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Everything posted by disarcina

  1. Otis Nixon not on the list? Amazing. then there was that guy from the Kansas City A's -- the 1965 or 66 card --- geez, he was all time ugly. All of Otis Nixon's cards were ugly.
  2. Probably saw that the hiring of DiSar blocks where he wants to go with the organization. Good pick up for the Tigers. Perhaps they could have him coach like Manny Mota did for the Dodgers -- for about two or three seasons after Manny Mota (one of the game's greatest pinch hitters) retired.......the Dodgers would add him to their September expanded roster..........the first time up after they did this, I remember he hit a clutch two run single against Houston that enabled the Dodgers to win a key game to keep them in the pennant chase (this was years ago -- perhaps about 1979-80). With Vizquel, the TIgers -- or who-ever, could add him to the roster to be a late inning defensive replacement at 2B (Vizquel, one of the best fielding SS's behind the all time great, OZZIE SMITH, doesn't have the range for SS at 42-43).
  3. I may regret this if it happens, but I wouldn't mind the Halos opening the wallet for Nathan. We had issues at closer last year, this would allow Nathan to close and to push Fieri (spelled wrong) to set up and allow the rest of the pen to provide some depth. Nathan was good for Texas this year in a tough ballpark to pitch in.
  4. Could work for the SF Giants...........Hudson pitched well for Atlanta last year until that horrendous ankle injury that he suffered. Let's see if that changes his delivery (shades of Dizzy Dean's injury way back when -- for most here -- Dean hurt his leg and changed his delivery to accommodate and it hurt his arm and effectively ended his pitching career). $23 million for two years.........not bad. a pretty good flyer...........
  5. Skanks pal of mine sent me an e-mail today saying he can't wait until the Halos sign Cano for 10 years at $300 million. I doubt Halos sign Cano, though. We've been burned by big contracts and have been beaten in the AL West by the small deal Oakland team. If we spend any big bucks this year it should be on a rotation guy or two (but we can't pay them more than what Weaver got with a hometown discount -- to do that would be an insult to Weaver). And then we could possibly offer a one plus one year type deal to a closer like Nathan....... If we could get a legitimate closer and push all the pen guys back an inning, that would work -- Frieri could be a set up guy and perhaps close now and then. I think who-ever we get for the role will do better than the 'answer' to the pen depth issue did last year -- Madsen.
  6. too much money --- I think we're done with those long term, high dollar deals........ Didn't the Oakland A's win the West the last two years? How many big dollar, long term contracts do they have??????
  7. Well, perhaps we can hope that Bengie will be a first base coach who is also tasked with teaching the Rangers how to run the base-paths.
  8. thanks for putting the date out there early.......much appreciated. our group is looking to be there later in ST. We like to be there for St. Paddy's Day and then for the first two rounds of the NCAA basketball tournament........adds to the excitement. So looks like we won't be able to make it that first week of ST for fanfest this year..........really enjoyed last year! Despite our group not being able to participate -- it's great that you've got the dates selected and announced.......that really helps folks to plan the time off and stuff.
  9. Stradling -- No one here on this board was excited when we got Vernon Wells............ almost everyone here felt it was another GMJ type signing which was also highly criticized here. today's LA Times has s listing of the top free agents available and their price tag(s).......Ervin Santana is listed at something ridiculous -- $75 million over 4 or 5 years......... I'd shy away from most of the ones asking for top dollar........let them wait it out and see the market plummet. Ricky Nolasco is on the list......yes, he won something like 8 games down the stretch and was a very good pick up for the Dogs (and many of us here said so at the time) -- but that was for a rental gig and the flyer taken was well worth it..........not sure if he's what was guesstimated as his 'value' in today's LA Times.......besides, Nolasco, after his string of wins down the stretch seemed to fade in the last month and was not really used as a starter in the playoffs...........
  10. Inside Pitch -- all I know about DiSar was that when he was in the line-up, the Angels were a better team.......that was proven in 1995 when the Halos with DiSar had a 10 game lead in mid-August. He went down with an injury and was out pretty much the rest of the season and during that time, the Halos plummeted out of first in the West only to fight back the last three games of the season to force a one game playoff against Seattle in a game played at the Kingdome.......that one game debacle still gives me nightmares........ DiSar was not the best SS, he was not the best hitter, but he was a great team guy and his team was better when he was on the field providing leadership.......
  11. ah, the "I don't want to walk once' all season quote........ I think DiSar did get quoted saying that but it was more in the sense of DiSar wanting to be an aggressive hitter at the plate and putting the ball in play whenever possible. He said that well before Vlad played for the team so once Vlad showed up as one of the best 'bad ball' hitters in baseball, I guess all was forgotten. I wouldn't hold that quote against DiSar......... I am sort of more interested in figuring out why he's bounced back and forth so many times between the Halos and BoSox organizations, the first two times it was clearly career advancement opportunities and getting experience in a different facet of the game......but now, this is the third or fourth time, you've got to wonder what's going on??? Well, on the plus side, his former organization always seems to want to take him back - so that's good sign..........but's it's been a real revolving door for him between the two organizations.........
