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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. where's the playoff game -- am sure they've already had the coin toss........ is it in Tampa Bay or in Texas?
  2. GREAT OUTFIELD CATCH!!! Oh, by the fan beyond the center field fence.........
  3. DLR drops the ball and the guy almost beats it out......... had the runner been safe there would have been a fitting final innings play for this year's Halos.......
  4. SoWhat -- I see you have the Angels and Lakers logos up on your posts.......... looks like your baseball off-season of watching basketball will be a long year as well............
  5. yeah, Joe Madden is in the Tampa Bay clubhouse cursing at the TV screen about now..........
  6. ANGELS PREDICTABLE: So I am watching on MLB.TV (which was free all this weekend, BTW -- I have the audio subscription but the TV has been free all weekend) the final innings of the Cleveland - Minnesota game. They post up on the screen the important IN PROGESS games and show Tampa Bay beating Toronto 7 to 6.........then they post the Angels game and show the score Texas 4, Angels 2 7th inning. I have the Cleveland game on my computer and the FSW telecast on the Halos/Texas game on TV........I'm looking at this on the computer screen and the Angels game where it the 6th inning and Texas has just scored to go up 3 to 2 and still have two guys on base......so figure.......ok, the TV telecast is a bit behind and this hitter gets a base hit to knock in the 4th Texas run.........NO. Guy gets out to end inning.......... about 15 minutes later its 7th inning, Texas 4, Angels 2. I guess we're way too predictable.
  7. we're it. Indians win. Tampa Bay won. Texas must win to force a playoff game Tuesday with Tampa Bay. Cleveland now rooting for Texas to win, I'm sure........want whichever team they play in ONE game playoff (one game playoff format stinks IMO) to be tired from traveling from either Texas or Tampa Bay to Cleveland.
  8. Starting gate (and pitching) stumbles ONCE Again. OR 'Hey, Halos, the season starts in April, not mid-May........."
  9. yeah, Francisco Rodney on the mound as Tampa Bay beats Toronto 7 to 6. Just watched the final out so don't know the line.......but the announcer was saying Rodney had made 31 pitches over an inning and a half so it sounds like another Rodney high wire act we're all famlliar with......... Let's beat Texas and knock 'em out......... Cleveland beating Minnesota 5 to 1 in the 8th.
  10. 0-0 after nine innings is NOT a no hitter, BTW...........Harvey Haddix of the Pittsburgh Pirates years ago had a perfect game through 11 or something and lost it in the 12th -- did not count as a no hitter or perfect game. The end to Alvarez's no hitter today was unusual, he was the on-deck hitter when the winning run scored giving him the official no-no. gives Miami something to cheer for.........can't understand why both the Florida and Miami MLB franchises have turned out to be real disappointments (not just the on field stuff -- although Florida did win a World Series a few years back and then the ownership pretty much dismantled the championship team during the off-season).........but the Florida based franchises have never really drawn well -- they did have lousy parks to play in initially, but now they have new parks........and attendance still weak......... perhaps they get enough up-close, smaller stadium type baseball in March down there............
  11. NHL starts up this week -- so things are looking up. New alignment ought to be interesting........ We don't have to play the darned Red Wngs as many times -- they're always tough. Meanwhile, I am watching the Halos/ Rangers game - hope we can hold this 1-0 lead - and listening to Cleveland/ Minnesota game. Ubaldo Jimenez, Cleveland starter has 11 K's through 7 innings........Indians lead 4-0. If they win today, they clinch the number 1 Wild Card Spot. Tampa Bay is winning something like 7 to 3 last update I heard -- so if Halos can knock off Texas here, Texas is OUT. Been a tough season for Halos fans and I've noticed the fall off here on the website, particularly as the obvious set in about late July. But still, as Geoff states, appreciative of all the work that goes into maintaining this site and the folks here. Thanks all. Next year.............(why do I feel so much like a Cubs fan as I type the 'next year' stuff...........?)
  12. well, the Halos are in Texas -- they should adjust Angel Talk to the way Texas does Rangers Talk...... Rangers Talk here, we'll have all the latest on this week's Cowboy's game and will keep you updated with today's Texas Longhorn game and all the college scores........in other news, Rangers are still in the wild card race.........we'll be back after the break with comments from Coach Mack Brown.......
