needs to leave the guy in there to take his lumps (and to tell management -- Hansen to AAA?? How about this guy?)......once Carter hit the dinger to make it 7 to 2 you might as well save the arms in the pen anyway..... I am amazed that there were fans in the stands tonight -- seemed like a pretty good sized crowd -- beautiful weather evening....... Is (NHL) hockey here yet? Can't start soon enough..........
  13. good seats still (and even more) available......... come on down and watch a team 15 games out and 10 games under .500.
  14. well, tonight in New York he illustrated how 'effective' he could be out of the pen. one role he could fill is providing some rest to the closer......when the closer is tired and has pitched consecutive nights you could bring Blanton into a close game and guarantee that your closer gets the night off........... Blanton did something I did not think possible tonight - he made his terrible season worse.
  15. I say bring Dontrelle up Sept. 1 -- may sell some tickets at Anaheim and put a few more fans in the seats which will be needed (right now we're looking at a lot of empty seats at the ballyard the rest of the season). And, after watching Blanton's masterful performance tonight against the Yankees -- in all honesty -- could Dontrelle do any worse?
  16. it's better than this Angels - Yankees debacle. Can we get a part for Blanton in the movie -- and the home plate ump as well.
  17. Well, Seattle, yes...........but at the season's start everyone thought that the AL West had at least ONE WILD CARD spot pretty much clinched because of the 19 games each AL West team would play against Houston......... it's turned out to be true for Texas and Oakland -- they have just raked and now down the stretch the remaining games they have with Houston are HOME games......... So the teams in the Wild Card chase are not going to be able to catch the second place AL West team as Texas and Oakland should continue to play at a .850 clip against Houston for their remaining games........ tough to pick up games in the standings when teams get that kind of advantage. As for the Halos -- that FOUR GAME SWEEP by Houston at Angel Stadium really was the season low.
  18. WOW. This does not seem ALL performance based,,,,,,,,,, He must have ticked off Scioscia......... A guy like Hanson getting sent out to AAA with about two weeks plus to the Sept. 1 deadline when rosters expand......... well, I guess they are punishing him by making him ineligible for the post-season roster!!!
  19. To sum up the AL West and the Angels season -- look at the W/L stats vs. the doormat Houston Astros. Texas season record vs. Astros: 11-2 (2-1 Home; 9-1 Road at Houston) 6 Home games left vs. Houston at Arlington. Oakland season record vs. Astros: 11-1 (3-0 Home; 8-1 Road at Hou.) 7 Home games left vs. Houston at Raiders Park. LA Angels of ANA. rec vs. Astros: 6-7 (2-5 Home; 4-2 Road at Hou.) 3 Home, 3 Road games left vs. Houston, That FOUR GAME SWEEP by the Astros at ANAHEIM was perhaps the lowest point of a lot of low points this season. If the Halos perform to the level of the A's or Texas against Houston -- Angels are at least then at .500 for the season. Houston beat Texas at Houston Opening Night -- one win against them since and almost got no hit today.
  20. Well, then, cue up "Glory Days" when they show the 2002 catch by Erstad during the pre-game stuff.........
  21. as predicted, Dodgers franchise has come roaring back from the McCourt dead ball era. when you win in LA (or anywhere, but S. Cal seems to be top of the list of fickle fans) fans fill the stands. today's LA Times headline has Dodgers looking at breaking 4 million in attendance this season. And, yes, Dodger Stadium holds something like 10,000 more seats than Angels Stadium -- but that's not what's making the difference this year. Expect lots of empty seats in Anaheim the rest of August and September...........
  22. Griffey may well have rebounded in the second half of that first season in Cincinnati to post some decent stats, as you suggest, but the damage was pretty much done. He got off to a slow start which most analysts at the time attributed to his 'changing leagues' and 'not knowing the pitchers or the parks' Cincinnati fans got on him. It actually got kind of ugly........ then he started hitting but by that point, I think the Reds were pretty much like the Halos are right now -- pretty much out of the race...... Griffey's first two months in Cincinnati did not go well. The big return 'home' flopped big time. It was a turning point in his career -- he was never quite the same player after that on a consistent basis although, obviously, an athlete as gifted as Griffey showed flashes of what he was always capable of........ First ballot HOF'er -- well deserved........goes in as a Seattle Mariner......fly, fly, fly away..........
  23. We can only wish that MLB will get back to the time when Ken Griffey Junior and his obvious joy of the game of baseball was the face of MLB. MLB and baseball in general today is a different game. And not for the better. I trace the start of the decline of MLB to where it is today to the day Ken Griffey Jr. got traded from Seattle to Cincinnati. For whatever reason, what was supposed to be sort of a homecoming type career move for Junior (playing for the same team where his father starred and where he literally grew up in the clubhouse and dugout) turned sour real quick (he got off to a bad start and things went downhill from there). I don't think he ever really enjoyed any of his time in Cincinnati and that was sad. What was even sadder from a baseball fan perspective was to see his once Happy Go Lucky ("Let's Play Two" attitude of Ernie Banks for the next generation of players) turn to something else.....he almost looked, at times, as if he'd rather not be on the field -- this was such a dramatic turnabout, it actually was hurtful to watch it and see it happening......the Cincy fans contributed to it by getting on Junior. It was unwarranted and I thought unfair. The most joyous player in years to put on the uniform was reduced to being just another player........ When I think of the trade of Junior from Seattle to Cincinnati, I want to cue up Don McLean's "Bye, Bye Ms. American Pie" and apply the lyrics to MLB and baseball. Thanks for posting the video -- it was nice to see that happy, joyous Junior out there again, one last time. Some folks here probably remember when Ken Griffey Jr. was the face of MLB and MLB was better for it. My kids were little leaguers then -- everyone wanted to be Junior. He was a positive influence.........we desperately need that in the game of baseball today......... Congrats, Junior. I will always remember that the first guy to contact the late Dave Niehaus on his enshrinement in the HOF (Ford Frick award) was Ken Griffey Jr........that's kind of guy he is.
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