  12. DISAR back with the Halos!! Good stuff. This could be part of the Scioscia succession plan......... Now DiSar has been back and forth between the BoSox and Angels organization several times now.......not sure what's going on there, but I'm hoping he sticks with us for a while this time. With the BoSox, primarily Pawtucket ('there once was a former Halos SS from Pawtucket..........") DiSar did everything from being the color commentator on the broadcast to being a player/coach at the end of his playing career, sort of a special assistant to the GM, he managed at Pawtucket..... But he bounced back and forth several times between being minor league player development director (I think with both organizations) and then most recently (about two years ago?) left a position as special assistant to the GM for the BoSox for another player development type position with the BoSox.......his departure here coincided with DiPoto's arrival so not sure what's changed, if anything, in that regard with the Halos........ ANYWAY, IT'S GREAT TO HAVE DiSAR back in the fold...........
  13. Two year deal at $21 million, perhaps a team option/ player buy out clause for year three....... But if we can't get Vargas in the mix for next season, this off-season's moves may mirror last year's.......... and what is really scary is that when a guy you really should sign and probably could sign for a not too over the top price (everything is over-priced these days) gets away from the Angels and then the off-season progresses and Spring Training is suddenly in sight, the Halos then react by making some real dumb, almost desperate looking signing to show 'hey, look what we've done' that ends up being a total disaster.......... Gary Matthews Jr., Vernon Wells, last year - Hamilton...... I thought the Vargas deal (combined with the Frieri (spelled wrong) were the better moves made the past two seasons......... Halos need some rotation and pen help..........Nathan is suddenly available and I'd try to sign him, even at his age, to a two year deal. He was lights out for Texas last year -- not sure why they are passing on him now........
  14. ah, yes.......I remember this. Frankie Rodriguez, indeed.
  15. perhaps he can replace Cano at 2B.......not sure if Jeter still has the range at SS........
  16. I would make a reasonable offer for him, perhaps a two year deal.......but I would not over-pay for him and I am pretty certain some other teams will be willing to over-pay to sign him.......... Not sure why Texas didn't make a qualifying offer..........seems to be a mistake IMO.
  17. 2014? More of the same from 2012, 2013?..................if we can't put together the dollars to keep Vargas........it means we're going to nickel and dime it with the rotation and pitching again this off-season..........we saw where that got us in 2013........ Too late now, but I would have offered Vargas arbitration and put forth a reasonable / modest increase over his current salary.......if Vargas over-reached and sought a very large amount, the Halos would be able to point out that Vargas' health remains a question mark and that he did spent a considerable amount of time on the DL in 2013.
  18. good choice......catchers and shortstops/ MIF make the best managers IMO. Notice that not too many former pitchers become managers these days - well, there is Bud Black........he's happy in San Diego but sort of stuck there with that franchise IMO -- wouldn't mind seeing him back in Anaheim.
  19. I like Harold Reynolds........think he does a pretty good job.......... I think he'd be a good replacement for McCarver.......... as for McCarver, he's had a good run, never thought he was the best but did think he's not been as good past several years -- but I think some of the rough criticism of him on the various posts is a little unfair......... still, he's a had a good run, time for someone new...........Reynolds is better than McCarver -- so that's an ungrade/ Not sure why some folks don't care for Reynolds.........I liked him as a player and think he does a good job at the sports commentator posts he's held (ESPN, MLB TV etc).
  20. The headline to this thread is likely the unanimous position of those who regularly post on Angelswin.com
  21. Imagine...............you are the 25th man on the 25 man playoff roster. You have a weak bat, weak arm, mediocre glove guy in the OF. You are very small of frame, physically. You are on the roster for maybe two things -- to Pinch Run and perhaps to get an AB for the purpose of laying down a sacrifice bunt. That's it. That's your role. You get paid the MLB minimum to do this. You get into a WORLD SERIES game as a PINCH RUNNER. It is a 4 to 2 game in the Ninth Inning. You are replacing a regular and one of the team's few power bats only because that player has sustained an injury and cannot run the bases. There's not much to do, you're not the tying run -- all you need to do is run if Beltran, perhaps the team's best hitter, gets a hit. That and one other thing you must NOT do -- DON'T GET PICKED OFF. You get PICKED OFF. YOU TAKE THE BAT OUT OF BELTRAN's HANDS WITH BELTRAN BEING THE POTENTIAL TYING RUN......... Can we get the bus back to the bush leagues here quick enough to take you back to AA ball --------NOW!
  22. yeah, according to Scioscia, Naps never could catch....... would you catch Napoli against a Cardinals team that would steal a base every time they got a guy on?
  23. well, I went to all of ONE game during the 2013 regular season -- St. Louis at Angels. July 4th.........pretty good ballgame........Halos won it in walk off fashion in the 9th, if I remember it right. I did go to several spring training games in March. probably do the same thing next year........too busy......... also.......am tired of getting a 20 game plan only to have the games I select for August/ September be duds because the Halos are out of it. Seems like the pre-2002 Halos.......oh well. Think a lot of Halos fans who purchased full season or mini-season ticket plans the past few years may be reconsidering.
  24. Well, as long as it's not the Halos, perhaps other MLB teams should GOPHER him. Santana pitched well this year. He pitched relatively well for us during his time in Anaheim. But he was very inconsistent and had a tendency to give up GOPHER BALLS on a fairly frequent basis.
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