  13. I had forgotten about this -- but in addition to the wild card spot being on the line, if Texas somehow sneaks into the playoffs with a win in tomorrow's game (and a sweep of our Halos to do it).........then Texas can look forward to the return of Nelson Cruz to their line-up and roster......... So the guy gets suspended 50 games and is back just in time for the show place of the season -- the playoffs. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.........oh well. If we can beat Texas tomorrow and Tampa Bay can hold on for a win, Nelson Cruz's next MLB game would be when it should be - 2014 Spring Training.
  14. the thought of Blanton pitching a 15 runs Complete Game .........LOL!!! aside from the fact that Sunday's game is going to be real important to Cleveland, Tampa Bay and Texas...........even if we were playing Houston, it wouldn't happen. the fact that Sunday's game is going to be very meaningful in the wild card playoff race may prevent one normal characteristic of these 'final' game of season games.......the normal slow pace of the average baseball game speeds up significantly as players bust their butt to get out of there and get started with their off-season activities........
  15. yeah, they previously offered him a pretty good sized multi-year contract extension which he turned down........he'd be fortunate to get even half of what was offered previously. Given the history, not sure if Giants can get this done. But then Linceum seems like the kind of guy who could probably walk away from the game, live on the money's he's made and be just fine with it all.
  16. as for wild pitches -- I think Rick Ankiel's performance as a starter (in the playoffs) for the St. Louis Cardinals is a memorable low light.........
  17. Kazmir seemed to have some awful 1 inning stats for us.......of course he's pitching today and leading 5 to 1 helping get Cleveland into the playoffs. But, geez, was he just awful for us as Scioscia was trying to give him every opportunity......... I'm amazed he's back in the game and being a somewhat effective, although very inconsistent, if you've tracked his starts for Cleveland, MLB pitcher. It seemed to me at the end of his time with the Halos, it wasn't exactly a physical issue - although he lost significant velocity -- it just seemed (IMO from watching him) that he lacked the desire to pitch.
  18. A big contract for a lot of years..........but Pence has been pretty much lights out this year........ it will be interesting to see where Lincecum lands........(pinstripes and not for a huge contract -- Lincecum turned a real big longer term contract/ extension from Giants down last off-season -- big mistake -- but Yankees or someone will likely over-pay for Lincecum on a one or two year deal with options).
  19. Yeah, the rats left the Big A ship a while back........perhaps that was a fore warning of what this season would be like........
  20. the worst part is that we're three games into a four game series and have yet to win ONE. The last two games were UGLY -- 4 errors by Texas last night, 5 errors by the Halos today. This season can't end soon enough. Tampa Bay lost today -- and to add insult to our injured season, KAZMIR and Cleveland are leading 5 to 1 in the 6th inning right now (Minnesota) and if they win today, they're pretty much in the driver's seat for one of the two wild card spots and will likely wind up as the number one wild card team. Tampa Bay and Joe Madden vs. Texas and Ron Washington for the final wild card spot..........who are the board members here rooting for?? Need we ask......it's unanimous, go Tampa Bay.
  21. Yes. we have rats. too. How would you like that cooked sir? Well done, medium or rare?
  22. you know like most of us, I love Chuck Richter and all he's done for us at Angelswin.com........ but CHUCKLES.......come on, EVERY ONE HERE MOANED when we signed Blanton. EVERY ONE thought we WAY over-paid and for TOO LONG...........MANY thought he would be a bust. The Hanson signing was really seen as nothing more than a flyer that might pay off and might not..........I don't think anyone expected Hanson to wind up at AAA in July/ August. as for DiPoto -- not sure who made the decision (am sure it wasn't Scioscia because it is contrary to his style of ball) but the shift of the Halos from a pitching/ defensive emphasis team to a offensive minded team sure flopped big time. Of course the clash in philosophies between DiPoto (a former pitcher but offense minded guy) vs. Scioscia (NL small ball guy all the way, pitching, defense and the running game) probably didn't help and then, of course, the injuries.........but go tell that to Billy Beane up the road a bit.
  23. Ratings listed for Houston/ Angels game on a Saturday in Texas...........duh? I'll bet the local junior college local football broadcast on cable had more viewers.............
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